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Build CoreCLR for Android #4296

Open masonwheeler opened 9 years ago

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

Now that we've got a good idea of what we need to do for Android support, let's try and make it happen!

The first step is to build CoreCLR for ARM32, which is what the majority of Android devices run on today. @shahid-pk has contributed some work towards the goal of getting it to build, but he says it's incomplete and still needs some work which he doesn't have time to finish at the moment. Can anyone review this and possibly contribute some missing pieces? I'd help but I know very little C++ and even less of shell-scripting.

shahid-pk commented 9 years ago

count me in i will give it more time once i find it. But we will need some experience in arm assembly and c++ for tackling the very first compiling issues.

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

Do we need to wait for LLILC to mature? I suspect that will be the key piece of the Android port. And, while LLILC JIT support would technically work on Android, an AOT compiler with aggressive dead code elimination would be required for any real applications to use CoreCLR on android.

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

@JeroMiya A JIT will definitely be needed for a full .NET implementation, but for the moment we're trying to get started. The first thing we need, before anyone even looks at LLILC, is a working CoreCLR.

As for an AOT compiler, this is just an idea, but it might be possible to get a lot of that for free by borrowing some of Google's Dalvik-to-OAT compiler in ART. It's an aggressive AOT compiler designed specifically for converting managed code on a very similar model to CIL into optimized native builds for Android devices, so it's definitely worth looking at.

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

I think Dalvik-to-OAT is a dead-end, no offense. LLILC as an AOT would also be an aggressive AOT, and could be used for both Android, iOS, and even desktop apps on Mac/Linux/Windows. Possibly on the web via emscripten/asm.js too. An optimized AOT compiler is not a trivial project, so we should consolidate effort on one cross-platform solution. Right now LLILC is the only tech on the horizon, so I think it fits the bill both for cross-platform JIT and AOT.

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

An optimized AOT compiler is not a trivial project, so we should consolidate effort on one cross-platform solution.

Is it even possible to have "one cross-platform solution" for something as fundamentally platform-dependent as a native code generator?

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

Yes. LLVM, which LLILC is based on, generates native code for many platforms, including android, iOS, linux, mac, the web, etc...

ghost commented 9 years ago

@masonwheeler take a look at &

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

@jasonwilliams200OK OK, I'm looking at them, but I must be missing something; I don't see how either one pertains to this discussion.

ghost commented 9 years ago

That was directed to "one cross-platform solution". LLILC is the answer and those ideas I pointed are to enhance its capability even further.

reduz commented 9 years ago

Question out of curiosity, does CoreCLR have a portable interpreter mode, for platforms that can't JIT?

kiwibonga commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to express support and interest in this initiative... Is there an ongoing project or place where people are working towards 100% free .net on Android? Is this discussion 'it'? I'm more than willing to put all of my free time towards destroying Xamarin's livelihood, so if there's no project to join, I'll happily start one.

Question: Since Microsoft has deals with Xamarin, and Xamarin operates like a patent troll, is there any chance that this effort could be undermined by their relationship? How do we make sure CoreCLR on Android doesn't get shut down?

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

We're not trying to be malicious here, @kiwibonga, even towards companies we perceive as bad actors. I just want to see this happen in order to be able to create something for Android that is not currently possible to create due to the way Xamarin's licensing works.

There's no need to worry about the project "being shut down." If you look at the official CoreCLR license file, you'll see that it's the MIT license, a standard open source license. This creates a promise that the copyright holder cannot take back. (Not a lawyer, but there's precedent. Look up the history of the Firebird database sometime.) Even if Microsoft decided not to support the Android port, there's not much they can do to keep people from working on it independently.

If you want to contribute, start by forking the repository. Right now the first priority is to get CoreCLR to compile for Android/ARM32. If you can manage to do that, or to make progress towards it, please do so and submit a pull request. :)

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

I agree with @masonwheeler - not trying to be malicious. Many higher-end app developers really need a paid product that is reliable and simple to use as a "whole package", which comes with paid support. That's an extremely important part of the .Net ecosystem. I also don't think Microsoft is explicitly against an iOS/Android port. It just isn't one of their priorities right now - they have enough work getting CoreCLR ported to Mac/Linux. While it is expensive, Xamarin's product is a viable solution for some, so it makes sense that iOS/Android support hasn't been a Microsoft priority yet. If there's one thing I've learned in this industry, it's to never assume ill intent.

