dotnet / runtime

.NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
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[Mono][Android][Test] UnhandledException: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Could not find file '/data/user/0/' #53353

Open fanyang-mono opened 3 years ago

fanyang-mono commented 3 years ago

JIT/Regression/JitBlue/DevDiv_461649/DevDiv_461649/ failed on Android x64

Android adb log:

05-27 10:25:48.064 26510 26530 I DOTNET  : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=DevDiv_461649.dll
05-27 10:25:48.064 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : file_path: /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.066 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.140 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: DevDiv_461649.dll (null) /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.141 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : Executable: DevDiv_461649.dll
05-27 10:25:48.141 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Runtime  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.142 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Xml.ReaderWriter  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.143 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.Xml  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.144 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Collections.NonGeneric  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.145 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Collections  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.145 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Console  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.146 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Runtime.InteropServices  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.223 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Net.Primitives  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.224 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.Uri  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.230 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.ObjectModel  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.254 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Collections.Specialized  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.299 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Text.RegularExpressions  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.640 26510 26530 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Threading  /data/user/0/
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    : Unhandled Exception:
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file '/data/user/0/'.
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    : File name: '/data/user/0/'
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x600000a+0x14
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at Interop.CheckIo(Error error, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x600000b+0x9
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60000a1+0x52
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.OpenHandle(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60055de+0xb
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.Strategies.Net5CompatFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60055ec+0x3c
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategyCore(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60055dd+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.ChooseStrategy(FileStream fileStream, String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60055d8+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x6005305+0x123
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x6005303+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x6005302+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x6005301+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials, IWebProxy proxy) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x6000bf0+0x18
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x6000c8c+0x2c
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltLoader.CreateReader(Uri uri, XmlResolver xmlResolver) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x6002c9a+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.XsltLoader.Load(Compiler compiler, Object stylesheet, XmlResolver xmlResolver) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x6002c94+0x8d
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt.Compiler.Compile(Object stylesheet, XmlResolver xmlResolver, QilExpression& qil) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x6002a53+0x5
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.CompileXsltToQil(Object stylesheet, XsltSettings settings, XmlResolver stylesheetResolver) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x60028a6+0xe
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.LoadInternal(Object stylesheet, XsltSettings settings, XmlResolver stylesheetResolver) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x60028a5+0x18
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(String stylesheetUri) in System.Private.Xml.dll:token 0x60028a3+0x20
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at XSLTest.Program.DotNetXslCompiledTransform(String inputXml, String inputXsl) in DevDiv_461649.dll:token 0x6000002+0x6
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E mono    :    at XSLTest.Program.Main(String[] args) in DevDiv_461649.dll:token 0x6000001+0x0
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E DOTNET  : UnhandledException: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Could not find file '/data/user/0/'.    at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x600000a+0x14
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E DOTNET  :    at Interop.CheckIo(Error error, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x600000b+0x9
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E DOTNET  :    at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60000a1+0x52
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E DOTNET  :    at System.IO.Strategies.FileStreamHelpers.OpenHandle(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:token 0x60055de+0xb
05-27 10:25:48.873 26510 26530 E DOTNET  :    at System.IO.Strategies.Net5CompatFileStreamStrategy..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, Int64 preallocationSize) in System.Private.CoreLib.dll:t
05-27 10:25:49.178 31957 32393 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 26510) has died: fg  FGS 
directhex commented 2 years ago

This is, roughly speaking, expected behaviour right now. We aren't including the .xml or .xsl file from DevDiv_461649/ in the inside the .apk (or indeed anything except .so, .a, and .dll). I think we should punt this again - it's a test build bug only.