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.NET Core 3.1 integer performance 12% slower than .NET 4.8 #34414

Closed kaalus closed 2 years ago

kaalus commented 4 years ago

I was benchmarking the following code (64 bit fixed point type multiplication) under .NET 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1. Due to the jitter improvements made in .NET Core I expected the performance to be better. Unfortunately this code consistently runs about 12% slower than in .NET 4.8:

.NET 4.8: 2.66 sec .NET Core 3.1: 2.99 sec

(i7 7700k, both projects in Release and "Prefer 32 bit" option disabled)

const int FractionBits = 16;
public static Fixed LongMultiply(Fixed v1, Fixed v2)
    long hi1 = v1.Raw >> 32;  // v1.Raw is of type long
    long lo1 = v1.Raw & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    long hi2 = v2.Raw >> 32;  // v2.Raw is of type long
    long lo2 = v2.Raw & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    long hi = (hi1 * hi2) << (64 - FractionBits);
    long mid = (hi1 * lo2 + hi2 * lo1) << (32 - FractionBits);
    long lo = (long)(((ulong)lo1 * (ulong)lo2) >> FractionBits);
    return new Fixed(hi + mid + lo);

Please find attached VS solution with both projects:

category:cq theme:needs-triage skill-level:expert cost:large

EgorBo commented 4 years ago

I'd recommend to rewrite the benchmark to smaller sub-benchmarks and with Benchmark.NET and let it to care about iterations and input, your code also measures Random.NextValue speed which is not desired I guess.

gfoidl commented 4 years ago

It looks like you got trapped by Tiered Compilation, see also Run-time configuration options for compilation on how to disable it.

For benchmarking it is advisable to use

sandreenko commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting it @kaalus.

It looks like you got trapped by Tiered Compilation, see also Run-time configuration options for compilation on how to disable it.

TestLongMultiply(); // Make sure all's jitted that should be enough to warm TestLongMultiply(double v1, double v2) and recompile it with full jit and you can't be caught in a loop because we have TC_QuickJitForLoops=0 by default, but it would be interesting to see results with complus_TieredCompilation=0.

AndyAyersMS commented 4 years ago

The code does tier up as the key methods are called in a loop, and the driver methods with loops will bypass Tier0. It takes about 200ms on my machine for Tier1 code to get installed.


However, I also see apparent regressions with tiering disabled.

I converted this over to BDN (keeping the code structure as is) and it also reports a regression from desktop. The 3.1 runs are quite a bit more varied and somewhat bimodal, and their "fast" time is closer to 4.8's.

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.18363.778 (1909/November2018Update/19H2)
Intel Core i7-8650U CPU 1.90GHz (Kaby Lake R), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100-alpha.1.20073.10
  [Host]        : .NET Core 2.1.16 (CoreCLR 4.6.28516.03, CoreFX 4.6.28516.10), X64 RyuJIT
  .NET 4.7.2    : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4121.0), X64 RyuJIT
  .NET Core 2.1 : .NET Core 2.1.16 (CoreCLR 4.6.28516.03, CoreFX 4.6.28516.10), X64 RyuJIT
  .NET Core 3.1 : .NET Core 3.1.4 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.20201, CoreFX 4.700.20.21406), X64 RyuJIT
Method Job Runtime Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
TestLongMultiply .NET 4.7.2 .NET 4.7.2 3.270 s 0.0297 s 0.0264 s 1.00 0.00
TestLongMultiply .NET Core 2.1 .NET Core 2.1 3.467 s 0.0552 s 0.0516 s 1.06 0.02
TestLongMultiply .NET Core 3.1 .NET Core 3.1 3.799 s 0.0144 s 0.0113 s 1.16 0.01

So this merits a closer look. Note runtimes seem pretty volatile -- if I reduce the value of count1 in the test code I can sometimes get quite different results.

AndyAyersMS commented 4 years ago

Probably not going to get to this for 5.0, so marking as future.