That being said, I do believe the .net ecosystem as a whole is severely held back in terms of broad adoption by the lack of a portable client AOT runtime that is free and permissively licensed and runs on Android/iOS. The general industry trend on the client-side from open platforms to closed walled gardens has rendered Mono's LGPL license unusable for most modern client-side development (iOS/Android/consoles/Mac-app-store, or any other app store model), so this is a pretty large hole in the ecosystem. There are significantly more developers priced out of Xamarin than can afford it, and ecosystem adoption is judged by number of developers, not how much revenue each developer makes on their product.

Now, back to the original issue at hand: I think Android support should be based on LLILC, and progress in three stages:

Stage 1: LLILC as a JIT engine. LLILC only has support for using LLVM as a JIT engine, and Android (but not iOS), supports JIT. Stage 1 would only be usable for development and experimentation - it's not a viable solution for a production app due to the app size cost, startup time cost, and runtime cost of JIT.

Stage 2: LLILC as an AOT compiler. LLILC's AOT support is a ways off, but once implemented would enable practical use of CoreCLR in a production Android app, assuming platform bindings were available (platform bindings are beyond the scope of this issue). Developers may continue to use the stage 1 JIT mode to reduce the build time during incremental development.

Stage 3: Optimization. Depending on LLILC's AOT implementation, we may need to do additional dead-code elimination to get the deployed application size down to reasonable levels. This is also where we might need to make Android-specific optimizations to the runtime.

masonwheeler commented 9 years ago

@JeroMiya LLILC is definitely an important step, but it's completely distinct from this one. LLVM already supports an ARM compilation target, so a lot of the hard work is already done there. LLILC is about translating IL generated from C# (or other CLR languages) to native code for execution, but even with that, we still need the runtime, a good deal of which is not written in C#. Until we have a working CoreCLR, LLILC for Android is useless.

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

@masonwheeler porting of the runtime to Android is implied in stage 1. This implies also any platform layer implementation needed for Android, e.g. native threading, file streams, and other quirks of the android platform, relative to the Linux port of CoreCLR.

n8ohu commented 9 years ago

Guys, lets not forget that the products from Xamarin are based on open source software; the only real difference between them is the software licencing involved. Not everyone feels that a license that allows what the MIT license does is one they want to contribute to, just like some folks contributing to this won't contribute to one with a GNU license.

kiwibonga commented 9 years ago

What's your point, @n8ohu?

shahid-pk commented 9 years ago

should we actually do something practically guys ? a try can not hurt anyone so if someone can contribute something they should start right now.

kiwibonga commented 9 years ago

@shahid-pk Are you still actively on this? I saw @masonwheeler's comment about what you have so far, but it's not clear where or why you stopped -- some documentation could help.

I've been looking at the build.cmd script because I work on Windows; I'll probably be going through the same motions you did to add an "arm" argument, and to compile with clang/gcc... Will definitely have more time to work on this in the coming week.

shahid-pk commented 9 years ago

@kiwibonga initially i stopped because i got into the compiling stage where i was hitting amd64 assembly code (The PAL layer contains a lot of assembly/amd64 assembly). And i am very bad at assembly code so i was looking for help. Then i toasted my linux hard drive and now i only have windows i will have linux again soon but i am afraid i can not help in low level c++ and assembly. I will provide a wiki in my branch about what i have done and what needs to be done soon.

n8ohu commented 9 years ago

@kiwibonga My point is that Xamarin is paying for the development of Mono, which is an open source project, with the licensing fees for the commercial Xamarin products; they chose long ago to use an open source license that required certain things which some developers choose to consider restrictive. Microsoft, like Apple before it, chose a different license, with all the potential consequences that could arise from that as we have seen with relatively recent reductions in the amount of core code for Darwin (the core of Mac OS X) that used to be compilable that no longer are. Either way, there is going to be an increasing amount of software that uses Mono or CoreFX/CoreCLR that runs on Linux, so engaging in a "holy war" of sorts isn't of benefit to the community as a whole.

shahid-pk commented 9 years ago

As i have stated elsewhere too i must say i have nothing personally against anyone or any company. Xamarin must be good for some and bad for some i do not care we should all in fact don't need to care about that. What we should focus on right now is creating a free port of coreclr to arm. Discussing who else is doing this and who is charging for it is not relevant here. We should mind our own job.

