dotnet / runtime

.NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
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[MONO][Interp] runtime tests failed with unhandled exception with interpreter #54393

Open fanyang-mono opened 3 years ago

fanyang-mono commented 3 years ago

Failed tests list:

Full log for the first 5 tests Full log for the rest

      06-17 16:47:20.707  7195  7213 I DOTNET  : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=b00722.dll
      06-17 16:47:20.707  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : file_path: /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:47:20.707  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : Interp Enabled
      06-17 16:47:20.709  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:47:20.729  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: b00722.dll (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:47:20.729  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : Executable: b00722.dll
      06-17 16:47:20.729  7195  7213 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib  /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E mono    : 
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E mono    : Unhandled Exception:
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E mono    : System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E mono    :    at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Method_0x24dd30a(Double Arg_0x0, IntPtr Arg_0x1, Int64 Arg_0x2, IntPtr Arg_0x3, IntPtr Arg_0x4, SByte Arg_0x5, UInt32 Arg_0x6, Int32 Arg_0x7, UInt16 Arg_0x8, Byte Arg_0x9, SByte Arg_0xa, UInt64 Arg_0xb, UInt32 Arg_0xc, Double Arg_0xd, IntPtr Arg_0xe)
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E mono    :    at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Main()
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E DOTNET  : UnhandledException: System.DivideByZeroException Attempted to divide by zero.    at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Method_0x24dd30a(Double Arg_0x0, IntPtr Arg_0x1, Int64 Arg_0x2, IntPtr Arg_0x3, IntPtr Arg_0x4, SByte Arg_0x5, UInt32 Arg_0x6, Int32 Arg_0x7, UInt16 Arg_0x8, Byte Arg_0x9, SByte Arg_0xa, UInt64 Arg_0xb, UInt32 Arg_0xc, Double Arg_0xd, IntPtr Arg_0xe)
      06-17 16:47:20.771  7195  7213 E DOTNET  :    at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Main()
      06-17 16:47:20.804  1535  1535 I Zygote  : Process 7195 exited cleanly (1)
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  3253 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7195) has died: fore FGS 
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 7195 in 0ms
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  3253 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{}
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  3253 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  6589 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  6589 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  6589 W Binder  :    at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  6589 W Binder  :    at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished(
      06-17 16:47:20.805  1792  6589 W Binder  :    at$
      06-17 16:47:20.806  7185  7185 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
      06-17 16:49:30.373  9083  9100 I DOTNET  : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=b353858.dll
      06-17 16:49:30.373  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : file_path: /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.373  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : Interp Enabled
      06-17 16:49:30.375  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.396  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: b353858.dll (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.396  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : Executable: b353858.dll
      06-17 16:49:30.396  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib  /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.396  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Console  /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.396  9083  9100 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Runtime  /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:49:30.439  9083  9100 E mono    : 
      06-17 16:49:30.439  9083  9100 E mono    : Unhandled Exception:
      06-17 16:49:30.439  9083  9100 E mono    : System.TypeLoadException: Error getting the interfaces of System.Void[] due to Error Loading class assembly:/data/data/ type:IList`1 member:(null)
      06-17 16:49:30.439  9083  9100 E mono    :    at <Module>.main()
      06-17 16:49:30.439  9083  9100 E DOTNET  : UnhandledException: System.TypeLoadException Error getting the interfaces of System.Void[] due to Error Loading class assembly:/data/data/ type:IList`1 member:(null)    at <Module>.main()
      06-17 16:49:30.505  1792  7377 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9083) has died: fore FGS 
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  7377 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{}
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  7377 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  8528 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  8528 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  8528 W Binder  :    at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  8528 W Binder  :    at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished(
      06-17 16:49:30.506  1792  8528 W Binder  :    at$
      06-17 16:49:30.508  9072  9072 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
      06-17 16:49:30.531  1535  1535 I Zygote  : Process 9083 exited cleanly (1)
      06-17 16:49:30.544  1792  1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 9083 in 38ms
      06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 I DOTNET  : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=DevDiv_487699.dll
      06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : file_path: /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : Interp Enabled
      06-17 16:54:34.065 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: DevDiv_487699.dll (null) /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : Executable: DevDiv_487699.dll
      06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib  /data/user/0/
      06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : ((null) warning) ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD: shift type mismatch 0
      06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 I chatty  : uid=10114( identical 2 lines
      06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 D DOTNET  : ((null) warning) ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD: shift type mismatch 0
      06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono    : 
      06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono    : Unhandled Exception:
      06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono    : System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
      06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono    :    at ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD(Byte A_0, Int64 A_1, IntPtr A_2, UInt16 A_3)
      06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono    :    at ILGEN_CLASS.Main()
      06-17 16:54:34.128 13182 13200 E DOTNET  : UnhandledException: System.OverflowException Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.    at ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD(Byte A_0, Int64 A_1, IntPtr A_2, UInt16 A_3)
      06-17 16:54:34.128 13182 13200 E DOTNET  :    at ILGEN_CLASS.Main()
      06-17 16:54:34.185  1792  2620 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 13182) has died: fore FGS 
      06-17 16:54:34.186  1792  2620 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{}
      06-17 16:54:34.186  1792  2620 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst
      06-17 16:54:34.187  1792 12893 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
      06-17 16:54:34.187  1792 12893 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
      06-17 16:54:34.187  1792 12893 W Binder  :    at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
      06-17 16:54:34.187  1792 12893 W Binder  :    at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished(
      06-17 16:54:34.187  1792 12893 W Binder  :    at$
      06-17 16:54:34.190 13172 13172 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
      06-17 16:54:34.201  1535  1535 I Zygote  : Process 13182 exited cleanly (1)
      06-17 16:54:34.201 13172 13203 E app_process: Thread attaching to non-existent runtime: Binder:13172_3
      06-17 16:54:34.201 13172 13203 I AndroidRuntime: NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder:13172_3' failed
      06-17 16:54:34.230  1792  1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 13182 in 44ms
ghost commented 3 years ago

