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Improve the performance of the System.Numerics.Vector types #20665

Closed tannergooding closed 4 years ago

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

The System.Numerics.Vector types are currently implemented as intrinsics in the CoreCLR. However, the perf in some cases is not ideal (especially around load/store for Vector3 and Vector2).

These scenarios should be investigated and improved. I believe that targeting comparable performance to the DirectXMath implementation is a reasonable goal here (it is also implemented entirely in intrinsics, but in C/C++).

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

FYI. @mellinoe, @DrewScoggins

mellinoe commented 7 years ago

Definitely a valuable goal, although the majority of the work here will be in improving the SIMD codegen, and potentially the codegen around the new MathF intrinsics.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

So looking at Vector2 and Vector3, it seems the primary 'perf' issue with load/store is that we don't treat them as 16-byte structures.

This is good for keeping memory allocations small, but it is bad for perf (because we end up doing multiple read/writes instead of a single read/write).

For something simple like var result = VectorXValue we produce the following: Vector2:

mov         rax,1A0685B7918h  
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
vmovsd      xmm0,qword ptr [rax+8]  
vmovsd      qword ptr [rbp+50h],xmm0  


mov         rax,1A0685B7930h  
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
lea         rax,[rax+8]  
vmovss      xmm0,dword ptr [rax+8]  
vmovsd      xmm1,qword ptr [rax]  
vshufps     xmm1,xmm1,xmm0,44h  
vmovapd     xmmword ptr [rbp+60h],xmm1


mov         rax,1A0685B7948h  
mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]  
vmovupd     xmm0,xmmword ptr [rax+8]  
vmovapd     xmmword ptr [rbp+60h],xmm0  
tannergooding commented 7 years ago

We would probably see a pretty big win here if we treat Vector3 and Vector4 as 16-byte structures. Most operations will end up touching the extra registers, but can trivaially be masked out of operations where it matters (such as equality checks).

For example, DirectXMath implements equality as follows (in all cases FXMVECTOR is __m128): Vector2

inline bool XM_CALLCONV XMVector2Equal
#if defined(_XM_NO_INTRINSICS_)
    return (((V1.vector4_f32[0] == V2.vector4_f32[0]) && (V1.vector4_f32[1] == V2.vector4_f32[1])) != 0);
#elif defined(_XM_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS_)
    uint32x2_t vTemp = vceq_f32( vget_low_f32(V1), vget_low_f32(V2) );
    return ( vget_lane_u64( vTemp, 0 ) == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU );
#elif defined(_XM_SSE_INTRINSICS_)
    XMVECTOR vTemp = _mm_cmpeq_ps(V1,V2);
// z and w are don't care
    return (((_mm_movemask_ps(vTemp)&3)==3) != 0);


inline bool XM_CALLCONV XMVector3Equal
#if defined(_XM_NO_INTRINSICS_)
    return (((V1.vector4_f32[0] == V2.vector4_f32[0]) && (V1.vector4_f32[1] == V2.vector4_f32[1]) && (V1.vector4_f32[2] == V2.vector4_f32[2])) != 0);
#elif defined(_XM_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS_)
    uint32x4_t vResult = vceqq_f32( V1, V2 );
    int8x8x2_t vTemp = vzip_u8(vget_low_u8(vResult), vget_high_u8(vResult));
    vTemp = vzip_u16(vTemp.val[0], vTemp.val[1]);
    return ( (vget_lane_u32(vTemp.val[1], 1) & 0xFFFFFFU) == 0xFFFFFFU );
#elif defined(_XM_SSE_INTRINSICS_)
    XMVECTOR vTemp = _mm_cmpeq_ps(V1,V2);
    return (((_mm_movemask_ps(vTemp)&7)==7) != 0);


inline bool XM_CALLCONV XMVector4Equal
#if defined(_XM_NO_INTRINSICS_)
    return (((V1.vector4_f32[0] == V2.vector4_f32[0]) && (V1.vector4_f32[1] == V2.vector4_f32[1]) && (V1.vector4_f32[2] == V2.vector4_f32[2]) && (V1.vector4_f32[3] == V2.vector4_f32[3])) != 0);
#elif defined(_XM_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS_)
    uint32x4_t vResult = vceqq_f32( V1, V2 );
    int8x8x2_t vTemp = vzip_u8(vget_low_u8(vResult), vget_high_u8(vResult));
    vTemp = vzip_u16(vTemp.val[0], vTemp.val[1]);
    return ( vget_lane_u32(vTemp.val[1], 1) == 0xFFFFFFFFU );
#elif defined(_XM_SSE_INTRINSICS_)
    XMVECTOR vTemp = _mm_cmpeq_ps(V1,V2);
    return ((_mm_movemask_ps(vTemp)==0x0f) != 0);
    return XMComparisonAllTrue(XMVector4EqualR(V1, V2));
tannergooding commented 7 years ago