AndyAyersMS commented 3 years ago

Running a further modified BDN version (no looping in the test method, no random values) still shows 5.0 regressions:

(edit -- disregard this, see below)

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19042
Intel Core i7-8650U CPU 1.90GHz (Kaby Lake R), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.102
  [Host]     : .NET Core 5.0.2 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
  Job-VGGTDI : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4250.0), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-NMVNIB : .NET Core 2.1.24 (CoreCLR 4.6.29518.01, CoreFX 4.6.29518.01), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-QZTYYY : .NET Core 3.1.11 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.56602, CoreFX 4.700.20.56604), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-TENKRT : .NET Core 5.0.2 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT

|           Method |        Job |       Runtime |     Toolchain |       Mean |    Error |   StdDev |     Median | Ratio | RatioSD |
|----------------- |----------- |-------------- |-------------- |-----------:|---------:|---------:|-----------:|------:|--------:|
| TestLongMultiply | Job-VGGTDI |    .NET 4.7.2 |        net472 | 1,040.9 ns | 32.36 ns | 95.42 ns | 1,018.7 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-NMVNIB | .NET Core 2.1 | netcoreapp2.1 |   830.9 ns | 28.65 ns | 82.21 ns |   802.8 ns |  0.81 |    0.09 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-QZTYYY | .NET Core 3.1 | netcoreapp3.1 |   829.6 ns | 16.62 ns | 21.02 ns |   831.3 ns |  0.80 |    0.07 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-TENKRT | .NET Core 5.0 | netcoreapp5.0 | 1,105.2 ns | 21.97 ns | 45.86 ns | 1,093.5 ns |  1.05 |    0.10 |
AndyAyersMS commented 3 years ago

In the above all the time is spent constructing the Random object, so needed to remove that call too. Now we have:

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19042
Intel Core i7-8650U CPU 1.90GHz (Kaby Lake R), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.102
  [Host]     : .NET Core 5.0.2 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
  Job-OYHRDB : .NET Framework 4.8 (4.8.4250.0), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-NJBFZP : .NET Core 2.1.24 (CoreCLR 4.6.29518.01, CoreFX 4.6.29518.01), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-GOZUDV : .NET Core 3.1.11 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.56602, CoreFX 4.700.20.56604), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-GFNDSP : .NET Core 5.0.2 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT

|           Method |        Job |       Runtime |     Toolchain |     Mean |    Error |    StdDev |   Median | Ratio | RatioSD |
|----------------- |----------- |-------------- |-------------- |---------:|---------:|----------:|---------:|------:|--------:|
| TestLongMultiply | Job-OYHRDB |    .NET 4.7.2 |        net472 | 305.7 ns |  5.93 ns |   7.71 ns | 304.8 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-NJBFZP | .NET Core 2.1 | netcoreapp2.1 | 284.7 ns |  3.59 ns |   3.00 ns | 284.9 ns |  0.93 |    0.03 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-GOZUDV | .NET Core 3.1 | netcoreapp3.1 | 372.5 ns |  8.88 ns |  25.77 ns | 363.0 ns |  1.24 |    0.08 |
| TestLongMultiply | Job-GFNDSP | .NET Core 5.0 | netcoreapp5.0 | 622.5 ns | 38.72 ns | 111.71 ns | 588.8 ns |  2.19 |    0.30 |

and still what looks like a clear regression.

AndyAyersMS commented 3 years ago

Results still fluctuate quite a bit from run to run and sometimes only show a very small regression. ETL analysis of just benchmark intervals shows:

;; 4.7.2

02.20%   3.07E+06    ?        Unknown
31.62%   4.405E+07   jit ???  [bdn]Program.TestLongMultiply(float64,float64)
30.94%   4.311E+07   jit ???  [bdn]Fixed.op_Explicit(value class Fixed)
20.43%   2.846E+07   jit ???  [bdn]Fixed.op_Implicit(float64)
08.96%   1.249E+07   jit ???  [bdn]Fixed.LongMultiply(value class Fixed,value class Fixed)
04.21%   5.86E+06    jit ???  [bdn]Program.TestLongMultiply()

;; 5.0.2
06.11%   9.48E+06    ?        Unknown
28.56%   4.435E+07   Tier-1   [bdn]Fixed.op_Explicit(value class Fixed)
26.82%   4.164E+07   Tier-1   [bdn]Program.TestLongMultiply(float64,float64)
22.32%   3.465E+07   Tier-1   [bdn]Fixed.op_Implicit(float64)
09.96%   1.546E+07   Tier-1   [bdn]Fixed.LongMultiply(value class Fixed,value class Fixed)
05.79%   8.99E+06    FullOpt  [bdn]Program.TestLongMultiply()

so suggests several methods may have worse CQ; however codegen looks similar.

