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Enable multiline expression evaluator editing #13063

Open davidroth opened 7 years ago

davidroth commented 7 years ago

Now that VS2015 allows to evaluate linq queries in expression evaluator windows, I quite often find myself being frustrated that editing of copy&pasted multiline expression is not supported.

Lets say I have this simple linq query and I set a breakpoint:

(from company in companies
where !company.IsLocked
select company)

If I copy&paste this into expression evaluator I only see the first line (from company in context.Set<Company>() in its single line text edit.

Two problems:


Expected Behaviour

Please remove the single-line textedit and add a multiline text edit with auto-grow instead, so that one can see the full statement + edit multiline statements.

mafshin commented 7 years ago

@davidroth , you just told what was my pain. Countless times I faced this issue and it's very annoying while debugging.

bkoelman commented 7 years ago

I wonder if replacing each line break with a single space during paste would work in all cases...

davidroth commented 5 years ago

@Pilchie Is this anywhere near on the release radar? Its a pain to use and even jetbrain rider has support for multi-line expression debugging.

TPIvan commented 2 years ago

Is there any progress on this?