It also has a convention for two different types of load. An efficient one, that assumes the read is 16-bytes, and a slow read that assumes it is the size of the data structure (12-bytes for Vector3). Read 12-bytes as Vector3

    const XMFLOAT3* pSource
#if defined(_XM_NO_INTRINSICS_)
    V.vector4_f32[0] = pSource->x;
    V.vector4_f32[1] = pSource->y;
    V.vector4_f32[2] = pSource->z;
    V.vector4_f32[3] = 0.f;
    return V;
#elif defined(_XM_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS_)
    float32x2_t x = vld1_f32( reinterpret_cast<const float*>(pSource) );
    float32x2_t zero = vdup_n_f32(0);
    float32x2_t y = vld1_lane_f32( reinterpret_cast<const float*>(pSource)+2, zero, 0 );
    return vcombine_f32( x, y );
#elif defined(_XM_SSE_INTRINSICS_)
    __m128 x = _mm_load_ss( &pSource->x );
    __m128 y = _mm_load_ss( &pSource->y );
    __m128 z = _mm_load_ss( &pSource->z );
    __m128 xy = _mm_unpacklo_ps( x, y );
    return _mm_movelh_ps( xy, z );

Read 16-bytes as Vector3

    const XMFLOAT3A* pSource
    assert(((uintptr_t)pSource & 0xF) == 0);
#if defined(_XM_NO_INTRINSICS_)
    V.vector4_f32[0] = pSource->x;
    V.vector4_f32[1] = pSource->y;
    V.vector4_f32[2] = pSource->z;
    V.vector4_f32[3] = 0.f;
    return V;
#elif defined(_XM_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS_)
    // Reads an extra float which is zero'd
    float32x4_t V = vld1q_f32_ex( reinterpret_cast<const float*>(pSource), 128 );
    return vsetq_lane_f32( 0, V, 3 );
#elif defined(_XM_SSE_INTRINSICS_)
    // Reads an extra float which is zero'd
    __m128 V = _mm_load_ps( &pSource->x );
    return _mm_and_ps( V, g_XMMask3 );
tannergooding commented 7 years ago

We are using movapd instead of movaps, which is not ideal. The Intel Architectures Optimization Manual ( recommends:

When floating-point operations are bitwise equivalent, use PS data type instead of PD data type. MOVAPS and MOVAPD do the same thing, but MOVAPS takes one less byte to encode the instruction

There are a plethora of other optimization details recommended for fully utilizing the SIMD throughput (including recommendations for exactly how to do partial load/stores).

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

I think these are probably the core optimization rules for handling load/store of SIMD types:

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 43. (M impact, ML generality) Avoid introducing dependences with partial floating-point register writes, e.g. from the MOVSD XMMREG1, XMMREG2 instruction. Use the MOVAPD XMMREG1, XMMREG2 instruction instead. The MOVSD XMMREG, MEM instruction writes all 128 bits and breaks a dependence. The MOVUPD from memory instruction performs two 64-bit loads, but requires additional µops to adjust the address and combine the loads into a single register. This same functionality can be obtained using MOVSD XMMREG1, MEM; MOVSD XMMREG2, MEM+8; UNPCKLPD XMMREG1, XMMREG2, which uses fewer µops and can be packed into the trace cache more effectively. The latter alternative has been found to provide a several percent performance improvement in some cases. Its encoding requires more instruction bytes, but this is seldom an issue for the Pentium 4 processor. The store version of MOVUPD is complex and slow, so much so that the sequence with two MOVSD and a UNPCKHPD should always be used.

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 44. (ML impact, L generality) Instead of using MOVUPD XMMREG1, MEM for a unaligned 128-bit load, use MOVSD XMMREG1, MEM; MOVSD XMMREG2, MEM+8; UNPCKLPD XMMREG1, XMMREG2. If the additional register is not available, then use MOVSD XMMREG1, MEM; MOVHPD XMMREG1, MEM+8.