4.7.2 5.0.2
```assembly ; Fixed.op_Implicit(Double) vmovsd qword ptr [rsp+8],xmm0 mov rax,[rsp+8] mov rcx,0FFFFFFFFFFFF and rcx,rax mov rdx,0 or rdx,rcx mov rcx,rax shr rcx,34 and ecx,7FF add ecx,0FFFFFC01 mov r8,0 test rax,r8 je short M03_L00 neg rdx M03_L00: mov eax,ecx neg eax lea ecx,[rax+24] test ecx,ecx jle short M03_L02 cmp ecx,40 jl short M03_L01 xor eax,eax ret M03_L01: mov rax,rdx sar rax,cl ret M03_L02: cmp ecx,0FFFFFFC0 jg short M03_L03 xor eax,eax ret M03_L03: neg ecx mov rax,rdx shl rax,cl ret ; Total bytes of code 118 ``` ```assembly ; Fixed.op_Implicit(Double) vmovsd qword ptr [rsp+8],xmm0 mov rax,[rsp+8] mov rdx,0FFFFFFFFFFFF and rdx,rax mov r8,0 or rdx,r8 mov rcx,rax shr rcx,34 and ecx,7FF add ecx,0FFFFFC01 mov r8,0 test rax,r8 je short M03_L00 neg rdx M03_L00: neg ecx add ecx,24 test ecx,ecx jle short M03_L02 cmp ecx,40 jl short M03_L01 xor eax,eax ret M03_L01: mov rax,rdx sar rax,cl ret M03_L02: cmp ecx,0FFFFFFC0 jg short M03_L03 xor eax,eax ret M03_L03: neg ecx mov rax,rdx shl rax,cl ret ; Total bytes of code 115 ```
```assembly ; Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed) mov eax,0FFFFFFFF and rax,rcx mov r8,rdx sar r8,20 mov r9d,0FFFFFFFF and rdx,r9 sar rcx,20 mov r9,rcx imul r9,r8 shl r9,30 imul rcx,rdx imul r8,rax add rcx,r8 shl rcx,10 imul rax,rdx shr rax,10 add r9,rcx add rax,r9 ret ; Total bytes of code 69 ``` ```assembly ; Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed) mov eax,0FFFFFFFF and rax,rcx mov r8,rdx sar r8,20 mov r9d,0FFFFFFFF and rdx,r9 sar rcx,20 mov r9,rcx imul r9,r8 shl r9,30 imul rcx,rdx imul r8,rax add rcx,r8 shl rcx,10 imul rax,rdx shr rax,10 add rcx,r9 add rax,rcx ret ; Total bytes of code 69 ```

@kaalus do you have a more fully realized use case for this code that shows regressions?

AndyAyersMS commented 3 years ago

@jakobbotsch is going to take a fresh look at this.

jakobbotsch commented 3 years ago

The code generated for .NET 6.0 seems to be almost identical for all but the main driving loop: (.NET4.8 on the left, .NET 6 on the right) For the main driving loop the code looks much better in .NET 6, yet I can still reproduce the regression. VTune seems to indicate that it's front-end bound and that the regression might be related to the µop cache. Some hardware counters (here .NET 6 is on the left, .NET 4.8 on the right):