JeroMiya commented 9 years ago

If you'd like to continue discussion of the relative merits of open source licenses as it pertains to coreclr, xamarin's business model, and so forth, may I suggest further discussion be moved to the .net foundation forums, or a social media platform of your choice? This will help the implementors keep focused on the actual task without extra noise. I will delete my own off topic commentary as soon as I'm not on a phone browser. Thanks!

benpye commented 9 years ago

This is less an Android, more an ARM question generally. I've started an attempt to get PAL at least building for ARM, but my lack of knowledge regarding SEH is problematic. Can anyone point me in the right direction so that I can hope to update src/pal/src/exception/seh-unwind.cpp for ARM, or otherwise find a solution so that I might move on. Thanks.

kiwibonga commented 9 years ago

There's some documentation about SEH on MSDN:

The code uses functions from a package called libunwind (docs:

Mono has some info on exception propagation and SEH:

You may be able to get some inspiration from mono's code:

If you don't want to handle it and just want to compile, I think you can get away with making all the functions empty stubs with dummy return values -- it just means exceptions will be invisible to exception handlers across native/managed boundaries, which is probably non-critical at this very early stage.

kangaroo commented 9 years ago

You don't need to understand SEH to do an ARM port here. You just need to update the architecture specific unwinding code to copy the callee-saved registers and $ip into the WinContext.

NOTE: You'll also need to update pal.h to include the CONTEXT structures and various bits for arm.

janhenke commented 9 years ago

Before you are too much into ARM, just wanting to point out there is x86 Android too (mostly for the Intel Atom SoCs). Maybe it is easier to first bring it there first (e.g. fixing problems from library differences). Once it runs cleanly port it to the other ISA. Just saying.

benpye commented 9 years ago

That was something I noted, though, Android isn't really where my interest lies, even if that is where this issue started. Currently I am attempting to get it running on Ubuntu 14.04 on ARM, rather than Android with everything that entails.

shahid-pk commented 9 years ago

This issue maybe for android but we should take it as port for arm32 generally not just android. Our testing platform maybe android.

kiwibonga commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to update. I've been focused on using the Android NDK tools to cross-compile. I've had success getting a build started with android-cmake (

Commands to cross compile on Windows (run from folder where android-cmake was cloned):

cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM="C:/NVPACK/android-ndk-r9d/prebuilt/windows/bin/make.exe" -DANDROID_NDK=C:/NVPACK/android-ndk-r9d/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a" C:/libs/coreclr/coreclr/
cmake --build .

"C:/NVPACK/android-ndk-r9d" is the NDK directory on my machine and "C:/libs/coreclr/coreclr" is where the coreclr repo is cloned.

This fails to build right away, of course, but it takes care of a good chunk of the cross-compiling/platform detection work and provides useful defines you can use in CMakeLists.

reduz commented 8 years ago

Any news regarding Android support?

GCCFeli commented 8 years ago

Any news regarding Android support?

cydhaselton commented 8 years ago

Don't know if this is relevant but I'm currently working on building coreclr on-device in Termux. It's slow going, as I'm not familiar with the clang/cmake toolset, but I've made some progress.

I'm currently working on some 'undefined reference' issues that kicked up when attempting to link libunwind.

masonwheeler commented 8 years ago

@reduz @GCCFeli We've got a mostly-working ARM32 CLR at this point. Have a look at for progress.

The next step would be to get it to build on the NDK.

GCCFeli commented 8 years ago

@masonwheeler Great progress!

cydhaselton commented 8 years ago

I've fixed the libunwind issues and now am working exclusively on coreclr build errors on device.

