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[API Proposal]: System.ClientModel #94126

Closed annelo-msft closed 9 months ago

annelo-msft commented 1 year ago

Background and motivation

The Azure SDK provides .NET clients that enable idiomatic development of .NET applications that communicate with Azure services. Many of our clients are created with code generation tools, and use concepts that the .NET platform doesn't necessarily provide features for, such as retry logic and credentials for authenticating with cloud services. To avoid generating the code for these concepts into every client library, we have created a shared library called Azure.Core that our generated clients depend on. We would now like to be able to create generated clients that can communicate with any cloud service, not only those in Azure. We believe putting these client building block types in a System. namespace is a good way to put them in a neutral bucket.

We worked with @terrajobst and @stephentoub to choose the base namespace System.Net.ClientModel for these types. We chose ClientModel to indicate that the types are building blocks for clients that call cloud services and included the Net prefix to indicate that these aren't UI-client types.

We plan to maintain the source for the proposed System.Net.ClientModel package, as well as the release pipelines needed to publish the package to NuGet, in the Azure/azure-sdk-for-net repo.

API Proposal

Below is the full API listing for the types we would like to ship to enable generation of an MVP client.

Depending on the needs of our users we may chose to sequence release of these APIs over multiple package releases, where subsets of types can be released independently. We will highlight which APIs are closer to release during the in-person review.

namespace System.ClientModel
    public partial class ClientRequestException : System.Exception, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
        public ClientRequestException(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse response) { }
        public ClientRequestException(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse? response, string? message, System.Exception? innerException = null) { }
        protected ClientRequestException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
        public int Status { get { throw null; } }
        public override void GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse? GetRawResponse() { throw null; }
    public abstract partial class InputContent : System.IDisposable
        protected InputContent() { }
        public static System.ClientModel.InputContent Create(System.BinaryData value) { throw null; }
        public static System.ClientModel.InputContent Create<T>(T model, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<T> { throw null; }
        public abstract void Dispose();
        public abstract bool TryComputeLength(out long length);
        public abstract void WriteTo(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken);
        public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToAsync(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken);
    public partial class KeyCredential
        public KeyCredential(string key) { }
        public string Key { get { throw null; } }
        public void Update(string key) { }
    public static partial class ModelReaderWriter
        public static object? Read(System.BinaryData data, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] System.Type returnType, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; }
        public static T? Read<T>(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<T> { throw null; }
        public static System.BinaryData Write(object model, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; }
        public static System.BinaryData Write<T>(T model, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<T> { throw null; }
    public partial class ModelReaderWriterOptions
        public ModelReaderWriterOptions(string format) { }
        public string Format { get { throw null; } }
        public static System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions Json { get { throw null; } }
        public static System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions Xml { get { throw null; } }
    public partial class NullableOutputMessage<T> : System.ClientModel.OutputMessage
        internal NullableOutputMessage() { }
        public virtual bool HasValue { get { throw null; } }
        public virtual T? Value { get { throw null; } }
        public override System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse GetRawResponse() { throw null; }
    public abstract partial class OutputMessage
        protected OutputMessage() { }
        public static System.ClientModel.NullableOutputMessage<T> FromNullableValue<T>(T? value, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; }
        public static System.ClientModel.OutputMessage FromResponse(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; }
        public static System.ClientModel.OutputMessage<T> FromValue<T>(T value, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; }
        public abstract System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse GetRawResponse();
    public partial class OutputMessage<T> : System.ClientModel.NullableOutputMessage<T>
        internal OutputMessage() { }
        public override bool HasValue { get { throw null; } }
        public override T Value { get { throw null; } }
    public partial class RequestOptions : System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineOptions
        public RequestOptions() { }
        public virtual System.Threading.CancellationToken CancellationToken { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.ErrorBehavior ErrorBehavior { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageHeaders RequestHeaders { get { throw null; } }
        public virtual void Apply(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageClassifier? classifier = null) { }
namespace System.ClientModel.Primitives
    public partial class ClientPipeline
        internal ClientPipeline() { }
        public static System.ClientModel.Primitives.ClientPipeline Create(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineOptions options) { throw null; }
        public System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage CreateMessage() { throw null; }
        public void Send(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message) { }
        public System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask SendAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; }
    public enum ErrorBehavior
        Default = 0,
        NoThrow = 1,
    public partial interface IJsonModel<out T> : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel<T>
        T Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options);
        void Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options);
    public partial interface IPersistableModel<out T>
        T Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options);
        string GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options);
        System.BinaryData Write(System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options);
    public partial class KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy : System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy
        public KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(System.ClientModel.KeyCredential credential, string headerName, string? keyPrefix = null) { }
        public override void Process(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { }
        public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { throw null; }
    public partial class MessageClassifier
        protected internal MessageClassifier() { }
        public virtual bool IsError(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; }
    public abstract partial class MessageHeaders
        protected MessageHeaders() { }
        public abstract int Count { get; }
        public abstract void Add(string name, string value);
        public abstract bool Remove(string name);
        public abstract void Set(string name, string value);
        public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>>> headers);
        public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers);
        public abstract bool TryGetValue(string name, out string? value);
        public abstract bool TryGetValues(string name, out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>? values);
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute("The constructors of the type being deserialized are dynamically accessed and may be trimmed.")]
    public partial class ModelJsonConverter : System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter<System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<object>>
        public ModelJsonConverter() { }
        public ModelJsonConverter(System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { }
        public System.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions Options { get { throw null; } }
        public override bool CanConvert(System.Type typeToConvert) { throw null; }
        public override System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<object> Read(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.Type typeToConvert, System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions options) { throw null; }
        public override void Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel<object> value, System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions options) { }
    public sealed partial class PersistableModelProxyAttribute : System.Attribute
        public PersistableModelProxyAttribute([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] System.Type proxyType) { }
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)]
        public System.Type ProxyType { get { throw null; } }
    public partial class PipelineMessage : System.IDisposable
        protected internal PipelineMessage(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineRequest request) { }
        public virtual System.Threading.CancellationToken CancellationToken { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public bool HasResponse { get { throw null; } }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageClassifier MessageClassifier { get { throw null; } protected internal set { } }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineRequest Request { get { throw null; } }
        public virtual System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineResponse Response { get { throw null; } protected internal set { } }
        public virtual void Dispose() { }
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { }
        public void SetProperty(System.Type type, object value) { }
        public bool TryGetProperty(System.Type type, out object? value) { throw null; }
    public partial class PipelineOptions
        public PipelineOptions() { }
        public System.TimeSpan? NetworkTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy[]? PerCallPolicies { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy[]? PerTryPolicies { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy? RetryPolicy { get { throw null; } set { } }
        public System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineTransport? Transport { get { throw null; } set { } }
    public abstract partial class PipelinePolicy
        protected PipelinePolicy() { }
        public abstract void Process(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline);
        public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline);
    public abstract partial class PipelineProcessor
        protected PipelineProcessor() { }
        public abstract int Length { get; }
        public abstract bool ProcessNext();
        public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<bool> ProcessNextAsync();
    public abstract partial class PipelineRequest : System.IDisposable
        protected PipelineRequest() { }
        public abstract System.ClientModel.InputContent? Content { get; set; }
        public abstract System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageHeaders Headers { get; }
        public abstract string Method { get; set; }
        public abstract System.Uri Uri { get; set; }
        public abstract void Dispose();
    public abstract partial class PipelineResponse : System.IDisposable
        protected PipelineResponse() { }
        public System.BinaryData Content { get { throw null; } }
        public abstract System.IO.Stream? ContentStream { get; protected internal set; }
        public abstract System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageHeaders Headers { get; }
        public bool IsError { get { throw null; } }
        public abstract string ReasonPhrase { get; }
        public abstract int Status { get; }
        public abstract void Dispose();
    public abstract partial class PipelineTransport : System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy
        protected PipelineTransport() { }
        public abstract System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage CreateMessage();
        public abstract void Process(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message);
        public override void Process(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { }
        public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message);
        public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { throw null; }
    public partial class ResponseBufferingPolicy : System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy
        public ResponseBufferingPolicy(System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { }
        public override void Process(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { }
        public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineProcessor pipeline) { throw null; }
        public static void SetBufferResponse(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, bool bufferResponse) { }
        public static void SetNetworkTimeout(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { }
        public static bool TryGetBufferResponse(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, out bool bufferResponse) { throw null; }
        public static bool TryGetNetworkTimeout(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message, out System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { throw null; }
    public partial class ResponseStatusClassifier : System.ClientModel.Primitives.MessageClassifier
        public ResponseStatusClassifier(System.ReadOnlySpan<ushort> successStatusCodes) { }
        public override bool IsError(System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; }

