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FreeBSD needs CI-build #4169

Closed josteink closed 4 years ago

josteink commented 9 years ago

With FreeBSD now having a working build (yay!), we need to setup an official CI-build so we can avoid breaking it in the future.

@richlander You said you could help make this happen. Do you need anything from the FreeBSD port-team to get this going?

richlander commented 9 years ago

@janhenke was asking the same thing in the gitter. @mmitche is looking into it. There is no stock image for FreeBSD in the Azure gallery, so it will require a little work on our side.

Hurrah!! Congrats, FreeBSD Port Team. Nice job. I guess, however, that this is just the first milestone.

ajensenwaud commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

In the interim I have set up a Jenkins CI server in our build environment. You can access it here:

This should do for now -- happy to help out on the .NET CoreCLR side if you need help setting up a FreeBSD Azure instance with Jenkins, etc. I can set it up very quickly.

If anyone

koobs commented 9 years ago


ghuntley commented 9 years ago

To the entire port team, congratulations:

:heart_eyes: @janhenke, @josteink, @ajensenwaud, @kangaroo, @ghuntley, @richlander :heart_eyes:

@richlander / @mmitche there is indeed a stock image available in the Azure Gallery which is hosted by MSFT Open Technologies that works perfectly. That was the image used to deploy

Unfortunately NetBSD and OpenBSD however do not currently work on Azure.

Here is the operating system and azure-cli configuration that was used to build

richlander commented 9 years ago

The HN visibility is unexpected:

For the sake of history, here is the original "FreeBSD Port Team: Volunteers needed" issue dotnet/runtime#4039.

You can see all of the FreeBSD merged/closed issues and PRs here (although naturally some are still open):

PRs: Issues:

Congratulations to the team. Excellent work.

blackdwarf commented 9 years ago

Very cool, very cool, this is some really good work. :+1:

ghost commented 9 years ago

This is amazing :cry:

Good job!

brunolauze commented 9 years ago

What is the difference between coreclr and mono? Does coreclr directly from Microsoft is poised to be outperforming mono (which is now built with the same coreclr or almost)

jgowdy commented 9 years ago

Well done everyone, this is a huge milestone.

richlander commented 9 years ago

@brunolauze CoreCLR is Microsoft's implementation of .NET, for use in its commercial products, like ASP.NET 5. These products are open source, but we approach them as commercial products as we always have (e.g. support, reliability). What's new is the open source community engagement (like responding to your comment :wink:).

We're not working on "outperforming Mono" as a goal. We have various goals around .NET Core itself. If someone concludes that CoreCLR outperforms Mono at some point, that's fine, but not a goal of its own. It is fair to say that some people using Mono now will start using CoreCLR when it matures on Linux and OS X. It is also fair to say that we expect new people to come to .NET with the increase in excitement and product choice (e.g. ASP.NET 5 on Linux). If they choose Mono over .NET Core, awesome! There is no competition with Mono of any kind.

@migueldeicaza and friends did a great job of creating and maintaining the open source .NET Runtime for well over a decade. We commend them for that. :clap: :bow: We're glad to have them as partners now that we're the newcomers in .NET OSS.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

@ghuntley Thanks, found it...creating it now. After I get it working i'll hook it up to the main CI. ETA is end of day.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

I have a working build. I am working on the rest of the pieces (joining the Jenkins master automatically for instance).

Btw, I saw a single failure in the pal tests. I think it's the same as the one seen OSX during the bring-up. Known?

korczis commented 9 years ago

Nice work gentleman!


janvorli commented 9 years ago

@mmitche What is this failure?

mmitche commented 9 years ago

On FreeBSD: FAILED: threading/WaitForSingleObject/WFSOExSemaphoreTest/paltest_waitforsingleobject_wfsoexsemaphoretest. Exit code: 1

brunolauze commented 9 years ago

@richlander thanks for the great summary!

richlander commented 9 years ago

NP, @brunolauze. I see you are from PQ. I was in Montreal a couple weeks ago.

josteink commented 9 years ago

@mmitche Nor really "known" per se. We were just happy to have a build which finally went to 100% and yielded a proper build-output.

We've yet to investigate what works and not when executing .net-code via corerun. We still got some way to go :)

brunolauze commented 9 years ago

@richlander Mtl is great, I am in Quebec City. I was trying to understand the coreclr api to be able to realize a core clr c++ lib like the tentative for mono . What do you think?

richlander commented 9 years ago

@brunolauze A good issue. We shouldn't continue the conversation on this issue. Either file a separate issue or start a conversation on gitter: Both is probably best.

richlander commented 9 years ago

FYI: The official CoreCLR on FreeBSD build instructions have now been posted: Was PR dotnet/coreclr#800, by @janhenke.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

@ghuntley Really close here. One issue though...for some reason Azure isn't setting the hostname on the target vm (even though it's set up to do so). Have you seen this?

jgowdy commented 9 years ago

What's the situation with the FreeBSD build and the PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED support described at the top of shmemory.cpp? Is the workaround sufficient, or was better support added in newer versions of FreeBSD? Is there a performance issue there?

janhenke commented 9 years ago

If you want to set it manually, the hostname is defined in /etc/rc.conf

ghuntley commented 9 years ago

@mmitche yep that happened for me too just set it manually.