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 45. (M impact, ML generality) Instead of using MOVUPD MEM, XMMREG1 for a store, use MOVSD MEM, XMMREG1; UNPCKHPD XMMREG1, XMMREG1; MOVSD MEM+8, XMMREG1 instead.

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 46. (H impact, H generality) Align data on natural operand size address boundaries. If the data will be accessed with vector instruction loads and stores, align the data on 16-byte boundaries.

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 50. (H impact, ML generality) If it is necessary to extract a nonaligned portion of stored data, read out the smallest aligned portion that completely contains the data and shift/mask the data as necessary. This is better than incurring the penalties of a failed storeforward.

Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 51. (MH impact, ML generality) Avoid several small loads after large stores to the same area of memory by using a single large read and register copies as needed.

Functions that use Streaming SIMD Extensions or Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 data need to provide a 16-byte aligned stack frame.

All branch targets should be 16-byte aligned.

DrewScoggins commented 7 years ago

Adding @dotnet/jit-contrib and @russellhadley

BruceForstall commented 7 years ago

We can't write a Vector3 as 16 bytes because the struct is defines as only 12 bytes in size. If it is a member of a struct, we would overwrite what follows. We can't read past 12 bytes, either, if that might cross a page boundary.

For local variables, the JIT does read/write Vector3 as 16 bytes.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@BruceForstall, but there is no reason why Vector3 can't be internally implemented as a 16-byte structure so we receive the full perf benefits of doing so.

For something as simple as adding two vectors together, Vector3 is currently 1.3x slower on the perf test (and Vector2 is marginally slower from that as well).

If there is some legitimate concern that someone has taken a dependency on the fact that Vector3 is 12 bytes (and those concerns are great enough to outweigh the perf benefits here). Then, I would argue that we investigate other ways to mitigate this issue for users who do care about the performance here.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

One such way to provide a perf increase would be to provide a set of extension methods on Vector4 that treat it as a Vector2 or Vector3. These instructions would still be backed by intrinsics, but would require the user to explicitly opt into the functionality (either by referencing an additional assembly or by importing some special namespace that includes these extension methods).

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

and by internally implemented, I mean that today it is implemented as follows:

public struct Vector3
    public float X;
    public float Y;
    public float Z;

Changing the structure to the following would allow us to load/store as 16-bytes and still only allow the user to access the W component.

public struct Vector3
    public float X;
    public float Y;
    public float Z;
    private float W;

The only concern from this modification is that some user has hard-coded that the size of Vector3 is 12-bytes. However, I believe the overall perf-benefits of such a change would outweigh these concerns.

sivarv commented 7 years ago

@tannergooding - The very initial implementation of Vector3 was a 16-byte struct. When we checked with a dev from Unity GameEngine and also with XNA graphics library folks, they have strongly indicated to us that for using Vector3 it has to be exactly of 12-bytes in length. The reason is that their libraries have a version of Vector3, that is used in interop and to facilitate adoption by these customers we had to make it 12-bytes struct. These customers do understand loss of performance being a 12-byte struct. If the customer is worried about performance he/she can use Vector4 as if it were a Vector3.
@mellinoe - can provide more historical context here.

Btw, Vector4 has a constructor that takes a Vector2 and two floats or a Vector3 and one additional float and constructs a Vector4. Those customers who are performance conscious can use these constructors and perform all operations as if it were a Vector4.

As @BruceForstall mentioned, JIT does consider it as a 16-byte struct if it is a local var allocated on stack. and provides some perf benefit in Vector3/Vector2 case.

mellinoe commented 7 years ago

Many applications of Vector3 require it to be an actual 12-byte struct (graphics programming mainly). It would essentially be unusable if it were 16-bytes in storage size. We can do optimization tricks where the difference is unobservable (and we already do some of those), but Vector3 does fundamentally need to be 12 bytes in length.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

Many applications of Vector3 require it to be an actual 12-byte struct (graphics programming mainly).

I somewhat disagree with this statement. Native multimedia applications (including graphics programming) work completely fine with 16-byte structs (just look at the DirectXMath library, where all the functions operate on FXMVECTOR, which is 16-bytes).

As for existing managed frameworks (such as Unity and XNA) I would say that this is an implementation detail on their end, and was likely done to save space since their wasn't any intrinsic support to go off initially.

That being said, since we can't just modify the structs to make them 'better', then I think we need an alternative story.

For example, while Vector4 does have constructors that take a Vector2 and Vector3, these also require the user to pass in the "missing" components (they could be assumed to be 0 by default).