API Usage

This sample illustrates a brief client implementation, and is followed by a sample showing application code that could be written using this client. This client can send an authenticated request to the Azure Maps service geolocate endpoint.

using System;
using System.ClientModel;
using System.ClientModel.Primitives;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace Maps;

public class MapsClient
    private readonly Uri _endpoint;
    private readonly KeyCredential _credential;
    private readonly ClientPipeline _pipeline;
    private readonly string _apiVersion;

    public MapsClient(Uri endpoint, KeyCredential credential, MapsClientOptions options = default)
        if (endpoint is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));
        if (credential is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credential));

        options ??= new MapsClientOptions();

        _endpoint = endpoint;
        _credential = credential;
        _apiVersion = options.Version;

        if (options.PerCallPolicies is null)
            options.PerCallPolicies = new PipelinePolicy[1];
            var perCallPolicies = new PipelinePolicy[options.PerCallPolicies.Length + 1];

        options.PerCallPolicies[options.PerCallPolicies.Length - 1] = new KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(_credential, "subscription-key");

        _pipeline = ClientPipeline.Create(options);

    public virtual OutputMessage<IPAddressCountryPair> GetCountryCode(IPAddress ipAddress, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (ipAddress is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ipAddress));

        RequestOptions options = cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled ?
            new RequestOptions() { CancellationToken = cancellationToken } :
            new RequestOptions();

        OutputMessage output = GetCountryCode(ipAddress.ToString(), options);

        PipelineResponse response = output.GetRawResponse();
        IPAddressCountryPair value = IPAddressCountryPair.FromResponse(response);

        return OutputMessage.FromValue(value, response);

    public virtual OutputMessage GetCountryCode(string ipAddress, RequestOptions options = null)
        if (ipAddress is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ipAddress));

        options ??= new RequestOptions();

        using PipelineMessage message = CreateGetLocationRequest(ipAddress, options);


        PipelineResponse response = message.Response;

        if (response.IsError && options.ErrorBehavior == ErrorBehavior.Default)
            throw new ClientRequestException(response);

        return OutputMessage.FromResponse(response);

    private PipelineMessage CreateGetLocationRequest(string ipAddress, RequestOptions options)
        PipelineMessage message = _pipeline.CreateMessage();
        options.Apply(message, new ResponseStatusClassifier(stackalloc ushort[] { 200 }));

        PipelineRequest request = message.Request;
        request.Method = "GET";

        UriBuilder uriBuilder = new(_endpoint.ToString());

        StringBuilder path = new();
        uriBuilder.Path += path.ToString();

        StringBuilder query = new();
        uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

        request.Uri = uriBuilder.Uri;

        request.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json");

        return message;

public class MapsClientOptions : RequestOptions
    private const ServiceVersion LatestVersion = ServiceVersion.V1;

    public enum ServiceVersion
        V1 = 1

    internal string Version { get; }

    internal Uri Endpoint { get; }

    public MapsClientOptions(ServiceVersion version = LatestVersion)
        Version = version switch
            ServiceVersion.V1 => "1.0",
            _ => throw new NotSupportedException()

public class IPAddressCountryPair : IJsonModel<IPAddressCountryPair>
    internal IPAddressCountryPair(CountryRegion countryRegion, IPAddress ipAddress)
        CountryRegion = countryRegion;
        IpAddress = ipAddress;

    public CountryRegion CountryRegion { get; }

    public IPAddress IpAddress { get; }

    internal static IPAddressCountryPair FromResponse(MessageResponse response)
        // Read JSON from response.Body and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public string GetFormatFromOptions(ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        => "J";

    public IPAddressCountryPair Create(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON values and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public IPAddressCountryPair Create(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON from BinaryData and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to Utf8JsonWriter

    public BinaryData Write(ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to returned BinaryData value

public class CountryRegion : IJsonModel<CountryRegion>
    internal CountryRegion(string isoCode)
        IsoCode = isoCode;

    public string IsoCode { get; }

    public string GetFormatFromOptions(ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        => "J";

    public CountryRegion Create(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON values and return CountryRegion

    public CountryRegion Create(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON from BinaryData and return CountryRegion

    public void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to Utf8JsonWriter

    public BinaryData Write(ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to returned BinaryData value

The following sample illustrates a minimal application built using the client defined above.

using Maps;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.ClientModel;

string key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAPS_API_KEY") ?? string.Empty;
KeyCredential credential = new KeyCredential(key);
MapsClient client = new MapsClient(new Uri(""), credential);

    IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("2001:4898:80e8:b::189");

    OutputMessage<IPAddressCountryPair> output = client.GetCountryCode(ipAddress);
    IPAddressCountryPair ipCountryPair = output .Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Response status code: '{output .GetRawResponse().Status}'");
    Console.WriteLine($"IPAddress: '{ipCountryPair.IpAddress}', Country code: '{ipCountryPair.CountryRegion.IsoCode}'");
catch (ClientRequestException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error: Response status code: '{e.Status}'");

Alternative Designs

No response


No response

ghost commented 1 year ago

Tagging subscribers to this area: @dotnet/ncl See info in if you want to be subscribed.