Would anyone know of a working swab function implementation for Android…specifically version 21? I've tried several…most recently this one…but they all throw errors*

*I realize this is .c, not .cpp, but the swab.cpp implementation I tried also threw errors. Note: I have a minimal knowledge of C++

EDIT swab function issue resolved; build progressing

shahid-pk commented 8 years ago

@cydhaselton create a separate issue and tag appropriate person (jkotas knows almost anything and is a team member) , to get help quickly.

cydhaselton commented 8 years ago

@shahid-pk: I can't tag my issue in this repo

shahid-pk commented 8 years ago

@cydhaselton i mean @ tag in comments

cydhaselton commented 8 years ago

On device build complete, as well as Native/Unix from corefx

cydhaselton commented 7 years ago

Finishing up an Android build of the mono open source C# compiler. Once that's done I hope to build whatever PowerShell-dotnet dependencies that need to be built by a C# compiler

cydhaselton commented 7 years ago

System.Private.Corelib.dll built. Ended up using xbuild with the Roslyn compiler on the $CORECLR/src/mscorlib directory instead of the mono mcs compiler.

mosermanuel commented 7 years ago

Ich werde ab 06.11.2016 nicht im B�ro sein. Ich kehre zur�ck am 12.11.2016. Ich werde Ihre Nachricht nach meiner R�ckkehr beantworten.

Die R�ckmeldung bezieht sich auf ein Mail mit folgendem Thema: Re: [dotnet/coreclr] Build CoreCLR for Android (#1097)

Gesendet (c) GRZ/RACON Linz 2016 Agent 'Abwesenheit'

Raiffeisen Software GmbH Firmenbuchnummer: 86804d, Landesgericht Linz DVR: 0572934, UID: ATU 36961105

Der Austausch von Nachrichten mit dem oben angef�hrten Absender via E-Mail dient ausschlie�lich Informationszwecken. Rechtsgesch�ftliche Erkl�rungen d�rfen �ber dieses Medium nicht ausgetauscht werden. Correspondence with above mentioned sender via e-mail is only for information purposes. This medium is not to be used for the exchange of

legally-binding communications.

masonwheeler commented 7 years ago

@javarch Can we please keep things in English around here? No offense intended, but most of us can't read German, and it looks like a bunch of your diacritics got mangled somewhere along the way, which I'd imagine makes automatic translation even more difficult. :(

wanton7 commented 7 years ago

@masonwheeler i'm not a german speaker but from what I understand that's automated on vacation message.

cydhaselton commented 7 years ago

Running into text relocation issues when testing coreclr, corefx and System.Private.Corelib.dll with powershell dlopen failed to open the with error dlopen failed: text relocations (DT_TEXTREL) found in 64-bit ELF file "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/Product/Linux.arm64.Debug/"

I'm semi-familiar with the Android restrictions on text-relocations, but I'm not sure how to resolve them

jkotas commented 7 years ago

We have seen similar TEXTREL errors before - Take a look at the other issues on what was done to track them down.

cydhaselton commented 7 years ago

There is a link to a guide for hunting down TEXTRELs in one of the issues but otherwise not much else. I'll start with re-compiling with explicit -PIC flags

janvorli commented 7 years ago

@cydhaselton we have explicit -fPIC flags everywhere.

cydhaselton commented 7 years ago

Running into an issue rebuilding coreclr that has me stumped as I don't remember encountering it during the first successful build.

On the compilation of disasm.cpp I run into errora like the following:

In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/pkg/ps/coreclr/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/disasm.cpp:11: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/pkg/ps/coreclr/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/strike.h:113: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/pkg/ps/coreclr/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/exts.h:81: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/pkg/ps/coreclr/src/ToolBox/SOS/Strike/util.h:2866: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/unordered_map:41: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/tuple:39: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/array:38: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/stdexcept:39: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/string:52: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/bits/basic_string.h:39:In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/ext/atomicity.h:35: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/bits/gthr.h:148: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/bits/gthr-default.h:35:In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/pthread.h:33: In file included from /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/signal.h:37: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/include/asm/sigcontext.h:30:24: error: expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers __u8 __reserved[4096] __attribute__((__aligned__(16)));

The errors crop up for wchar.h and pthread.h as well.

However, and this is directed to @janvorli , the build compiles libcoreclr, and corerun before failing. Unfortunately both still complain of TEXTRELs.

EDIT: wchar.h and pthread.h errors resolved. Problem was that __reserved was defined in sortversioning.h and sal.h and was conflicting with the various char __reserved[x] in wchar.h