Hardware Event Type Hardware Event Count
    ARITH.DIVIDER_ACTIVE 3,456,003,456 - 100,683,100,683 = -97,227,097,227
    BACLEARS.ANY 37,800,756 - 24,300,486 = 13,500,270
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES_PS Not changed, 334,806,696
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.ONE_THREAD_ACTIVE 1,836,036,720 - 1,629,482,589 = 206,554,131
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC 166,061,900,000 - 147,117,950,000 = 18,943,950,000
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK 1,875,187,503 - 1,696,983,939 = 178,203,564
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD 308,324,400,000 - 270,939,050,000 = 37,385,350,000
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_P 306,612,306,612 - 274,455,274,455 = 32,157,032,157
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L1D_MISS 189,000,189 - 162,000,162 = 27,000,027
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L2_MISS 162,000,162 - 54,000,054 = 108,000,108
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L3_MISS 162,000,162 - 0 = 162,000,162
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_MEM_ANY 10,584,010,584 - 7,425,007,425 = 3,159,003,159
    DSB2MITE_SWITCHES.PENALTY_CYCLES 14,283,014,283 - 8,883,008,883 = 5,400,005,400
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.STLB_HIT 108,000,108 - 81,000,081 = 27,000,027
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_ACTIVE 20,250,405 - 27,000,540 = -6,750,135
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.STLB_HIT 35,100,702 - 24,300,486 = 10,800,216
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_ACTIVE 1,350,027 - 12,150,243 = -10,800,216
    EXE_ACTIVITY.1_PORTS_UTIL 37,017,037,017 - 28,728,028,728 = 8,289,008,289
    EXE_ACTIVITY.2_PORTS_UTIL 74,493,074,493 - 55,917,055,917 = 18,576,018,576
    EXE_ACTIVITY.EXE_BOUND_0_PORTS 891,000,891 - 1,080,001,080 = -189,000,189
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_DOUBLE 46,278,046,278 - 46,413,046,413 = -135,000,135
    FP_ASSIST.ANY Not changed, 0
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.DSB_MISS_PS 3,290,147,397 - 668,290,095 = 2,621,857,302
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.L2_MISS_PS 1,350,081 - 0 = 1,350,081
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_16_PS 8,100,486 - 16,200,972 = -8,100,486
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_1_PS 29,639,678,274 - 12,870,322,173 = 16,769,356,101
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_4_PS 344,270,655 - 101,256,075 = 243,014,580
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_PS 0 - 1,350,081 = -1,350,081
    ICACHE_16B.IFDATA_STALL 270,000,270 - 351,000,351 = -81,000,081
    ICACHE_16B.IFDATA_STALL:cmask=1:e=yes 54,000,054 - 27,000,027 = 27,000,027
    ICACHE_64B.IFTAG_STALL 1,147,511,475 - 1,071,910,719 = 75,600,756
    IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_4_UOPS 95,445,095,445 - 130,572,130,572 = -35,127,035,127
    IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS 157,626,157,626 - 202,878,202,878 = -45,252,045,252
    IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_4_UOPS 63,504,063,504 - 5,832,005,832 = 57,672,057,672
    IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS 100,629,100,629 - 33,939,033,939 = 66,690,066,690
    IDQ.DSB_UOPS 534,654,534,654 - 830,439,830,439 = -295,785,295,785
    IDQ.MITE_UOPS 353,322,353,322 - 74,439,074,439 = 278,883,278,883
    IDQ.MS_SWITCHES 405,000,405 - 216,000,216 = 189,000,189
    IDQ.MS_UOPS Not changed, 3,132,003,132
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE 272,160,272,160 - 124,173,124,173 = 147,987,147,987
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE 16,497,016,497 - 4,293,004,293 = 12,204,012,204
    ILD_STALL.LCP Not changed, 0
    INST_RETIRED.ANY 744,658,450,000 - 748,778,600,000 = -4,120,150,000
    INST_RETIRED.PREC_DIST 740,286,740,286 - 743,931,743,931 = -3,645,003,645
    INT_MISC.CLEAR_RESTEER_CYCLES 1,323,001,323 - 1,404,001,404 = -81,000,081
    INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES 2,160,002,160 - 2,376,002,376 = -216,000,216
    L1D_PEND_MISS.FB_FULL:cmask=1 Not changed, 0
    L1D_PEND_MISS.PENDING Not changed, 567,000,567
    L2_RQSTS.RFO_HIT Not changed, 2,700,027
    LD_BLOCKS.NO_SR Not changed, 0
    LD_BLOCKS.STORE_FORWARD 1,350,027 - 4,050,081 = -2,700,054
    LD_BLOCKS_PARTIAL.ADDRESS_ALIAS 114,752,295 - 14,850,297 = 99,901,998
    MACHINE_CLEARS.COUNT Not changed, 0
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ALL_STORES_PS 87,210,087,210 - 84,645,084,645 = 2,565,002,565
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.LOCK_LOADS_PS 4,050,243 - 0 = 4,050,243
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HITM_PS 540,270 - 0 = 540,270
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HIT_PS 270,135 - 0 = 270,135
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.FB_HIT_PS Not changed, 18,900,378
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_HIT_PS 114,804,114,804 - 110,322,110,322 = 4,482,004,482
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_MISS_PS 16,200,324 - 21,600,432 = -5,400,108
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L2_HIT_PS Not changed, 22,950,459
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_HIT_PS 2,701,080 - 2,025,810 = 675,270
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_MISS_PS 0 - 1,350,081 = -1,350,081
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.ALL_DATA_RD:cmask=4 162,000,162 - 81,000,081 = 81,000,081
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DATA_RD 972,000,972 - 567,000,567 = 405,000,405
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DEMAND_RFO 513,000,513 - 324,000,324 = 189,000,189
    OTHER_ASSISTS.ANY Not changed, 0
    PARTIAL_RAT_STALLS.SCOREBOARD 1,053,001,053 - 918,000,918 = 135,000,135
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_0 138,834,138,834 - 132,273,132,273 = 6,561,006,561
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_1 135,216,135,216 - 128,547,128,547 = 6,669,006,669
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_2 75,168,075,168 - 72,279,072,279 = 2,889,002,889
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_3 80,487,080,487 - 76,491,076,491 = 3,996,003,996
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_4 89,289,089,289 - 90,018,090,018 = -729,000,729
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_5 148,716,148,716 - 145,341,145,341 = 3,375,003,375
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_6 200,934,200,934 - 181,062,181,062 = 19,872,019,872
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_7 51,948,051,948 - 55,512,055,512 = -3,564,003,564
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_1 293,625,293,625 - 263,574,263,574 = 30,051,030,051
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_2 256,716,256,716 - 235,008,235,008 = 21,708,021,708
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_3 181,710,181,710 - 178,443,178,443 = 3,267,003,267
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_NONE 15,606,015,606 - 12,528,012,528 = 3,078,003,078
    UOPS_EXECUTED.THREAD 862,677,862,677 - 829,521,829,521 = 33,156,033,156
    UOPS_EXECUTED.X87 Not changed, 0
    UOPS_ISSUED.ANY 925,965,925,965 - 924,372,924,372 = 1,593,001,593
    UOPS_RETIRED.MACRO_FUSED 29,700,029,700 - 30,078,030,078 = -378,000,378
    UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS 908,982,908,982 - 897,723,897,723 = 11,259,011,259