Jump in Gitter and we will rosetta you the way through the sysadmin differences -

mmitche commented 9 years ago

yeah, I can do that. However we typically have changes on the machines that require us to cycle all vm's to a new image fairly frequently. So I have the system set up to launch Jenkins at startup. It needs to be able to know the hostname to get the Jenkins jnlp url though.

josteink commented 9 years ago

@jgowdy I would have to say we're still at "untested grounds". We have a build completing without a failure-code. We have in no way said we have a production-ready build at this point.

As for you question, It seems that things have improved since the time of shmemory.cpp's writing:

josteink@freebsd-frankfurt:~/build/coreclr % man pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared 3

     pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared -- set the process shared attribute

     POSIX Threads Library (libpthread, -lpthread)

     #include <pthread.h>

     pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr, int pshared);

     The pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() function sets the process shared
     attribute of attr to the value referenced by pshared.  The pshared argu-
     ment may be one of two values:

     PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED   Any thread of any process that has access to the
                              memory where the read/write lock resides can
                              manipulate the lock.

     PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE  Only threads created within the same process as
                              the thread that initialized the read/write lock
                              can manipulate the lock.  This is the default

Beyond that I don't think I'm qualified to provide an answer. Maybe someone else on the team has deeper insights?

josteink commented 9 years ago

@mmitche I may be asking stupid questions, but have you checked your image against the manual procedure's outlined in this Azure blog-post here?

It might contain leads which will help you get a good image for de/re-provisioning.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

yep. Everything appears to be working except for the automatic azure hostname setting.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

mmitche commented 9 years ago

It's alive! The build time is pretty hefty right now compared to Linux (1 hour vs. 15 minutes or so). Do you guys have any idea why?

Btw, right now the jobs pass but I'm going to hold off until Monday to integrate them into the PR/CI workflow so they don't block progress if something goes wrong.

janvorli commented 9 years ago

@mmitche My guess would be that the FreeBSD VM or the OS itself uses just one processor core.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

it's detecting 4

ajensenwaud commented 9 years ago

How much memory is allocated to the instance? On our Interoute instance build takes less than 10 mins.

Anders Jensen-Waud +61 427 948 715

On 25 Apr 2015, at 08:45, Matt Mitchell wrote:

it's detecting 4

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

mmitche commented 9 years ago

@ajensenwaud It looks like it was a result of two builds hitting the machine at the same time. On the Linux machines this is okay, but on BSD it doesn't work as well. I can bump it down to one concurrent job though.

Machines have 4 procs and 14 gb ram.

ajensenwaud commented 9 years ago

Ok we have a considerably larger build machine, which may play a role as well. :) 12 cpus and 64 GB RAM...

Anders Jensen-Waud +61 427 948 715

On 25 Apr 2015, at 09:09, Matt Mitchell wrote:

@ajensenwaud It looks like it was a result of two builds hitting the machine at the same time. On the Linux machines this is okay, but on BSD it doesn't work as well. I can bump it down to one concurrent job though.

Machines have 4 procs and 14 gb ram.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

josteink commented 9 years ago

@mmitche That's odd. Building something like coreclr is fairly IO-intensive so I did some basic IO-testing on our Interroute VMs vs our more limited Azure VMs.

Although there's probably a million errors in the measuremeant technique scientifically speaking, the difference is night and day:

# Interroute
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1M count=1000 
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 0.624000 secs (1,680,410,061 bytes/sec)

# Azure
$  dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1M count=1000 
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 130.005050 secs (8,065,656 bytes/sec)

What causes this massive difference in disk-IO, I don't know. It might be available memory available for caching. It might be the ZFS filesystem configuration (a good volume for the ZIL?). The fact of the matter is that we're getting around 250x the IO throughput on Interroute's VMware-based servers.

If we can boost the IO-throughput on our Azure-machines we should be able to bring down the build-time significantly. For a CI-server you probably want more than 8MB/s. Out of interest, what IO-figures do you get on the other Linux CI-servers?

wizardbeard commented 9 years ago

Congratulations!!! This is exciting news! FreeBSD is my favorite OS and .NET/C# is my favorite development tooling. This makes me rather happy.

josteink commented 9 years ago

I guess we do have a CI-build now, so this issue should be considered closed. I'll take potential issues with CI-build to .