Tagging subscribers to this area: @brzvlad See info in if you want to be subscribed.

Issue Details
Failed tests list: - JIT/Regression/CLR-x86-JIT/V1.2-M01/b00722/b00722/ - JIT/Regression/CLR-x86-JIT/V2.0-Beta2/b353858/b353858/ - JIT/Regression/JitBlue/DevDiv_487699/DevDiv_487699/ - JIT/Regression/JitBlue/DevDiv_544983/DevDiv_544983/ - JIT/Regression/JitBlue/GitHub_21990/GitHub_21990/ - JIT/Regression/VS-ia64-JIT/M00/b108366/b108366/ - [Full log]( ``` 06-17 16:47:20.707 7195 7213 I DOTNET : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=b00722.dll 06-17 16:47:20.707 7195 7213 D DOTNET : file_path: /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:47:20.707 7195 7213 D DOTNET : Interp Enabled 06-17 16:47:20.709 7195 7213 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:47:20.729 7195 7213 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: b00722.dll (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:47:20.729 7195 7213 D DOTNET : Executable: b00722.dll 06-17 16:47:20.729 7195 7213 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E mono : 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E mono : Unhandled Exception: 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E mono : System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E mono : at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Method_0x24dd30a(Double Arg_0x0, IntPtr Arg_0x1, Int64 Arg_0x2, IntPtr Arg_0x3, IntPtr Arg_0x4, SByte Arg_0x5, UInt32 Arg_0x6, Int32 Arg_0x7, UInt16 Arg_0x8, Byte Arg_0x9, SByte Arg_0xa, UInt64 Arg_0xb, UInt32 Arg_0xc, Double Arg_0xd, IntPtr Arg_0xe) 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E mono : at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Main() 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E DOTNET : UnhandledException: System.DivideByZeroException Attempted to divide by zero. at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Method_0x24dd30a(Double Arg_0x0, IntPtr Arg_0x1, Int64 Arg_0x2, IntPtr Arg_0x3, IntPtr Arg_0x4, SByte Arg_0x5, UInt32 Arg_0x6, Int32 Arg_0x7, UInt16 Arg_0x8, Byte Arg_0x9, SByte Arg_0xa, UInt64 Arg_0xb, UInt32 Arg_0xc, Double Arg_0xd, IntPtr Arg_0xe) 06-17 16:47:20.771 7195 7213 E DOTNET : at ILGEN_0x195e59cd.Main() 06-17 16:47:20.804 1535 1535 I Zygote : Process 7195 exited cleanly (1) 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 3253 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7195) has died: fore FGS 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 7195 in 0ms 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 3253 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{} 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 3253 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 6589 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 6589 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 6589 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 6589 W Binder : at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished( 06-17 16:47:20.805 1792 6589 W Binder : at$ 06-17 16:47:20.806 7185 7185 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM ``` ``` 06-17 16:49:30.373 9083 9100 I DOTNET : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=b353858.dll 06-17 16:49:30.373 9083 9100 D DOTNET : file_path: /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.373 9083 9100 D DOTNET : Interp Enabled 06-17 16:49:30.375 9083 9100 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.396 9083 9100 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: b353858.dll (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.396 9083 9100 D DOTNET : Executable: b353858.dll 06-17 16:49:30.396 9083 9100 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.396 9083 9100 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Console /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.396 9083 9100 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Runtime /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:49:30.439 9083 9100 E mono : 06-17 16:49:30.439 9083 9100 E mono : Unhandled Exception: 06-17 16:49:30.439 9083 9100 E mono : System.TypeLoadException: Error getting the interfaces of System.Void[] due to Error Loading class assembly:/data/data/ type:IList`1 member:(null) 06-17 16:49:30.439 9083 9100 E mono : at .main() 06-17 16:49:30.439 9083 9100 E DOTNET : UnhandledException: System.TypeLoadException Error getting the interfaces of System.Void[] due to Error Loading class assembly:/data/data/ type:IList`1 member:(null) at .main() 06-17 16:49:30.505 1792 7377 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 9083) has died: fore FGS 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 7377 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{} 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 7377 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 8528 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 8528 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 8528 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 8528 W Binder : at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished( 06-17 16:49:30.506 1792 8528 W Binder : at$ 06-17 16:49:30.508 9072 9072 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 06-17 16:49:30.531 1535 1535 I Zygote : Process 9083 exited cleanly (1) 06-17 16:49:30.544 1792 1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 9083 in 38ms ``` ``` 06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 