IDQ.DSB_UOPS seems to indicate that much fewer µops are delivered from the µop cache in the .NET 6.0 code. So this looks to be some microarchitectural detail. In particular, the following shows the functions where it seems we have µop cache problems in the .NET 6 version: image (I have been unable to get the same data for .NET 4.8 as VTune does not seem to be able to resolve the functions) Looking at op_Explicit in the diff above it looks like it is 64-byte aligned in .NET 4.8 but only 16-byte aligned in .NET 6.0. Not sure if a fluke in that particular run, but certainly something to investigate further.

jakobbotsch commented 3 years ago

This seems to be related to method ordering and the addresses that the benchmark code ultimately ends up at. The order that .NET 4.8 ends up with is particularly good for the µop cache, it seems. I can regress the .NET 4.8 case by 15% simply by adding more code that is never called during the benchmark, causing the benchmark code to end up being allocated at different addresses.

In the good case the BDN code looks like this and we get the following results:

Method Mean Error StdDev Code Size
TestLongMultiply 2.964 s 0.0235 s 0.0196 s 1,295 B
In those cases, the method orderings and addresses look like this: Address Delta Name
7FFA37C59FE0 0 Fixed.op_Implicit(Double)
7FFA37C5A070 144 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply()
7FFA37C5A440 976 Fixed.op_Explicit(Fixed)
7FFA37C5A490 80 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(Double, Double)
7FFA37C5A570 224 Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed)

These addresses seem consistent between runs. Now let's add some random code to the constructor of the benchmark class. Here the function Churn allows us to generate a controllable amount of code to be jitted:

diff --git a/good.cs b/bad.cs
index c5c281a..20b96be 100644
--- a/good.cs
+++ b/bad.cs
@@ -44,16 +44,30 @@ public static class Program
         public BenchmarkClass()
             double[] testValues = new double[iters];
             Random rand = new Random(3);
             for (int i = 0; i < testValues.Length; i++)
                 testValues[i] = rand.NextDouble();