Vector4 also doesn't expose some Vector3 specific functions, such as Cross or have general function implementations that say "Do this function as if I were a Vector3" (in all cases, it uses all four fields, rather than ignoring any additional components -- DirectXMath, for example, does ignore any additional components in its checks).

. . .

Realistically, I think the most optimal solution would be to provide a VectorIntrinsic class that exposed raw intrinsics and allowed the user to write their own implementations. For example, C++ exposes __m128 _mm_add_ps(__m128, __m128), there is really no reason why we couldn't have PackedSingle VectorIntrinsic.AddPackedSingle(PackedSingle, PackedSingle) (or something to that effect).

Users could then implement math libraries to suit their own needs and their own types, even modifying their existing types to be more-performant without breaking back-compat.

benaadams commented 7 years ago

Increasing in memory struct size (vs register) would cause issues with interop on packing with arrays of them.

mikedn commented 7 years ago

but there is no reason why Vector3 can't be internally implemented as a 16-byte structure so we receive the full perf benefits of doing so.

Maybe I'm missing something but that's already the case. A Vector3 ends up in a SSE register and most operations are as if it was a Vector4 - you get addps, mulps and so on.

In terms of storage size, yes, it has 12 bytes and not 16. That results in rather inefficient load/stores and coupled with the lack of optimizations that can result in messy code. For example:

p.v1 = p.v2 / p.v3 + p.v2 * p.v3;


00007FFA6A630823 48 8D 50 18          lea         rdx,[rax+18h]  
00007FFA6A630827 C4 E1 7A 10 4A 08    vmovss      xmm1,dword ptr [rdx+8]  
00007FFA6A63082D C4 E1 7B 10 02       vmovsd      xmm0,qword ptr [rdx]  
00007FFA6A630832 C4 E1 78 C6 C1 44    vshufps     xmm0,xmm0,xmm1,44h  
00007FFA6A630838 48 8D 50 28          lea         rdx,[rax+28h]  
00007FFA6A63083C C4 E1 7A 10 52 08    vmovss      xmm2,dword ptr [rdx+8]  
00007FFA6A630842 C4 E1 7B 10 0A       vmovsd      xmm1,qword ptr [rdx]  
00007FFA6A630847 C4 E1 70 C6 CA 44    vshufps     xmm1,xmm1,xmm2,44h  
00007FFA6A63084D C4 E1 78 59 C1       vmulps      xmm0,xmm0,xmm1  
00007FFA6A630852 48 8D 50 18          lea         rdx,[rax+18h]  
00007FFA6A630856 C4 E1 7A 10 52 08    vmovss      xmm2,dword ptr [rdx+8]  
00007FFA6A63085C C4 E1 7B 10 0A       vmovsd      xmm1,qword ptr [rdx]  
00007FFA6A630861 C4 E1 70 C6 CA 44    vshufps     xmm1,xmm1,xmm2,44h  
00007FFA6A630867 48 8D 50 28          lea         rdx,[rax+28h]  
00007FFA6A63086B C4 E1 7A 10 5A 08    vmovss      xmm3,dword ptr [rdx+8]  
00007FFA6A630871 C4 E1 7B 10 12       vmovsd      xmm2,qword ptr [rdx]  
00007FFA6A630876 C4 E1 68 C6 D3 44    vshufps     xmm2,xmm2,xmm3,44h  
00007FFA6A63087C C4 E1 70 59 CA       vmulps      xmm1,xmm1,xmm2  
00007FFA6A630881 C4 E1 78 58 C1       vaddps      xmm0,xmm0,xmm1  
00007FFA6A630886 48 8D 40 08          lea         rax,[rax+8]  
00007FFA6A63088A C4 E1 7B 11 00       vmovsd      qword ptr [rax],xmm0  
00007FFA6A63088F C4 E1 79 70 C8 02    vpshufd     xmm1,xmm0,2  
00007FFA6A630895 C4 E1 7A 11 48 08    vmovss      dword ptr [rax+8],xmm1  

mups and addps are lost in a sea of loads. Could be better if redundant loads are eliminated.

Anyway, I don't see why improving this requires turning the world upside down. What seems to be needed here is an efficient way to get a Vector3 out of a Vector4. For example:

private Vector4 v1, v2;
static void Main()
    var p = new Program();
    float d = Vector3.Dot(p.v1.XYZ, p.v2.XYZ);
tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@benaadams, what interop code expects it to be 12 bytes?