Issue Details
### Background and motivation The Azure SDK provides [.NET clients]( that provide an [idiomatic]( way for .NET developers to work with Azure services. Many of our clients are generated, and there are a number of concepts that the .NET platform doesn't necessarily provide features for, such as retry logic and credentials for authenticating with cloud services. To avoid generating the code for these concepts into every client library, we have created a shared library called [Azure.Core]( that our generated clients depend on. We would now like to be able to create generated clients that can communicate with any cloud service, not only those in Azure. We believe putting these generated client building block types in a `System.` namespace is a good way to put them in a neutral bucket. We worked with @terrajobst and @stephentoub to choose the base namespace `System.Net.ClientModel` for these types. We chose `ClientModel` to indicate that the types are building blocks for clients that call cloud services. We chose to prefix `ClientModel` with `Net` to indicate that these aren't UI-client types. ### API Proposal Below is the full API listing for the types we would like to ship to enable generation of an MVP client. Depending on customer needs we may chose to sequence release of these APIs over multiple package releases, where subsets of types can be released independently. We will highlight which APIs are closer to release during the in-person review. ```csharp namespace System.Net.ClientModel { public partial class KeyCredential { public KeyCredential(string key) { } public bool TryGetKey(out string key) { throw null; } public void Update(string key) { } } public partial class NullableResult : System.Net.ClientModel.Result { internal NullableResult() { } public virtual bool HasValue { get { throw null; } } public virtual T? Value { get { throw null; } } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse GetRawResponse() { throw null; } } public partial class RequestOptions : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineOptions { public RequestOptions() { } public virtual System.Threading.CancellationToken CancellationToken { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Threading.CancellationToken DefaultCancellationToken { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageClassifier DefaultMessageClassifier { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ErrorBehavior ErrorBehavior { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageClassifier MessageClassifier { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual void Apply(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { } } public abstract partial class Result { protected Result() { } public static System.Net.ClientModel.NullableResult FromNullableValue(T? value, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Result FromResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Result FromValue(T value, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse response) { throw null; } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse GetRawResponse(); } public partial class Result : System.Net.ClientModel.NullableResult { internal Result() { } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override bool HasValue { get { throw null; } } public override T Value { get { throw null; } } } public partial class UnsuccessfulRequestException : System.Exception { public UnsuccessfulRequestException(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse response) { } protected UnsuccessfulRequestException(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse response, string message, System.Exception? innerException) { } protected UnsuccessfulRequestException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { } public int Status { get { throw null; } } } } namespace System.Net.ClientModel.Core { [System.FlagsAttribute] public enum ErrorBehavior { Default = 0, NoThrow = 1, } public partial class HttpClientPipelineTransport : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineTransport, System.IDisposable { public HttpClientPipelineTransport() { } public HttpClientPipelineTransport(System.Net.Http.HttpClient client) { } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage CreateMessage() { throw null; } public virtual void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } protected virtual void OnReceivedResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage httpResponse) { } protected virtual void OnSendingRequest(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage httpRequest) { } public override void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { } public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; } } public partial class HttpPipelineRequest : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineRequest, System.IDisposable { protected internal HttpPipelineRequest() { } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody? Content { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageHeaders Headers { get { throw null; } } public override string Method { get { throw null; } set { } } public override System.Uri Uri { get { throw null; } set { } } public override void Dispose() { } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public partial class HttpPipelineResponse : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse, System.IDisposable { protected internal HttpPipelineResponse(System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage httpResponse) { } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody? Content { get { throw null; } protected internal set { } } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageHeaders Headers { get { throw null; } } public override string ReasonPhrase { get { throw null; } } public override int Status { get { throw null; } } public override void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } } public partial interface IJsonModel : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel { T Read(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options); void Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options); } public partial interface IModel { T Read(System.BinaryData data, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options); System.BinaryData Write(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options); } public partial class KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy { public KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(System.Net.ClientModel.KeyCredential credential, string header, string? keyPrefix = null) { } public override void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { } public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class MessageBody : System.IDisposable { protected MessageBody() { } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody CreateContent(System.BinaryData content) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody CreateContent(System.IO.Stream stream) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody CreateContent(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IJsonModel model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody CreateContent(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; } public abstract void Dispose(); public static explicit operator System.IO.Stream (System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody content) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.BinaryData (System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody content) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.ReadOnlyMemory (System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody content) { throw null; } protected virtual System.BinaryData ToBinaryData(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ToBinaryDataAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } protected virtual System.IO.Stream ToStream(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } protected virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ToStreamAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } public abstract bool TryComputeLength(out long length); public abstract void WriteTo(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToAsync(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken); } public partial class MessageClassifier { protected internal MessageClassifier() { } public virtual bool IsErrorResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class MessageHeaders { protected MessageHeaders() { } public abstract int Count { get; } public abstract void Add(string name, string value); public abstract bool Remove(string name); public abstract void Set(string name, string value); public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable>> headers); public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> headers); public abstract bool TryGetValue(string name, out string? value); public abstract bool TryGetValues(string name, out System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable? values); } public partial class MessagePipeline { public MessagePipeline(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineTransport transport, System.ReadOnlyMemory policies) { } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessagePipeline Create(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineOptions options, params System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy[] perTryPolicies) { throw null; } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessagePipeline Create(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineOptions options, System.ReadOnlySpan perCallPolicies, System.ReadOnlySpan perTryPolicies) { throw null; } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage CreateMessage() { throw null; } public void Send(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { } public System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask SendAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute("The constructors of the type being deserialized are dynamically accessed and may be trimmed.")] public partial class ModelJsonConverter : System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter> { public ModelJsonConverter() { } public ModelJsonConverter(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) { } public ModelJsonConverter(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions ModelReaderWriterOptions { get { throw null; } } public override bool CanConvert(System.Type typeToConvert) { throw null; } public override System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IJsonModel Read(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.Type typeToConvert, System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions options) { throw null; } public override void Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IJsonModel value, System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions options) { } } [System.AttributeUsageAttribute(System.AttributeTargets.Class)] public sealed partial class ModelReaderProxyAttribute : System.Attribute { public ModelReaderProxyAttribute([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] System.Type proxyType) { } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] public System.Type ProxyType { get { throw null; } } } public static partial class ModelReaderWriter { public static object? Read(System.BinaryData data, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] System.Type returnType, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) { throw null; } public static object? Read(System.BinaryData data, [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMembersAttribute(System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] System.Type returnType, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; } public static T? Read(System.BinaryData data, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) where T : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel { throw null; } public static T? Read(System.BinaryData data, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel { throw null; } public static System.BinaryData Write(object model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) { throw null; } public static System.BinaryData Write(object model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; } public static System.BinaryData WriteCore(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IJsonModel model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } public static System.BinaryData Write(T model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) where T : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel { throw null; } public static System.BinaryData Write(T model, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IModel { throw null; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly partial struct ModelReaderWriterFormat : System.IEquatable { private readonly object _dummy; private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; public static readonly System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat Json; public static readonly System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat Wire; public ModelReaderWriterFormat(string value) { throw null; } public bool Equals(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat other) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override bool Equals(object? obj) { throw null; } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } public static bool operator ==(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat left, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat right) { throw null; } public static implicit operator System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat (string value) { throw null; } public static bool operator !=(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat left, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat right) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } public partial class ModelReaderWriterOptions { public static readonly System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions DefaultWireOptions; public ModelReaderWriterOptions() { } public ModelReaderWriterOptions(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) { } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat Format { get { throw null; } } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterOptions GetOptions(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.ModelReaderWriterFormat format) { throw null; } } public abstract partial class PipelineEnumerator { protected PipelineEnumerator() { } public abstract int Length { get; } public abstract bool ProcessNext(); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessNextAsync(); } public partial class PipelineMessage : System.IDisposable { protected internal PipelineMessage(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineRequest request) { } public virtual System.Threading.CancellationToken CancellationToken { get { throw null; } set { } } public bool HasResponse { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageClassifier MessageClassifier { get { throw null; } set { } } public virtual System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineRequest Request { get { throw null; } } public virtual System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineResponse Response { get { throw null; } protected internal set { } } public virtual void Dispose() { } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { } public void SetProperty(System.Type type, object value) { } public bool TryGetProperty(System.Type type, out object? value) { throw null; } } public partial class PipelineOptions { public PipelineOptions() { } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy? DefaultLoggingPolicy { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.TimeSpan DefaultNetworkTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy? DefaultRetryPolicy { get { throw null; } set { } } public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineTransport? DefaultTransport { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy? LoggingPolicy { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.TimeSpan? NetworkTimeout { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy[]? PerCallPolicies { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy[]? PerTryPolicies { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy? RetryPolicy { get { throw null; } set { } } public System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineTransport? Transport { get { throw null; } set { } } } public abstract partial class PipelinePolicy { protected PipelinePolicy() { } public abstract void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline); } public abstract partial class PipelineRequest : System.IDisposable { protected PipelineRequest() { } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody? Content { get; set; } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageHeaders Headers { get; } public abstract string Method { get; set; } public abstract System.Uri Uri { get; set; } public abstract void Dispose(); } public abstract partial class PipelineResponse : System.IDisposable { protected PipelineResponse() { } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody? Content { get; protected internal set; } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageHeaders Headers { get; } public bool IsError { get { throw null; } } public abstract string ReasonPhrase { get; } public abstract int Status { get; } public abstract void Dispose(); } public abstract partial class PipelineTransport : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy { protected PipelineTransport() { } public abstract System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage CreateMessage(); public abstract void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message); public override void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { } public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message); public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { throw null; } } public partial class ResponseBufferingPolicy : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelinePolicy { public ResponseBufferingPolicy(System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { } public override void Process(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { } public override System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask ProcessAsync(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineEnumerator pipeline) { throw null; } public static void SetBufferResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, bool bufferResponse) { } public static void SetNetworkTimeout(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { } public static bool TryGetBufferResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, out bool bufferResponse) { throw null; } public static bool TryGetNetworkTimeout(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message, out System.TimeSpan networkTimeout) { throw null; } } public partial class ResponseStatusClassifier : System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageClassifier { public ResponseStatusClassifier(System.ReadOnlySpan successStatusCodes) { } public override bool IsErrorResponse(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.PipelineMessage message) { throw null; } } } ``` ### API Usage This sample illustrates a very rudimentary client implementation. The Azure SDK generated clients use more API features than are illustrated here. ```csharp string key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAP_SERVICE_KEY"); RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions(); options.MessageClassifier = new ResponseStatusClassifier(stackalloc ushort[] { 200 }); KeyCredential credential = new KeyCredential(key); MessagePipeline pipeline = MessagePipeline.Create(options, new KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(credential, "Authorization")); PipelineMessage message = pipeline.CreateMessage(); options.Apply(message); var request = message.Request; request.Method = "POST"; UriBuilder uriBuilder = new(""); StringBuilder path = new(); path.Append("/mapData"); path.Append("/"); uriBuilder.Path += path.ToString(); request.Uri = uriBuilder.Uri; request.Headers.Set("Accept", "application/json"); request.Headers.Set("Content-Type", "application/json"); pipeline.Send(message); Console.WriteLine(message.Response.Status); ``` ### Alternative Designs _No response_ ### Risks _No response_
Author: annelo-msft
Assignees: -
Labels: `api-suggestion`, `area-System.Net`
Milestone: -
Wraith2 commented 1 year ago