             _testValues = testValues;
+            Churn(18, new GenT<int> { Value = 3 });
+        }
+        struct GenT<T>
+        {
+            public T Value;
+        }
+        private int Churn<T>(int amount, GenT<T> value) where T : struct
+        {
+            if (amount == 0)
+                return 0;
+            return Churn<GenT<T>>(amount - 1, new GenT<GenT<T>> { Value = value }) + 1;
Now the results look like this: Method Mean Error StdDev Code Size
TestLongMultiply 3.426 s 0.0668 s 0.0915 s 1,295 B
The benchmark regressed by 15%. The ordering and the deltas are the same, but the addresses are different: Address Delta Name
7FFA37C6A6B0 0 Fixed.op_Implicit(Double)
7FFA37C6A740 144 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply()
7FFA37C6AB10 976 Fixed.op_Explicit(Fixed)
7FFA37C6AB60 80 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(Double, Double)
7FFA37C6AC40 224 Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed)
We can add even more code to get fast benchmarks again, for example at n=30: Method Mean Error StdDev Code Size
TestLongMultiply 3.057 s 0.0598 s 0.0839 s 1,295 B
Address Delta Name
7FFA37C8AB20 0 Fixed.op_Implicit(Double)
7FFA37C8ABB0 144 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply()
7FFA37C8AF80 976 Fixed.op_Explicit(Fixed)
7FFA37C8AFD0 80 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(Double, Double)
7FFA37C8B0B0 224 Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed)
Now the question is if we can get the fast version in .NET 6. Without any Churn call, the results for .NET 6.0 on my machine are similar to the bad version for .NET 4.8: Method Mean Error StdDev Code Size
TestLongMultiply 3.455 s 0.0167 s 0.0156 s 1,167 B
Address Delta Name
7FF9FFABAAE0 0 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply()
7FF9FFABAFC0 1248 Fixed.op_Implicit(Double)
7FF9FFABB050 144 Fixed.op_Explicit(Fixed)
7FF9FFABB0A0 80 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(Double, Double)
7FF9FFABB180 224 Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed)

The first difference is that .NET 6 places the functions in a different order. The second is that the delta is larger for TestLongMultiply(); it seems like .NET 6 is placing precode stubs in the same code heap as hot functions, and some of these end up between Fixed.op_Implicit(Double) and Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(). Those precode stubs come from the type loader loading the Math class when TestLongMultiply is jitted. We can avoid it by ensuring that type gets loaded before, for example by using some Math function. Then we get:

Address Delta Name
7FF9FC1079D0 0 Fixed.op_Implicit(Double)
7FF9FC107A60 144 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply()
7FF9FC107E10 944 Fixed.op_Explicit(Fixed)
7FF9FC107E60 80 Program+BenchmarkClass.TestLongMultiply(Double, Double)
7FF9FC107F40 224 Fixed.LongMultiply(Fixed, Fixed)

From a code locality perspective this seems to be as good as we can do. Yet, even with varying the Churn parameter I am not able to get as good results as the best .NET 4.8 results.

I think there are a couple of actionable items here:

  1. Function ordering is something we can do globally when crossgenning with PGO data. Added it to #43618.
  2. Precode stubs should probably not be allocated together with hot, optimized code. This is probably something for hot/cold code splitting that we are considering for .NET 7. This is already in #43618.
I don't think there's much we can do here for .NET 6 since CQ seems to be on par or better, so I will move this to .NET 7 for now. However, as a workaround you can mark the explicit double conversion with [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]. With this, I get significantly better timings and .NET 6 beats .NET 4.8: Method Job Runtime Toolchain Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Code Size
TestLongMultiply Job-GIYABY .NET 6.0 net6.0 2.218 s 0.0141 s 0.0125 s 1.00 0.00 1,211 B
TestLongMultiply Job-BOXOPL .NET Framework 4.8 net48 2.461 s 0.0353 s 0.0407 s 1.11 0.02 1,349 B
jakobbotsch commented 2 years ago

I will close this given the inlining workaround above, and given that this was mainly micro-architectural. We also have the possibility of doing method ordering in R2R now which addresses some of the concerns around that.