dotnet / project-system

The .NET Project System for Visual Studio
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Converting Old-style .csproj to SDK-style project #9500

Open sator-imaging opened 2 weeks ago

sator-imaging commented 2 weeks ago


Another approach to the problem: #5551

Why I need to resolve the old-style csproj problem is that, In Unity game development, it exports old-style files. so some features are not supported on development.


When I try to change unity project header to <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">, it causes so many problems.

then, I change header to <Project Sdk=""> (empty string), it looks fine except for the warning shown below toolbar. I am not sure how Unity compiles C# assembly (I heard that unity doens't use msbuild), resulting .dll files also look fine.

so simply adding the "Do nothing" sdk could solve the old-style file problem.

<Project Sdk="EmptySdk.DoNothing">
    <!-- old-style csproj contains all of necessary information inside -->

User Impact

Especially for Unity development, Unity exports all .csproj files in same folder, so if SDK-style .csproj will try to collect .cs files from root directory implicitly, it will cause problem.

Unity Project Structure

julealgon commented 2 weeks ago

Isn't this much more of a Unity gap? IMHO they should be the ones changing what they are doing to something more standard that works with the modern .NET ecosystem.

sator-imaging commented 2 weeks ago

I agree modernization is the best, my request is temporary solution for a while.

Unity's Visual studio plugin changelog describes that "Adding support for SDK-Style..." but unfortunately, that feature is only activated when working with vscode. and also it is not actual sdk-style, project file header is set to <Project ToolsVersion="Current"> ie. Nullable property is not recognized by VS.