I have no problem with the api itself but I don't see the need for it to be part of the BCL. It feels like this is a standalone package. If it's going to be maintained in this repository but shipped entirely as a separate package then there's no reason for it not to be maintained in another repository.

rzikm commented 12 months ago

There are quite a lot of classes, I would probably need more explanation (preferrably some diagrams) how all these fit together, there seem to be come concept of pipelining and some transport abstractions.

It also seems to me that there there is a lot duplication of existing concepts. How are these different?

  • HttpPipelineRequest and HttpRequestMessage (and similarly for response types)
  • MessageHeaders and HttpHeaders
  • MessageBody and HttpContent

some random thoughts:

  • Is this for generated code only? Or should it be also friendly to users who would want to write their own clients? What advantages does it bring compared to writing a wrapper around HttpClient and JSON serializing/deserializing?
  • Is dotnet/ncl expected to maintain this? If the release cycle is different from the .NET release cycle it might not make sense to house this code inside .NET runtime repository.
  • There seem to be few properties with setters (on RequestOptions, PipelineOptions) I thought we wanted to move away from using these (remember ServicePointManager?)
  • the name Result might be quite common and could lead to name conflicts, it feels the same as if we named System.Net.Http.HttpClient just System.Net.Http.Client
  • KeyCredential - there have been requests for better authentication support for HttpClient, such as, it is something we would like to do in 9.0, and it could be leveraged here as well to provide more auth options.
annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

I have no problem with the api itself but I don't see the need for it to be part of the BCL. It feels like this is a standalone package. If it's going to be maintained in this repository but shipped entirely as a separate package then there's no reason for it not to be maintained in another repository.

@Wraith2, to make sure I understand your comment correctly, is your suggestion that the types remain in the System.Net.ClientModel namespace, but that the package be maintained and shipped from a repo outside dotnet/runtime?

alexrp commented 12 months ago

This API feels to me like something that should be in a Microsoft.Extensions namespace & package, FWIW.

Wraith2 commented 12 months ago

@Wraith2, to make sure I understand your comment correctly, is your suggestion that the types remain in the System.Net.ClientModel namespace, but that the package be maintained and shipped from a repo outside dotnet/runtime?

If that is correct, I think we are open to this outcome, especially if the community feels strongly about this.

Yes, that's right.

annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

@Wraith2, to make sure I understand your comment correctly, is your suggestion that the types remain in the System.Net.ClientModel namespace, but that the package be maintained and shipped from a repo outside dotnet/runtime?

If that is correct, I think we are open to this outcome, especially if the community feels strongly about this.

Yes, that's right.

Thanks! I will update the issue description to make it clear that we plan to maintain and ship the package in a separate repo. We are planning to keep the System.Net.ClientModel package source and release pipelines in the azure-sdk-for-net repo, alongside the Azure.Core source.

annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

There are quite a lot of classes, I would probably need more explanation (preferrably some diagrams) how all these fit together, there seem to be come concept of pipelining and some transport abstractions.

@rzikm, I agree that there's a lot here, and I am interested in understanding better how the community prefers to share information like diagrams might be best represented visually. Since I am new to the dotnet/runtime community, please don't hesitate to share examples of things that work well for this group, or to guide me in the right direction if my initial attempts aren't what the community prefers.

I will loop back with some visualizations that I think may be helpful to illustrate some of these concepts, as well as bring some more usage samples to break down the APIs into related sets of functionality.

Some initial responses to your questions:

How are these different?

  • HttpPipelineRequest and HttpRequestMessage (and similarly for response types)
  • MessageHeaders and HttpHeaders
  • MessageBody and HttpContent

I will remove HttpPipelineRequest and HttpPipelineResponse from consideration for now, as we continue to evaluate the need for this as a public API.

For the latter two, we are aware of these types in the BCL, and acknowledge that the functionality is indeed similar. Our goal in introducing MessageHeaders and MessageBody as analogs of HttpHeaders and HttpContent is to abstract over different the .NET HTTP stacks, so we can support users who aren't able to upgrade easily from netstandard2.0. We do this today in Azure.Core, and would like to maintain these abstractions in the ClientModel library to enable this for those users there as well.

  • Is this for generated code only? Or should it be also friendly to users who would want to write their own clients?

Ideally, we would like to make these types friendly for developers who want to write their own clients as well as useful for generated clients, so I am interested in feedback on how we might accomplish that.

What advantages does it bring compared to writing a wrapper around HttpClient and JSON serializing/deserializing?

I will try to answer this in subsequent comments, as I show usage samples of the different related type groups.

  • Is dotnet/ncl expected to maintain this?

No. Our expectation is that the Azure SDK team will maintain and release this package. I've updated the issue description to include our plans around this.