The point I'm trying to make is that for both GPU and CPU, the register size of a Vector3 is 16-bytes. Because of this, both the CPU and GPU are optimized for loading and storing aligned, 16-byte chunks of memory.

The architecture design manuals specify that doing a single unaligned load/store is also preferred over doing multiple load/stores where possible, because of how much more efficient it is. (aligned 16-bytes > unaligned 16-bytes > anything 12-bytes).

Code that is optimized for speed, should never be using a 12-byte struct, it should be using a 16-byte struct and consuming an additional 4-bytes for each Vector3 they have.

Code that wants to have a balance should be consuming an additional (NumberOfVector3 * 12) % 16 bytes (that is, should be consuming no more than 12-additional bytes of memory, at the end of the array). That way it can do an aligned load, followed by 3 unaligned loads always, and do 12-byte stores when overwriting data is a concern (if it is not a concern, doing aligned store, followed by 3 unaligned stores is more efficient).

Regardless of all this, I did understand that some people may have taken a dependency on the fact that Vector3 is 12-bytes. Which is why I suggested we have an alternative that allows us to treat a Vector4 as if it was a Vector3.

People who care about performance (and not memory) will want a way to have a 16-byte Vector3 (that is, it is 16-byte registers and 16-bytes in memory). Maybe this is providing extension methods on Vector4 that cover this area or maybe it is providing Vector3 methods that take Vector4 as an input or maybe it is providing raw Vector intrinsic support so users can construct load/store and do math in the whichever way suits their code 😄.

@mikedn, that is exactly my point. Having it be 12-bytes in memory is extremely inefficient (especially if you have no way to tell the JIT it can do an unaligned load/store, because you know your data structure is configured to allow it).

mellinoe commented 7 years ago

what interop code expects it to be 12 bytes?

Like I said, graphics programming. It is extremely common to send massive amounts of Vector3's (think hundreds of thousands+) into GPU buffers in a very short amount of time. GPU memory and bandwidth is a limited resource, and there are very particular requirements around data size, format, and alignment when sending data to the GPU. The "physical shape" of these structures is very much a part of their public definition, and it is assumed to never change. So having every Vector3 be 25% larger isn't just an "incidental" change when doing an optimization; it's a fundamentally breaking change.

benaadams commented 7 years ago

what interop code expects it to be 12 bytes?

Serialization and deserialization of arrays of data from storage

Arrays of Structures in gpu format so a Vertex passed to gpu will be

struct Vertex
    Vector3 Position;
    Vector3 Normal;
    Vector2 TextureCoords;

Note this interleaved data

Is still 4 byte aligned in terms of the Vertex as misalginment on the struct will cause issues

But changing it to

struct Vertex
    Vector4 Position;
    Vector4 Normal;
    Vector4 TextureCoords;

Increases the CPU->GPU bandwidth x1.5 and the bandwidth on GPU by the same; plus every GPU shader would need to change and there are a limited number of 4 float attributes to use; so throwing away values isn't good.

benaadams commented 7 years ago

As an aside; you might not manipulate these data structures on CPU (though you may do); but you'd probably expect them to work rather than having to write

struct Vertex
    float posX;
    float posY;
    float posZ;
    float normX;
    float normY;
    float normZ;
    float U;
    float V;

But is just an example; bones etc you would likely be manipulating cpu side (though they may be an array of Vector4s)

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@benaadams, yes. However, the loads performed here can always be 16-bytes where the 'extra' field is thrown away.

Take this sample C# code:

public static Vector3[] _vectors = new Vector3[2048];

static void Main(string[] args)
    for (var index = 0; index < 2048; index++)
        _vectors[index] *= 1.5f;

which generates:

    sub         esp,20h
    xor         esi,esi
    mov         rcx,7FFC6FFC4E90h
    mov         edx,1
    call        00007FFCCFBFD910
    mov         rax,1C892C927D0h
    mov         rax,qword ptr [rax]
    cmp         esi,dword ptr [rax+8]
    jae         some_call
    movsxd      rdx,esi
    lea         rdx,[rdx+rdx*2]
    lea         rax,[rax+rdx*4+10h]
    movss      xmm1,dword ptr [rax+8]
    movsd      xmm0,qword ptr [rax]
    shufps     xmm0,xmm0,xmm1,44h
    movss      xmm1,dword ptr [7FFC70120918h]
    shufps     xmm1,xmm1,xmm1,40h
    mulps      xmm0,xmm0,xmm1
    movsd      qword ptr [rax],xmm0
    pshufd     xmm1,xmm0,2
    movss      dword ptr [rax+8],xmm1
    inc         esi
    cmp         esi,800h
    jl          iteration
    add         rsp,20h
    pop         rsi
    call        00007FFCCFD3DA50  
    int         3 

and the corresponding C++ code:

DirectX::XMFLOAT3 _vectors[2048];

int main()
    for (auto index = 0; index < 2048; index++)
        auto vector = DirectX::XMLoadFloat3(&_vectors[index]);
        vector = DirectX::XMVectorScale(vector, 1.5f);
        DirectX::XMStoreFloat3(&_vectors[index], vector);

    return 0;

which generates:

    movaps      xmm3,xmmword ptr [__xmm@3fc000003fc000003fc000003fc00000]
    lea         rax,[_vectors+8h]
    mov         ecx,800h
    nop         dword ptr [rax]
    nop         word ptr [rax+rax]
    movss       xmm0,dword ptr [rax-4]
    movss       xmm2,dword ptr [rax-8]
    lea         rax,[rax+0Ch]
    unpcklps    xmm2,xmm0
    movss       xmm0,dword ptr [rax-0Ch]
    movlhps     xmm2,xmm0
    mulps       xmm2,xmm3
    movss       dword ptr [rax-14h],xmm2
    movaps      xmm0,xmm2
    shufps      xmm0,xmm2,55h
    movss       dword ptr [rax-10h],xmm0
    shufps      xmm2,xmm2,0AAh
    movss       dword ptr [rax-0Ch],xmm2
    sub         rcx,1
    jne         iteration
    xor         eax,eax

Now, I know that the total size of my array is a multiple of 16, so I'll fix my code (this isn't a very good example, since in this scenario we could just iterate over the entire buffer as if it were Vector4).

In C++, I'll modify my code to:

DirectX::XMFLOAT3 _vectors[2048];

int main()
    for (auto index = 0; index < 2048; index++)
        auto vector = DirectX::XMLoadFloat4(reinterpret_cast<DirectX::XMFLOAT4*>(&_vectors[index]));
        vector = DirectX::XMVectorScale(vector, 1.5f);
        DirectX::XMStoreFloat3(&_vectors[index], vector);

    return 0;

which generates:

    movaps      xmm2,xmmword ptr [__xmm@3fc000003fc000003fc000003fc00000]
    lea         rax,[_vectors]
    mov         ecx,800h
    nop         dword ptr [rax]
    nop         word ptr [rax+rax]
    movups      xmm1,xmmword ptr [rax]
    lea         rax,[rax+0Ch]
    mulps       xmm1,xmm2
    movss       dword ptr [rax-0Ch],xmm1
    movaps      xmm0,xmm1
    shufps      xmm0,xmm1,55h
    movss       dword ptr [rax-8],xmm0
    shufps      xmm1,xmm1,0AAh
    movss       dword ptr [rax-4],xmm1
    sub         rcx,1
    jne         iteration
    xor         eax,eax

Doing the same in C# is currently impractical.

This is why things like the DirectXMath library have the following:

typedef __m128 XMVECTOR;

struct XMFLOAT3
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

    XM_CONSTEXPR XMFLOAT3(float _x, float _y, float _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
    explicit XMFLOAT3(_In_reads_(3) const float *pArray) : x(pArray[0]), y(pArray[1]), z(pArray[2]) {}

    XMFLOAT3& operator= (const XMFLOAT3& Float3) { x = Float3.x; y = Float3.y; z = Float3.z; return *this; }

__declspec(align(16)) struct XMFLOAT3A : public XMFLOAT3
    XM_CONSTEXPR XMFLOAT3A(float _x, float _y, float _z) : XMFLOAT3(_x, _y, _z) {}
    explicit XMFLOAT3A(_In_reads_(3) const float *pArray) : XMFLOAT3(pArray) {}

    XMFLOAT3A& operator= (const XMFLOAT3A& Float3) { x = Float3.x; y = Float3.y; z = Float3.z; return *this; }

XMVECTOR    XM_CALLCONV     XMLoadFloat3(_In_ const XMFLOAT3* pSource);
XMVECTOR    XM_CALLCONV     XMLoadFloat3A(_In_ const XMFLOAT3A* pSource);

void        XM_CALLCONV     XMStoreFloat3(_Out_ XMFLOAT3* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR V);
void        XM_CALLCONV     XMStoreFloat3A(_Out_ XMFLOAT3A* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR V);

bool        XM_CALLCONV     XMVector3Equal(FXMVECTOR V1, FXMVECTOR V2);

That is, they have a concept of 12-bytes in memory and 16-bytes in memory. But the data you operate on and pass around on the stack is always 16-bytes. The current CoreCLR implementation is roughly similar, except it is implicit knowledge that, once in register, it is in is 16-bytes bytes, there is no concept of a 16-byte Vector3, and there is no way to explicitly load/store a Vector3 to/from a 16-byte address.

