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Proposal: Add Task-based Run API for System.Diagnostics.Process #18697

Open agocke opened 8 years ago

agocke commented 8 years ago

The Exited event API is cumbersome for 99% of the way I use processes (run external command, get output when exited). I end up writing a Task-based wrapper every time. It would be great if we could just add an API for that.


Other similar issues:

davidfowl commented 8 years ago

Yes! I always end up writing this.

stephentoub commented 8 years ago

@agocke, can you propose what you'd want the API to look like? Are you asking for a method like:

public Task<int> WaitForExitAsync();

or one like:

public static Task<Process> StartAndWaitForExitAsync(ProcessStartInfo startInfo);

or both or something else?

svick commented 8 years ago

Since this would be a convenience API, I think it:

Because of that, the API that I would like to see would be something like:

public class Process
    public static Task<ProcessResult> RunAsync(string fileName);
    public static Task<ProcessResult> RunAsync(string fileName, string arguments);

    // OR:
    public static Task<ProcessResult> RunAsync(string fileName, string arguments = null);

public class ProcessResult
    public ProcessResult(int exitCode, string standardOutput, string standardError);

    public int ExitCode { get; }
    public string StandardOutput { get; }
    public string StandardError { get; }

This way, it's very easy to start a process, wait for it to exit and then get its output.

My questions:

agocke commented 8 years ago

I like @svick's proposal. A few more arguments that could be useful: working directory, environment variables, and "standard in" text.

We have a Roslyn test helper that looks like this:

        public static ProcessResult Run(
            string fileName,
            string arguments,
            string workingDirectory = null,
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> additionalEnvironmentVars = null,
            string stdInput = null)
davidfowl commented 8 years ago

Is always capturing both StandardOutput and StandardError into a string acceptable? If not, how should it be controlled?

I think these should be Streams/Writer/Reader instead of strings. The more I think about it, the more I think there needs to be 2 sets of methods:

svick commented 8 years ago

@davidfowl Why would StartAsync need to be async? If that was the convenience version that returns something like ProcessResult, wouldn't calling it StartAsync/Start be confusing, since the existing Start returns something different (Process)?

MattKotsenas commented 5 years ago

Hey everyone, I started to take a look at this issue, and I have an initial proposal and a few additional thoughts.

I think WaitForExitAsync is a pretty straightforward building block API that’s relatively easy to understand and use correctly. I have a version available here: feature/12039-process-waitforexitasync. I can PR it ASAP if people agree. Here's the proposed API:

public partial class Process
    public Task<bool> WaitForExitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { throw null; }

Rationale for the API is as follows:

Design notes:

@davidfowl, I’d like to know more about your thoughts around StartAsync and StartAndWaitForExitAsync? As @svick mentioned, Start and StartAsync seems confusing to me, since in both cases the process is just started and doesn’t block the thread.

I started playing around with a StartAndWaitForExitAsync, but I’ve run into a roadblock around how to handle input and output.

  1. Doing something like @svick’s ProcessResult that returns Readers / Writers could result in deadlocks for large inputs, unless the API copies output to another buffer that we control, which feels bad for perf.
  2. Looking at usage across places like StackOverflow, lots of people are using the input / output buffers as an ad-hoc communication protocol and need to interleave writes to StandardInput based on the results of the previous data read from StandardOutput. That means an API like this might be limited to simple "start-and-wait-without-interaction" scenarios, in which case it doesn’t gain much over process.Start(); await process.WaitForExitAsync();.

The best I’ve come up with so far is this feature/12039-process-startandwaitforexitasync.

public partial class Process
    public Task<Process> StartAndWaitForExitAsync(Action<string> onStandardOutputWrite = null, Action<string> onStandardErrorWrite = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { throw null; }

Rationale and design notes for the API is as follows:

Again, I’m not super thrilled with this design, so if we feel it’s important I want to discuss what use cases we’re after. The Process class already has a fair bit of “call this before you use that or it breaks” style pitfalls that I’d like to avoid contributing to.

If there’s anything else, or if you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks!

MattKotsenas commented 5 years ago

Since this issue is pretty stale, I'm pinging @wtgodbe, @krwq, as area owners per this document to hopefully get the discussion started again.

If there's another more appropriate place or method to discuss this, please let me know. Thanks!

krwq commented 5 years ago

@MattKotsenas I don't see a point of returning a bool for WaitForExitAsync, I think Task<int> or just Task makes more sense.. If process has exited then Task will be completed otherwise it won't. If you want to finish waiting earlier then you request cancellation and still can check if cancellation happened earlier than normal completion. As for StartAsync I can see how in many cases you want to just run short-living process and get the exit code and get output and possibly write some output.

Possibly StartAsync could take StreamWriter/StreamReader or just Stream for each of stdout, stderr and stdin and basically give Process class sole control of them until it is done. I.e. if you pass Console.OpenStandardOutput() to that it would start printing to standard output - null would mean you don't want to redirect.

MattKotsenas commented 5 years ago

@krwq I agree that just Task makes the most sense for WaitForExitAsync; it more naturally follows idiomatic async / await coding styles. I've updated my branch feature/12039-process-waitforexitasync with the updated API signature and tests to show some example uses.

Now instead of checking the bool, the caller can explicity check process.HasExited for process status, and for cancellation either catch the OperationCanceledException or check the task's IsCanceled property.

To keep things simple, mind if we just focus on WaitForExitAsync for now, and come back to the "start and wait for exit async" once the first API is settled?

krwq commented 5 years ago

Sounds good to me. WaitForExitAsync is fairly agreed on while the StartAsync still has some open ends.

Let's perhaps create a separate issue for WaitForExitAsync and I'll update the first post here with the link to that.

MattKotsenas commented 5 years ago

@krwq Opened dotnet/corefx#34689 to split off WaitForExitAsync. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

GSPP commented 5 years ago

I made a proposal for a more convenient process API a while ago:

There is a lot of overlap with svick's proposal but also some alternative ideas.

krwq commented 5 years ago

@GSPP thanks for linking to this issue, I've edited the first post so it doesn't get lost.

NicolasDorier commented 3 years ago

For those stuck, I am currently copy/pasting this class in almost all my projects when I have to deal with Process.

FrankPalmieri commented 2 years ago

There are two projects on github: RunProcessAsTask and CliWrap which provide similar functionality - I prefer RunProcessAsTask and have been using in production for a few years - seems like a pretty straightforward extension to the current Process class.