I DOTNET : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=DevDiv_487699.dll 06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 D DOTNET : file_path: /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:54:34.064 13182 13200 D DOTNET : Interp Enabled 06-17 16:54:34.065 13182 13200 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: DevDiv_487699.dll (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET : Executable: DevDiv_487699.dll 06-17 16:54:34.086 13182 13200 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: mscorlib /data/user/0/ 06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 D DOTNET : ((null) warning) ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD: shift type mismatch 0 06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 I chatty : uid=10114( identical 2 lines 06-17 16:54:34.087 13182 13200 D DOTNET : ((null) warning) ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD: shift type mismatch 0 06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono : 06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono : Unhandled Exception: 06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono : System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. 06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono : at ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD(Byte A_0, Int64 A_1, IntPtr A_2, UInt16 A_3) 06-17 16:54:34.127 13182 13200 E mono : at ILGEN_CLASS.Main() 06-17 16:54:34.128 13182 13200 E DOTNET : UnhandledException: System.OverflowException Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. at ILGEN_CLASS.ILGEN_METHOD(Byte A_0, Int64 A_1, IntPtr A_2, UInt16 A_3) 06-17 16:54:34.128 13182 13200 E DOTNET : at ILGEN_CLASS.Main() 06-17 16:54:34.185 1792 2620 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 13182) has died: fore FGS 06-17 16:54:34.186 1792 2620 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{} 06-17 16:54:34.186 1792 2620 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst 06-17 16:54:34.187 1792 12893 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 06-17 16:54:34.187 1792 12893 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 06-17 16:54:34.187 1792 12893 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 06-17 16:54:34.187 1792 12893 W Binder : at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished( 06-17 16:54:34.187 1792 12893 W Binder : at$ 06-17 16:54:34.190 13172 13172 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 06-17 16:54:34.201 1535 1535 I Zygote : Process 13182 exited cleanly (1) 06-17 16:54:34.201 13172 13203 E app_process: Thread attaching to non-existent runtime: Binder:13172_3 06-17 16:54:34.201 13172 13203 I AndroidRuntime: NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder:13172_3' failed 06-17 16:54:34.230 1792 1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 13182 in 44ms ``` ``` 06-17 17:08:11.076 24200 24218 I DOTNET : MonoRunner initialize,, entryPointLibName=GitHub_21990.dll 06-17 17:08:11.076 24200 24218 D DOTNET : file_path: /data/user/0/ 06-17 17:08:11.076 24200 24218 D DOTNET : Interp Enabled 06-17 17:08:11.078 24200 24218 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Private.CoreLib (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 17:08:11.098 24200 24218 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: GitHub_21990.dll (null) /data/user/0/ 06-17 17:08:11.098 24200 24218 D DOTNET : Executable: GitHub_21990.dll 06-17 17:08:11.098 24200 24218 D DOTNET : assembly_preload_hook: System.Runtime /data/user/0/ 06-17 17:08:11.143 24200 24218 E mono : 06-17 17:08:11.143 24200 24218 E mono : Unhandled Exception: 06-17 17:08:11.143 24200 24218 E mono : System.InvalidProgramException: Unable to run method 'bool Test:TestGenericSharing ()': locals size too big. 06-17 17:08:11.143 24200 24218 E mono : at Test.Main() 06-17 17:08:11.143 24200 24218 E DOTNET : UnhandledException: System.InvalidProgramException Unable to run method 'bool Test:TestGenericSharing ()': locals size too big. at Test.Main() 06-17 17:08:11.184 1535 1535 I Zygote : Process 24200 exited cleanly (1) 06-17 17:08:11.184 1792 7377 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24200) has died: fore FGS 06-17 17:08:11.184 1792 1820 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10114 pid 24200 in 0ms 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 7377 W ActivityManager: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{} 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 7377 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10114 user=0: finished inst 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 22946 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 22946 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 22946 W Binder : at android.os.BinderProxy.transact( 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 22946 W Binder : at$Stub$Proxy.instrumentationFinished( 06-17 17:08:11.185 1792 22946 W Binder : at$ 06-17 17:08:11.186 24190 24190 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM 06-17 17:08:11.198 24190 24221 E app_process: Thread attaching to non-existent runtime: Binder:24190_3 06-17 17:08:11.198 24190 24221 I AndroidRuntime: NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder:24190_3' failed ```
Author: fanyang-mono
Assignees: -
Labels: `area-Codegen-Interpreter-mono`, `os-android`
Milestone: -
SamMonoRT commented 2 years ago

Assigning for accurate tracking and triaging