dotnet / roslyn-analyzers

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CA1805: Do not initialize unnecessarily is suppressed when any attribute is applied to the member #7341

Open solah1701 opened 6 days ago

solah1701 commented 6 days ago

For testing of scenarios, a suppression for IDE0044 was applied to this member in order to test that CA1805 was being successfully triggered, however in doing so, CA1805 was also being suppressed:

        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("CodeQuality", "IDE0051:Remove unused private members", Justification = "Used for testing CA1805")]
    class CA1805
        //CA1805:Do not initialize unnecessarily
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0044:Add readonly modifier", Justification = "Used for testing CA1805")]
        int _value1 = 0;
        //CA1805:Do not initialize unnecessarily
        static readonly int _value2 = 0;

The comment within your source indicates that attributes are excluded in case they impact nullability analysis, however even scalar attributes are now impacted by this approach

Is it possible restrict only attributes which do impact nullability analysis?