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Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. #24939

Open abhijitparkhi1983 opened 6 years ago

abhijitparkhi1983 commented 6 years ago

Version Used: 2.6.1

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. We are using Roslyn for opening .csproj using following code:
    public bool Run(string projectPath) //.csproj file path
           using (var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create())
                currentProject = workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectPath).Result;
                workspace.LoadMetadataForReferencedProjects = true;
                return RunProject(currentProject);
       catch(OutOfMemoryException ex)
  2. We call the Run method above in a foreach loop where we run around 100's of .csproj one by one.
  3. But we randomly get following exception on line workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectPath).Result;
System.AggregateException occurred
  Message=One or more errors occurred.
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
       at Acellere.Corona.CSharp.Analysis.ProjectAnalyser.AnalyzeComponent(String projectPath) in D:\Abhijit\Corona_SourceCode\csparser\src\main\CSParser\CSharpLangProcessor.Analysis\ProjectAnalyser.cs:line 113
       Message=Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
            at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr cb)
            at System.Reflection.Internal.StreamMemoryBlockProvider.ReadMemoryBlockNoLock(Stream stream, Boolean isFileStream, Int64 start, Int32 size)
            at System.Reflection.PortableExecutable.PEReader..ctor(Stream peStream, PEStreamOptions options, Int32 size)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ModuleMetadata.CreateFromStream(Stream peStream, PEStreamOptions options)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(String path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, DocumentationProvider documentation)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.MetadataServiceFactory.Service.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<.ctor>b__0(String path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.MetadataReferenceCache.ReferenceSet.GetAddOrUpdate(String path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.MetadataReferenceCache.GetReference(String path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.MetadataServiceFactory.Service.GetReference(String resolvedPath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.WorkspaceMetadataFileReferenceResolver.ResolveReference(String reference, String baseFilePath, MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CommandLineArguments.ResolveMetadataReference(CommandLineReference cmdReference, MetadataReferenceResolver metadataResolver, List`1 diagnosticsOpt, CommonMessageProvider messageProviderOpt)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CommandLineArguments.ResolveMetadataReferences(MetadataReferenceResolver metadataResolver, List`1 diagnosticsOpt, CommonMessageProvider messageProviderOpt, List`1 resolved)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CommandLineArguments.ResolveMetadataReferences(MetadataReferenceResolver metadataResolver)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild.MSBuildProjectLoader.<LoadProjectAsync>d__23.MoveNext()
            at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
            at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild.MSBuildProjectLoader.<LoadProjectInfoAsync>d__20.MoveNext()
            at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
            at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
            at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild.MSBuildWorkspace.<OpenProjectAsync>d__23.MoveNext()

Expected Behavior: The exception should not come and the project should open with workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectPath).Result; code.

Actual Behavior: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.

jcouv commented 6 years ago

@abhijitparkhi1983 Could you share the repro project that contains this code? (clean it, zip it and attach it to this issue) Thanks

abhijitparkhi1983 commented 6 years ago

Sorry @jcouv , i wont be able to share a repro project because its a IP code. It will be helpful if I can get few pointers

GPSnoopy commented 4 years ago

We are encountering the same problem, large scale!

Looking at the stack trace, I noticed that the allocated memory is non-managed. Therefore wondering whether the GC is correctly aware of this memory pressure.

Looking at the source code:

It looks like the allocation does not call GC.AddMemoryPressure(). I believe that's why the call can run out of memory, even though there is plenty of memory left had the GC run.

@DustinCampbell ?

sharwell commented 4 years ago

This is the same situation we encountered here:

GPSnoopy commented 4 years ago

Note that we are using Roslyn to compile autogenerated C# code inside our application.

System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr cb)

Full stack trace:
   at DPFM.QTG.Config.ConfigApplication.TerminateOnNastyExceptionHandler(Object sender, FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs args)
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr cb)
   at System.Reflection.Internal.NativeHeapMemoryBlock.DisposableData..ctor(Int32 size)
   at System.Reflection.Internal.StreamMemoryBlockProvider.ReadMemoryBlockNoLock(Stream stream, Boolean isFileStream, Int64 start, Int32 size)
   at System.Reflection.PortableExecutable.PEReader..ctor(Stream peStream, PEStreamOptions options, Int32 size)
   at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ModuleMetadata.CreateFromStream(Stream peStream, PEStreamOptions options)
   at Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(String path, MetadataReferenceProperties properties, DocumentationProvider documentation)
GPSnoopy commented 4 years ago

Thanks @sharwell. Your workaround worked for us!

I still think that the proper fix is for NativeHeapMemoryBlock to call GC.AddMemoryPressure() and GC.RemoveMemoryPressure().

In fact, I cannot see any reason why one would ever call Marshal.AllocHGlobal() and not call GC.AddMemoryPressure(). To the point that one might wonder why AllocHGlobal() doesn't do that by default.

Since the code for NativeHeapMemoryBlock now lives in .NET Core Runtime, I have opened

GPSnoopy commented 4 years ago

Further talk on the dotnet issue seems to imply that the problem is with Roslyn not exposing the Dispose methods when calling MeatadataReference.CreateFromStream and relying on the finalizers instead, which is not reliable.

Instead I've followed the documentation here:

In particular:

The method eagerly reads the entire content of peStream into native heap. The native memory block is released when the resulting reference becomes unreachable and GC collects it. To decrease memory footprint of the reference and/or manage the lifetime deterministically use CreateFromStream(Stream, PEStreamOptions) to create an IDisposable metadata object and GetReference(DocumentationProvider, ImmutableArray, Boolean, String, String) to get a reference to it.

For example (where AssemblyMetadataList is a disposable collection):

        private static MetadataReference MetadataReferenceCreateFromFile(AssemblyMetadataList list, string filePath)
            //return MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(filePath);
            var assemblyMetadata = AssemblyMetadata.CreateFromFile(filePath);
            return assemblyMetadata.GetReference(filePath: filePath);
dave-yotta commented 4 years ago

We are getting similar issues with rising memory on a webapi, we are using CSharpCompilation.CompileScript and Script.CreateDelegate. I did see the problems with assemblies being created for each script, but using the new AssemblyLoadContext.Unload solves that.

But testing memory usage by calling the endpoint repeatedly, it seems the GC is having a hard time. This is probabbly due to missing calls in roslyn to GC.AddMemoryPressure (topping out at 3gb there):

(gray: unmanaged, blue: Gen0, red: Gen1, green: Gen2)


I added GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true) at the end of the roslyn section, and it "looks better": image

But calling the GC like this is sketchy - it would be better if you could add the appropriate memory pressure to the GC.

I am going to trust the GC - it does eventually collect when the stars align, but I wonder how the GC would behave if it knew the memory was spiking between 0.5 and 5gb (unmanaged) rather than the 40->200mb (managed) it is currently seeing.


birojnayak commented 1 year ago

hitting same issue... once the modules are loaded to memory, there is no direct way to call Dispose on assembly metada... causing lots of unmanaged memory sitting for long....

dave-yotta commented 1 year ago

Believe the solution here is for roslyn to use corresponding to the amount of unmanaged memory, because it doesn't look like it wants to do a GC.

birojnayak commented 1 year ago

ok.. temporarily I used a dirty hack(don't recommend) to get the AssemblyMetaData from compilationunit and explicitly disposing it... hoping to see a better solution inside the the roslyn

dave-yotta commented 1 year ago

@birojnayak you may want to check if you are holding any references to the assemblyloadcontext which will keep it alive when disposed - I had a list of assemblies it loaded in there which weren't disposed when the Unload was called, see here: