[20:23:20] info: Error: failed to run main module `dotnet.wasm`
[20:23:20] info:
[20:23:20] info: Caused by:
[20:23:20] info: 0: failed to invoke `run` function
[20:23:20] info: 1: error while executing at wasm backtrace:
[20:23:20] info: 0: 0x38db25 - wit-component:shim!indirect-wasi:io/poll@0.2.0-poll
[20:23:20] info: 1: 0x23f38 - <unknown>!<wasm function 311>
[20:23:20] info: 2: 0x22950 - <unknown>!<wasm function 286>
[20:23:20] info: 3: 0x1222b - <unknown>!<wasm function 234>
[20:23:20] info: 4: 0x10e6f - <unknown>!<wasm function 233>
[20:23:20] info: 5: 0x13d96a - <unknown>!<wasm function 4274>
[20:23:20] info: 6: 0xfd1c6 - <unknown>!<wasm function 3199>
[20:23:20] info: 7: 0xfdcc7 - <unknown>!<wasm function 3208>
[20:23:20] info: 8: 0x102b08 - <unknown>!<wasm function 3281>
[20:23:20] info: 9: 0x1024e3 - <unknown>!<wasm function 3278>
[20:23:20] info: 10: 0xf566 - <unknown>!<wasm function 199>
[20:23:20] info: 11: 0x2947be - <unknown>!<wasm function 11646>
[20:23:20] info: 12: 0xaadf - <unknown>!<wasm function 129>
[20:23:20] info: 13: 0x38557a - wit-component:adapter:wasi_snapshot_preview1!wasi:cli/run@0.2.0#run
[20:23:20] info: 2: unknown handle index 0
[20:23:20] info: Process wasmtime.exe exited with 1
[20:23:20] info: Waiting to flush log messages with a timeout of 120 secs ..
[20:23:20] fail: Application has finished with exit code 1 but 0 was expected
XHarness exit code: 71 (GENERAL_FAILURE)
Known issue validation
Build: :mag_right:https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=835727Error message validated:[info: Starting: managed/System.Net.Sockets.Tests.dll Error: failed to run main moduledotnet.wasm``]
Result validation: :white_check_mark: Known issue matched with the provided build.
Validation performed at: 10/9/2024 8:38:46 PM UTC
Build Information
Build: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/cbb18261-c48f-4abb-8651-8cdcb5474649/_build/results?buildId=835727 Build error leg or test failing: System.Net.Sockets.Tests.WorkItemExecution Pull request: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/108718
Error Message
Fill the error message using step by step known issues guidance.
Known issue validation
Build: :mag_right: https://dev.azure.com/dnceng-public/public/_build/results?buildId=835727 Error message validated:
[info: Starting: managed/System.Net.Sockets.Tests.dll Error: failed to run main module
dotnet.wasm``] Result validation: :white_check_mark: Known issue matched with the provided build. Validation performed at: 10/9/2024 8:38:46 PM UTCReport