  • There seem to be few properties with setters (on RequestOptions, PipelineOptions) I thought we wanted to move away from using these (remember ServicePointManager?)

I will spend some time with ServicePointManager to try to understand it better. If you would also be willing to link some discussions related to this point, I am interested in learning more about this.

  • the name Result might be quite common and could lead to name conflicts, it feels the same as if we named System.Net.Http.HttpClient just System.Net.Http.Client

I had understood that my team viewed this as a benefit, e.g. using a name that aligned with the .NET concept behind the name Result on Task<TResult>.Result. Are there specific APIs you're concerned that we could run into naming conflicts with?

  • KeyCredential - there have been requests for better authentication support for HttpClient, such as, it is something we would like to do in 9.0, and it could be leveraged here as well to provide more auth options.

Thank you for linking this, and I would like to spend some time learning more about this as well.

annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

To address @rzikm's request for more explanation of these types, I'm including the full text of a gist my team has put together in this comment. We don't expect we'll have time to discuss every aspect of each API in an in-person review, but we include this discussion to provide a picture of the end-to-end story of a ClientModel client, from end-user usage of the client through details of a client implementation that the types in these APIs were designed to support. It starts by introducing concepts I expect to already be familiar to the community, but are included for the purposes of grounding on terminology.

In our review, we'd like to focus on reviewing the types related to reading and writing message content as the highest priority, including ModelReaderWriter, IModel<T>, and IJsonModel<T> and can discuss any other types as time allows. We are happy to answer questions posted on this issue as well.

The full text of this comment is also available in the gist: System.Net.ClientModel API


This section describes the two user groups we believe can benefit from having these APIs in the .NET ecosystem. It then describes terminology we'll use to categorize and motivate different APIs. Finally, it describes two different types of methods we expect ClientModel clients to have, in order to further explain the APIs.

Two user groups

The APIs in ClientModel are designed for two different groups of users: the end-users of ClientModel clients, and the authors of ClientModel clients. For this discussion, we will refer to these two user groups as "client-users" and "client-authors".

Convenience vs. control

To use terminology described by Richard Lander in the The convenience of .NET series, we will use the terms convenience and control to indicate the difference between APIs designed to enable writing compact and straightforward code vs those that provide more detailed options and enable lower-level control of implemented functionality.

Service methods

Finally, building on the concepts above, we introduce terminology for the two types of methods that ClientModel types are designed to enable on ClientModel clients. A service method is a method on a ClientModel client that sends a message to a cloud service, receives the service's response, and returns a value to the client-user that called the method, for use in their application. ClientModel clients can expose two different types of service methods: "convenience methods" and "protocol methods".

Convenience methods are service methods that take a strongly-typed model representing schematized data needed to communicate with the cloud service as input, and return a strongly-typed model as output. Having strongly-typed models that represent service concepts provides a layer of convenience over working with raw JSON, and unifies the experience for users of ClientModel clients when cloud services differ in wire-formats. That is, a client-user can learn the patterns for strongly-typed models that ClientModel clients provide, and use them together without having to reason about whether a cloud service represents resources using JSON or XML.

Protocol methods are service methods that provide very little convenience over the raw HTTP APIs a cloud service exposes. They have the advantage of being straightforward to generate from a service's API description, and represent request and response message bodies using types that are very thin layers over raw JSON/binary/other formats. They require users to read and understand the service's HTTP API documentation directly, rather than relying on the client to provide developer conveniences via strongly-typing service schemas. In the usage samples we'll share, we show that convience methods are implemented by calling through to the lower-level protocol methods.

Client-user APIs

This section first describes the intended pattern for using ClientModel clients in application code, and then identifies the client-user types that enable this pattern.

Application pattern for cloud clients

The following shows an example of a minimal application that could be implemented using a ClientModel client. It illustrates some usage of types intended for client-users.

using Maps;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.ClientModel;

string key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAPS_API_KEY") ?? string.Empty;
KeyCredential credential = new KeyCredential(key);
MapsClient client = new MapsClient(new Uri(""), credential);

    IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("2001:4898:80e8:b::189");

    Result<IPAddressCountryPair> result = client.GetCountryCode(ipAddress);
    IPAddressCountryPair ipCountryPair = result.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Response status code: '{result.GetRawResponse().Status}'");
    Console.WriteLine($"IPAddress: '{ipCountryPair.IpAddress}', Country code: '{ipCountryPair.CountryRegion.IsoCode}'");
catch (UnsuccessfulRequestException e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error: Response status code: '{e.Status}'");

We highlight the following patterns intended to be common across ClientModel clients:

  1. Construction of a ClientModel client, taking a service endpoint and credential
  2. Calling a client's service method (the convenience method GetCountryCode)
  3. Obtaining a strongly-typed model that represents a service resource (here, IPAddressCountryPair)
  4. Retrieving lower-level details of the protocol if desired, (result.GetRawResponse())
  5. Handling service errors (by catching UnsuccessfulRequestException)

Client-user types

Types intended for use by client-users in application code are grouped in the System.Net.ClientModel namespace. These include:

  • KeyCredential - supports (1)
  • Result<T> - supports (2), (3), (4)
  • Result - supports (4)
  • UnsuccessfulRequestException - supports (5)

Client-author types

This section describes ClientModel client implementation patterns that the types in the System.Net.ClientModel.Core namespace have been designed to enable. The patterns shown here include patterns for implementing a client constructor, patterns for implementing both convienence and protocol service methods -- both illustrating usage of types intended for client-authors -- and concludes with a discussion of APIs designed to support lower-level control and flexibility for both client-users and client-authors.

The first example here continues from the application sample in the prior section. It sketches an implementation of the ClientModel client MapsClient that was used in the prior example.

At a high level, a ClientModel client can have the following parts:

namespace Maps;

public class MapsClient
    // 1. Private members intialized by the client constructor

    // 2. Client constructor

    // 3. Service methods
    //   - Convenience method
    //   - Protocol method

    // 4. Service method helpers

The following sections will provide sample code filling in the parts of this client implementation.

Client construction

In a ClientModel client constructor, client-authors create an instance of a MessagePipeline that the client will use to send and receive messages to/from a cloud service. The constructor also stores any information needed to later create requests needed by service methods.

The following illustrates the constructor implementation for our example client:

    public MapsClient(Uri endpoint, KeyCredential credential, MapsClientOptions options = default)
        if (endpoint is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));
        if (credential is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(credential));

        options ??= new MapsClientOptions();

        _endpoint = endpoint;
        _credential = credential;
        _apiVersion = options.Version;

        if (options.PerCallPolicies is null)
            options.PerCallPolicies = new PipelinePolicy[1];
            var perCallPolicies = new PipelinePolicy[options.PerCallPolicies.Length + 1];

        options.PerCallPolicies[options.PerCallPolicies.Length - 1] = new KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(_credential, "subscription-key");

        _pipeline = MessagePipeline.Create(options);

Note that:

  1. The service URI is stored in _endpoint for use later when creating requests
  2. The user's credential is stored in _credential to use in the authentication policy and/or later request creation
  3. The service's API version is stored so it can be added as a query parameter to request URIs
  4. A KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy is added to pipeline options provided by the user so it can add headers for authenticating the request when it is sent in the pipeline
  5. The message pipeline is created and stored for later use in service methods.

Service methods

As discussed in prior sections, ClientModel clients provide two types of service methods: convenience methods and protocol methods. Examples for both are given in this section.

Convenience method

In our MapsClient example, the following shows how the GetCountryCode convenience method might be implemented:

    public virtual Result<IPAddressCountryPair> GetCountryCode(IPAddress ipAddress, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (ipAddress is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ipAddress));

        RequestOptions options = cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled ?
            new RequestOptions() { CancellationToken = cancellationToken } :
            new RequestOptions();

        Result result = GetCountryCode(ipAddress.ToString(), options);

        MessageResponse response = result.GetRawResponse();
        IPAddressCountryPair value = IPAddressCountryPair.FromResponse(response);

        return Result.FromValue(value, response);

Note that this method calls through to the protocol method GetCountryCode and passes a string instead of an IPAddress. It receives the returned Result, obtains the lower-level MessageResponse, and creates a strongly-typed IPAddressCountryPair return value from the response content before creating a Response<T> to return to the client-user.

The common patterns highlighted here include:

  1. Converting strongly-typed inputs to MessageBody (not shown in this sample)
  2. Calling the protocol method corresponding to the service operation
  3. Converting the response MessageBody to a strongly-typed output model
  4. Packaging the output model with the protocol-level response to return to the caller

Protocol method

The protocol method for the GetCountryCode operation corresponds closely to the operation as defined in the service's REST API: Path and query parameters in the service API correspond to primitive parameters in the client's service method, and any content meant to go in the message body would correspond to a MessageBody input parameter. The return type is a Result, on which GetRawResponse() can be called to get access to the MessageResponse.Body property.

The following shows how the GetCountryCode protocol method could be implemented on the example client:

    public virtual Result GetCountryCode(string ipAddress, RequestOptions options = null)
        if (ipAddress is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ipAddress));

        options ??= new RequestOptions();
        options.MessageClassifier = new ResponseStatusClassifier(stackalloc ushort[] { 200 });

        using ClientMessage message = CreateGetLocationRequest(ipAddress, options);


        MessageResponse response = message.Response;

        if (response.IsError && options.ErrorBehavior == ErrorBehavior.Default)
            throw new UnsuccessfulRequestException(response);

        return Result.FromResponse(response);

Note that this method adds a MessageClassifier to the passed-in RequestOptions, creates a message with a request, sends the message via the pipeline, checks whether the response is an error response and throws an exception if needed, and finally returns the Result to the caller.

Protocol methods are public methods and can be called from convenience methods or by client-users.

The common patterns highlighted here include:

  1. Indicating which reponse status codes the service considers successful for this operation by setting a MessageClassifier
  2. Creating the ClientMessage and MessageRequest specific to the service operation
  3. Sending the message by calling MessagePipeline.Send
  4. Checking MessageResponse.IsError and throwing an UnsuccessfulRequestException if needed
  5. Packaging the low-level PipelineResponse into a Result to return to the caller.

Message and request creation

In the example, the protocol method calls a private CreateGetLocationRequest method to create the message. This method could be implemented as follows:

    private ClientMessage CreateGetLocationRequest(string ipAddress, RequestOptions options)
        ClientMessage message = _pipeline.CreateMessage();

        MessageRequest request = message.Request;
        request.Method = "GET";

        UriBuilder uriBuilder = new(_endpoint.ToString());

        StringBuilder path = new();
        uriBuilder.Path += path.ToString();

        StringBuilder query = new();
        uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

        request.Uri = uriBuilder.Uri;

        request.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json");

        return message;

Note the following common patterns:

  1. Creating the message via the pipeline
  2. Applying RequestOptions to the message
  3. Setting the request method
  4. Setting the request URI
  5. Setting the request headers
  6. Setting the request content (not shown)

Although the example MapsClient only illustrates reading response content and construct a strongly-typed output model, there is a lot of complexity in how generated model code supports writing request content as well. The next section focuses on APIs for types that handle writing input model content to requests and reading response content to create output models.

Reading and writing message content

In the example MapsClient, we've included a strongly-typed output model IPAddressCountryPair. This represents the schema for the service's response to the Geolocate IP Operation. If you consult the REST API documentation for the response body schema, you'll see that the response schema describes a pair of values -- the input IPAddress is paired with the CountryRegion that the service returns to "geolocate" the IP address, i.e. to identify the country where the device using the specified IP address is located.

The following sample sketches out what an implementation of the IPAddressCountryPair output model might look like:

public class IPAddressCountryPair : IJsonModel<IPAddressCountryPair>
    internal IPAddressCountryPair(CountryRegion countryRegion, IPAddress ipAddress)
        CountryRegion = countryRegion;
        IpAddress = ipAddress;

    public CountryRegion CountryRegion { get; }

    public IPAddress IpAddress { get; }

    internal static IPAddressCountryPair FromResponse(MessageResponse response)
        // Read JSON from response.Body and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public IPAddressCountryPair Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON values and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public IPAddressCountryPair Read(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Read JSON from BinaryData and return IPAddressCountryPair

    public void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to Utf8JsonWriter

    public BinaryData Write(ModelReaderWriterOptions options)
        // Write JSON representing model to returned BinaryData value

Common patterns highlighted here include:

  1. Model implements IJsonModel<T> interface
  2. Model provides implementations of IJsonModel<T>.Read and IModel<T>.Read methods
  3. Model provides implementations of IJsonModel<T>.Write and IModel<T>.Write methods

IJsonModel<T>.Read is ultimately what's called to create the strongly-typed output model from the response body in ClientModel client code, albiet typically through convenience APIs such as cast operators or by using the ModelReaderWriter type. For input models, IJsonModel<T>.Write is what's ultimately called to create the request body to send to the service.

Further details of the APIs used to read and write ClientModel clients' strongly-typed models can be found in ModelReaderWriter.

Handling the service response

Much of the logic needed to handle the service response is managed in the PipelineTransport and policies in the pipeline such as ResponseBufferingPolicy. Today, PipelineTransport is responsible for invoking the MessageClassifer.IsError after the response is set on the message in order to populate the MessageResponse.IsError property. The ResponseBufferingPolicy does the work needed to read the content out of the response network stream into a buffered MemoryStream, to make it easier for client-authors and client-users accessing lower-level APIs when reading the response body.

Options for configuring the message classifer and network timeouts are exposed on PipelineOptions and RequestOptions types. Opting-out of response buffering is uncommon, so APIs enabling this are exposed only on the ResponseBufferingPolicy itself.

Please note that these options APIs are still in preview and subject to change.

Logic for deciding how to expose an error response to the client-user, and package successful responses into strongly typed Result<T> return types is shown in client implementation samples in the preceeding sections.

Lower-level control and flexibility

As discussed in the introductory concepts section, some of the types in ClientModel are intended for use as conveniences, and some are designed to provide greater control in the implementation. We discuss several types that enable client extensibility and customization in this section.


Two options types are provided: a PipelineOptions type that enables configuring the pipeline, and a RequestOptions type that can be passed to protocol methods to change the pipeline for the duration of the service method invocation, or to change how the protocol method itself functions. Both client-users and client-authors can use these types to change client and service method behavior, and precedence rules are built into these types. Users of these types can set options values, but once they are read by the client or pipeline, the options are frozen and cannot be changed.

These APIs are still in preview, but are presented here to obtain early feedback.

Customizing the pipeline

Both client-authors and client-users can customize the pipeline, either for the whole client or for the duration of a service method's invocation. This is enabled by setting PipelinePolicy instances on PipelineOptions or RequestOptions via the different policy members on those types. When MessagePipeline.Create is called in a ClientModel client constructor, those policies will be built into the client's pipeline.

Implementors of custom policies inherit from PipelinePolicy and implement its abstract Process and ProcessAsync methods. Both these methods take a ClientMessage and are expected to call PipelineEnumerator.ProcessNext or PipelineEnumerator.ProcessNextAsync to pass control to the next policy in the pipeline. A policy implementation can modify the request (e.g. to add a header) before calling ProcessNext, and will have access to the buffered response after control returns from the ProcessNext call. Policies can be inserted into the pipeline before the retry policy by adding them to PipelineOptions.PerCallPolicies or after the retry policy by adding them to PipelineOptions.PerTryPolicies.

rzikm commented 12 months ago

No. Our expectation is that the Azure SDK team will maintain and release this package. I've updated the issue description to include our plans around this.

In that case, I am not sure it should live in System.Net.* namespace. That way, people would (reasonably) expect that the code belongs to our team and that we are maintaing it (and they would file issues in this repository for it). I don't think there are any external packages providing types in that/our namespace. Tagging @dotnet/ncl to correct me if I am wrong.

I will spend some time with ServicePointManager to try to understand it better. If you would also be willing to link some discussions related to this point, I am interested in learning more about this.

There is probably no need to research ServicePointManager deeply. Essentially any global configuration knob sooner or later hits a situation where two parties (user code, or a library that user code is using, or a library that gets used transitively) will have different opinions on what the global setting should be. And that is the reason why in .NET Core we moved away from it (it no longer affects SslStream as of .NET Core), and we wanted to finally mark it as obsolete for multiple releases.

In the .NET Framework days, static properties on ServicePointManager were the way how to configure e.g. TLS protocols used by SslStream or provide global certificate validation callback. I personally have investigated an issue of "Our certificate validation callback is not being called" and the reason was "because another Nuget package overwrote it".

I had understood that my team viewed this as a benefit, e.g. using a name that aligned with the .NET concept behind the name Result on Task.Result. Are there specific APIs you're concerned that we could run into naming conflicts with?

The name Result<T> evokes in me concepts from Functional Programming languages. In these languages, the type Result<T> represents a core programming concept and is provided by the core libraries. See, e.g., F#, Rust, Haskell. There are 3rd party libraries that provide Result<T> and similar types and related functionality to C#. Brief search found me e.g.

Even though such libraries are not mainstream in C# for us to worry about too many conflicts, I still feel that Result<T> is still too general a name for a concept that is rather specific to System.Net.ClientModel namespace. This, of course, is just my personal feeling and the API Review board may have a different opinion on that.

To address @rzikm's request for more explanation of these types, I'm including the full text of a gist my team has put together in this comment.

Thanks. I will go through that later.

stephentoub commented 12 months ago

Our goal in introducing MessageHeaders and MessageBody as analogs of HttpHeaders and HttpContent is to abstract over different the .NET HTTP stacks, so we can support users who aren't able to upgrade easily from netstandard2.0

Can you elaborate on this? HttpHeaders and HttpContent are both in .NET Framework and netstandard2.0... how does netstandard2.0 impact an ability to abstract over these?


Result is a super general name and makes me nervous because of its generality. Can we choose a name that speaks better to what it is? My understanding is it's a union of both a result and the raw response that yielded that result. So, we can name it instead something like TaggedResult or ClientModelResult or ResultWithResponse or something along those lines?

Also, why is it necessary to separate NullableResult from Result and make the latter derive from the former? Why not just have the former's members on the latter directly? If there's some kind of goal for separating nullable from non-nullable, then it doesn't make sense to me that the non-nullable one derives from the nullable one and therefore is a nullable one.


What is the purpose of this exception type? How is this different from HttpRequestException?

public static System.Net.ClientModel.Core.MessageBody Create(System.Net.ClientModel.Core.IJsonModel<object> model, System.Net.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) { throw null; }

Why does this need to exist? There's also a Create overload that differs from this only in that it takes an IModel instead of an IJsonModel... but an IJsonModel is an IModel. What does the extra IJsonModel overload enable? I ask because it seems unfortunate to take something like MessageBody that seems to be trying to be protocol agnostic and then tie it explicitly to JSON in API.


In what situation does TryGetKey return false? The only way to create one of these is with a ctor that takes a string, and the only way to change it is an Update method that also takes a string. Is this outline missing nullable annotations, these are both actually supposed to be nullable strings, and TryGetKey returns false if the key is null?


What is the relationship between ModelReaderWriter's static Write methods and its static WriteCore method? And why does WriteCore take an IJsonModel rather than an IModel?


What format is this? There are a bazillion different "wire formats".

ModelReaderWriterOptions vs ModelReaderWriterFormat

What purpose does ModelReaderWriterOptions serve? From the API outline, it looks like it's immutable and the only thing it does is wrap a ModelReaderWriterFormat, so why would something take a ModelReaderWriterOptions? Is the intent that it's a placeholder for adding more options in the future? Or is the intent that other types derive from it and add more provider-specific settings? And if the latter, how does that play well with DefaultWireOptions, which is strongly-typed to return the base?


This should be a property, not a field.

ModelReaderWriterOptions ctor vs GetOptions

These look like they do the same thing. Why have both?


I've always found "Core" in a namespace to be strange. How would we explain the difference to someone between what's in System.Net.ClientModel and what's in System.Net.ClientModel.Core?

I{Json}Model<out T>

The Read method returns a T, but the Write method doesn't accept one. How is this supposed to work, and related why is it ok that T is covariant?

MessageBody's implicit operators

There are three conversion operators listed here: to Stream, to BinaryData, and to ReadOnlyMemory. The former is explicit, but the latter two are implicit. Are they lossless? Are they allocation-free? Will they never throw an exception? Having these as implicit looks very fishy to me.

Also, two of them have "To" method counterparts (ToBinaryData / ToStream), but there's no ToReadOnlyMemory. Why the inconsistency?

And I thought the primary purpose of BinaryData was to unify these various forms of byte data... so why are there any overloads here related to Stream and ReadOnlyMemory rather than only having things in terms of BinaryData?


In some cases there's a static default on the type itself (e.g. ModelReaderWriterOptions.DefaultWireOptions) and in some cases there's one on a different type (e.g. there's no static default on MessageClassifier but there is PipelineOptions.DefaultMessageClassifier.

PipelineOptions's static properties with setters

Do these allow for arbitrary code to set them at arbitrary times? That's a recipe for many different components in the same process causing unexpected behaviors in other unrelated components elsewhere in the process.

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute("The constructors of the type being deserialized are dynamically accessed and may be trimmed.")]

What does someone do to address this in their code?

m-nash commented 12 months ago

@stephentoub some answers to the questions around ModelReaderWriter

What is the relationship between ModelReaderWriter's static Write methods and its static WriteCore method? And why does WriteCore take an IJsonModel rather than an IModel?

WriteCore uses an internal implementation of an IBufferWriter which allows us to write an unknown sized object into buffers with less time and allocation since we will never have to grow the buffer.

What format is this? There are a bazillion different "wire formats".

Wire format simply means the service contract. I explain in a bit more detail here

What purpose does ModelReaderWriterOptions serve? From the API outline, it looks like it's immutable and the only thing it does is wrap a ModelReaderWriterFormat, so why would something take a ModelReaderWriterOptions? Is the intent that it's a placeholder for adding more options in the future? Or is the intent that other types derive from it and add more provider-specific settings? And if the latter, how does that play well with DefaultWireOptions, which is strongly-typed to return the base?

The intent is that its a placeholder for future items. One specific item we have planned is service version.

These look like they do the same thing. Why have both?

If you want the default options this avoids unnecessary allocations.

The Read method returns a T, but the Write method doesn't accept one. How is this supposed to work, and related why is it ok that T is covariant?

