Currently C# interactive work perfect but it's need a little enhancement so it can be more great.
Let's make C# interactive great again.
If I have RestCleint in my project (for example)
I must be able to write
r RestClient or dll name to register the package. This command will find dll in bin folder and register it. currently typing full path a little bit hard to follow.
User should be able to use all the namespace that is aviliable on the project for example
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
this will work but not if I enter restclient.
If any doubt, let me know I can help on giving more detail on this improvement.
Currently C# interactive work perfect but it's need a little enhancement so it can be more great.
Let's make C# interactive great again.
I must be able to write
r RestClient or dll name to register the package. This command will find dll in bin folder and register it. currently typing full path a little bit hard to follow.
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
this will work but not if I enter restclient.
If any doubt, let me know I can help on giving more detail on this improvement.
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