On a side note, here is another example of really bad code-gen related to passing Vectors around:

For C#:

public static Vector3[] _vectors = new Vector3[2048];

static void Main(string[] args)
    Func<Vector3, Vector3> sqrt = Sqrt;

    for (var index = 0; index < 2048; index++)
        _vectors[index] = sqrt(_vectors[index]);

public static Vector3 Sqrt(Vector3 value)
    return Vector3.SquareRoot(value);


    vmovss      xmm1,dword ptr [rdx+8]  
    vmovsd      xmm0,qword ptr [rdx]  
    vshufps     xmm0,xmm0,xmm1,44h  
    vsqrtps     xmm0,xmm0  
    vmovsd      qword ptr [rcx],xmm0  
    vpshufd     xmm1,xmm0,2  
    vmovss      dword ptr [rcx+8],xmm1  
    mov         rax,rcx  

    push        rbp  
    push        rbx  
    sub         rsp,48h  
    mov         rcx,7FFC6FFB7220h  
    call        00007FFCCFBFD2C0  
    mov         rsi,rax  
    lea         rcx,[rsi+8]  
    mov         rdx,rsi  
    call        00007FFCCFBFB5B0  
    mov         rcx,21D59A538F0h  
    mov         qword ptr [rsi+18h],rcx  
    mov         rcx,7FFC70110080h  
    mov         qword ptr [rsi+20h],rcx  
    xor         edi,edi  
    mov         rcx,7FFC6FFB4E90h  
    mov         edx,1  
    call        00007FFCCFBFD910  
    mov         r8,21D69A627D0h  
    mov         rbx,qword ptr [r8]  
    lea         rdx,[rsp+30h]  
    mov         r8,qword ptr [r8]  
    cmp         edi,dword ptr [r8+8]  
    jae         some_call
    movsxd      rcx,edi  
    lea         rbp,[rcx+rcx*2]  
    lea         r8,[r8+rbp*4+10h]  
    vmovss      xmm1,dword ptr [r8+8]  
    vmovsd      xmm0,qword ptr [r8]  
    vshufps     xmm0,xmm0,xmm1,44h  
    vmovupd     xmmword ptr [rsp+20h],xmm0  
    lea         r8,[rsp+20h]  
    mov         rax,rsi  
    mov         rcx,qword ptr [rax+8]  
    call        qword ptr [rax+18h] (SquareRoot)  
    vmovupd     xmm0,xmmword ptr [rsp+30h]  
    cmp         edi,dword ptr [rbx+8]  
    jae         00007FFC7011096B  
    lea         rax,[rbx+rbp*4+10h]  
    vmovsd      qword ptr [rax],xmm0  
    vpshufd     xmm1,xmm0,2  
    vmovss      dword ptr [rax+8],xmm1  
    inc         edi  
    cmp         edi,800h  
    jl          iteration
    add         rsp,48h  
    pop         rbx  
    pop         rbp  
    pop         rsi  
    pop         rdi  
    call        00007FFCCFD3DA50  
    int         3 

Where-as in C++:

DirectX::XMVECTOR SquareRoot(DirectX::FXMVECTOR value)
    return DirectX::XMVectorSqrt(value);

int main()
    DirectX::XMVECTOR(*sqrt)(DirectX::FXMVECTOR) = &SquareRoot;

    for (auto index = 0; index < 2048; index++)
        auto vector = DirectX::XMLoadFloat3(&_vectors[index]);
        vector = sqrt(vector);
        DirectX::XMStoreFloat3(&_vectors[index], vector);

    return 0;


    sqrtps      xmm0,xmmword ptr [rcx]

    mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rbx  
    push        rdi  
    sub         rsp,30h  
    lea         rbx,[_vectors+8h]  
    mov         edi,800h  
    nop         word ptr [rax+rax]  
    movss       xmm2,dword ptr [rbx-8]  
    lea         rcx,[rsp+20h]  
    movss       xmm0,dword ptr [rbx-4]  
    unpcklps    xmm2,xmm0  
    movss       xmm0,dword ptr [rbx]  
    movlhps     xmm2,xmm0  
    movaps      xmmword ptr [rsp+20h],xmm2  
    call        SquareRoot
    movss       dword ptr [rbx-8],xmm0  
    movaps      xmm1,xmm0  
    shufps      xmm1,xmm0,55h  
    movss       dword ptr [rbx-4],xmm1  
    lea         rbx,[rbx+0Ch]  
    shufps      xmm0,xmm0,0AAh  
    movss       dword ptr [rbx-0Ch],xmm0  
    sub         rdi,1  
    jne         iteration
    xor         eax,eax  
    mov         rbx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
    add         rsp,30h  
    pop         rdi  
mikedn commented 7 years ago

On a side note, here is another example of really bad code-gen related to passing Vectors around:

That has more to do with the calling convention rather than Vector3 being 12 bytes in size. Things aren't great in the case of Vector4 either because it is passed via memory instead of being passed in a register. Ideally the JIT should support the vectorcall convention and all vector types should be passed via registers.

Of course, if a function has a lot of parameters you can't pass all of them via registers, some will have to go trough memory. In that case it would make sense to always pass 16 byte quantities. The actual size of Vector3 - 12 bytes - is relevant only for type fields, array elements and PInvoke scenarios.

benaadams commented 7 years ago

@tannergooding that's why I specified the difference of memory vs register

Increasing in memory struct size (vs register)

i.e. register can be 16 bytes and operate on 16 bytes; its only when its loaded or written back to RAM (array or member variable) it needs to respect 12 bytes; and other things like SizeOf<T>/Marshal

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@benaadams, so it sounds like we are roughly saying the same thing, and I'm (as usual) just bad at expressing things via text 😄

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@benaadams, @mikedn, @mellinoe I think from the discussion so far, the following points can be made:

Let me know if this sounds about right.

mikedn commented 7 years ago

@tannergooding One small observation:

NOTE: This is only for singular values, structs containing vectors and arrays of vectors would still be passed as normal

AFAIR vectorcall allows structs to be passed via registers - e.g. a struct containing 3 float/double/__mm128 members can be passed via 3 xmm registers. It would probably make sense for a struct containing 3 Vector3 members to also be passed via 3 xmm registers, one for each Vector3.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

@mikedn, you are correct. Certain structs count as HVA (homogeneous vector aggregate) values.

An HVA type is a composite type of up to four data members that have identical vector types. An HVA type has the same alignment requirement as the vector type of its members.

tannergooding commented 7 years ago

Easier with

fiigii commented 7 years ago

Intel hardware intrinsic API proposal has been opened at dotnet/corefx#22940

tlgkccampbell commented 7 years ago

It is probably worth pointing out that as of Mono 5, all of the System.Numerics.Vector types are treated as being 16 bytes in size on that runtime. I have raised this discrepancy with multiple people at Xamarin, but they seem to consider it a non-issue.

As someone doing cross-platform graphics programming, this inconsistency makes SNV effectively unusable for my purposes, so it would be really nice for both teams to get on the same page--whichever page that is!

mellinoe commented 7 years ago

@tlgkccampbell That sounds pretty unfortunate, could you give more detail about what is handled incorrectly? As described above, the structural shape of the types is very important.

@akoeplinger Are you familiar with who knows the most about mono's System.Numerics.Vectors support?

tlgkccampbell commented 7 years ago

@mellinoe I filed a bug report with Xamarin back in May which goes into more detail and provides replication steps:

Note that while I originally believed this to only be a problem on Xamarin's mobile runtimes, I discovered later that this behavior changed from Mono 4 to Mono 5 and is also present on the desktop.

akoeplinger commented 7 years ago

@akoeplinger Are you familiar with who knows the most about mono's System.Numerics.Vectors support?

That'd be @vargaz or @kumpera

tlgkccampbell commented 6 years ago


Xamarin resolved my bug last night with the following message:

You're depending on internal implementation details of how the runtime lays out fields and how framework types are defined.

This is not something worth fixing. If you need strict control over memory layout, define the types themselves and convert to System.Numerics.Vectors on load.

Further API discussion on whether this should be part of the contract are to be conducted on corefx github repo and not on a bug report here since this involves the wide dotnet ecosystem.

So it appears that any further discussions will need to happen here.

tannergooding commented 6 years ago

Closing, as this is better tracked by dotnet/runtime#956