Write method is on an instance which implements IModel<T> so the T is implied by this context. The Read method returns a T because we didn't want to limit ourselves to net7.0+. If we had static interfaces Write would return void. Since we don't you need to call the read method on an instance of an object. ModelReaderWriter takes care of this for you by using Activator on the type param.

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute("The constructors of the type being deserialized are dynamically accessed and may be trimmed.")] What does someone do to address this in their code?

This is a good question. For now I think our only answer is ModelJsonConverter can't be used with AOT. @eerhardt had some ideas that we could explore to improve this.

The goal of this API is to give people a bridge to be able to get the reader / writer logic of IModel while using JsonSerializer. Originally I tried to put DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors)] on the Type parameter for Read but since the base class doesn't have this we are unable to do that. If we had a way to do this then trimming should work.

annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

In that case, I am not sure it should live in System.Net.* namespace. That way, people would (reasonably) expect that the code belongs to our team and that we are maintaing it (and they would file issues in this repository for it). I don't think there are any external packages providing types in that/our namespace.

I have a personal preference for System.ClientModel since it has nice symmetry with System.ComponentModel and System.ServiceModel, but I understand the concern that @stephentoub and @KrzysztofCwalina share that users would think System.ClientModel holds building blocks for UI clients. I hear your concern though, @rzikm, that .NET users might be confused and file issues in this repo for dotnet/ncl to address. I'm not very familiar with how the process around this works and what the negative impact of it would be - can you help me build that context to better understand the tradeoff there?

Essentially any global configuration knob sooner or later hits a situation where two parties (user code, or a library that user code is using, or a library that gets used transitively) will have different opinions on what the global setting should be.

PipelineOptions's static properties with setters

Do these allow for arbitrary code to set them at arbitrary times? That's a recipe for many different components in the same process causing unexpected behaviors in other unrelated components elsewhere in the process.

Got it, and thank you for sharing this extra context for my understanding. I agree it seems dangerous if different libraries start setting static properties on PipelineOptions differently. I believe we can remove the static DefaultMessageClassifier, and will update the API in the description with this if I am correct. My understanding is that for others, like logging and retries, these are relatively benign in the sense that they don't fundamentally change how the client works, and since we've had them in Azure.Core for years without negative feedback, we may end up wanting to keep those. Other static settings I'll look at closely -- for me, there are remaining questions I want to answer in the e2e options story, so I view these as more in flux than other APIs in the ClientModel group. Thanks for this feedback that I'll add to the list of items to resolve as we work to complete that story!

Can you elaborate on this? HttpHeaders and HttpContent are both in .NET Framework and netstandard2.0... how does netstandard2.0 impact an ability to abstract over these?

For both of these, I think it's largely about the tradeoff between having a coherent collection of APIs in one package/area vs. what might appear to users as a mish-mash of types from different parts of the ecosystem. Sometimes, a mash-up is worth the cost because of benefits like code reuse and the ability to exchange data, but in the case of headers and content abstractions, I'm not sure that tradeoff is worth it.

What is the purpose of this exception type? How is this different from HttpRequestException?

I agree UnsuccessfulRequestException looks similar to HttpRequestException, especially with Status being the one property added over the base Exception. My concern about using HttpRequestException instead of a type in ClientModel would include the following: it essentially locks us in to HTTP where I think we'd like to remain flexible to pivot into other protocols later if needed; we would prefer to have a constructor that takes MessageResponse for convenient initialization of the exception from the response in client code; and that in Azure.Core we expose the full response as a member on the exception, for the case where callers need access to full protocol details, and we might want to add that to the ClientModel exception as well in the future. I'm open to naming suggestions on this one - I'm still not 100% happy with this name.

Result is a super general name and makes me nervous because of its generality. Can we choose a name that speaks better to what it is? My understanding is it's a union of both a result and the raw response that yielded that result. So, we can name it instead something like TaggedResult or ClientModelResult or ResultWithResponse or something along those lines?

We are open to naming suggestions here if you have them! One constraint I'd like to put on suggestions is that we would like a single-word name for these types since they show up in all client method signatures, which are already getting fairly busy and complex.

Also, why is it necessary to separate NullableResult from Result and make the latter derive from the former? Why not just have the former's members on the latter directly? If there's some kind of goal for separating nullable from non-nullable, then it doesn't make sense to me that the non-nullable one derives from the nullable one and therefore is a nullable one.

Let me spend some more time looking at this one and bring you either a rationale or an alternate design. This is on our list of areas we'd like to iron out in the e2e story and still in flux, so again, thank you for this feedback as inputs to our work in this area!

Why does this need to exist? There's also a Create overload that differs from this only in that it takes an IModel instead of an IJsonModel... but an IJsonModel is an IModel. What does the extraIJsonModel overload enable? I ask because it seems unfortunate to take something like MessageBody that seems to be trying to be protocol agnostic and then tie it explicitly to JSON in API.

Yes, I like the observation that it ties it to a protocol. Let me spend some time with this and see if I'm able to remove that overload, and if not, why it is needed.

In what situation does TryGetKey return false? The only way to create one of these is with a ctor that takes a string, and the only way to change it is an Update method that also takes a string. Is this outline missing nullable annotations, these are both actually supposed to be nullable strings, and TryGetKey returns false if the key is null?

IIRC, this was part of a design iteration where we were trying to avoid string-based properties and using TryGet methods as a replacement. I want to confirm with our Identity team that there isn't a case where TryGet is needed, but if that is correct, I will change this back to a property.

I've always found "Core" in a namespace to be strange. How would we explain the difference to someone between what's in System.Net.ClientModel and what's in System.Net.ClientModel.Core?

The difference as I understand it is that the types in System.Net.ClientModel are intended for users of ClientModel clients and that types in System.Net.ClientModel.Core are intended for client-author users and client-users who want lower-level control of client functionality. I don't know that we're strongly tied to the name "Core", though, so if you have suggestions to better align with that description, we may be open to them.

There are three conversion operators listed here: to Stream, to BinaryData, and to ReadOnlyMemory. The former is explicit, but the latter two are implicit. Are they lossless? Are they allocation-free? Will they never throw an exception? Having these as implicit looks very fishy to me.

Also, two of them have "To" method counterparts (ToBinaryData / ToStream), but there's no ToReadOnlyMemory. Why the inconsistency?

And I thought the primary purpose of BinaryData was to unify these various forms of byte data... so why are there any overloads here related to Stream and ReadOnlyMemory rather than only having things in terms of BinaryData?

I will reevaluate these APIs in light of your comment and get back to you -- I think this is good feedback. I have an answer now for the last question, though, because I initially tried to write this entirely in terms of BinaryData and failed. The reason we have Stream overloads and cannot use BinaryData alone is that BinaryData necessarily buffers data in memory, and we have scenarios where we need to pass a network stream directly to an end-user in a client API.

bartonjs commented 12 months ago

These names are very general. In general, single word names (Result, Result<T>, IModel<T>) are reserved for System itself, since single word names are very likely to conflict with some other project/package's local types and if there's going to be a conflict it may as well be a big'un. So for the single-word ones especially it would be good to come up with some sort of qualifier.


The "Core" suffix is usually only found on protected members, being the virtual member for a Template Method Pattern implementation. It could use a better name, like WriteJson to avoid confusion with this pattern.


I was going to ask why it wasn't an enum, but it looks like it's what we call a strongly typed string in FDGv3. In that case...

ModelReaderWriterFormat.Json / .Wire / ...

These should be properties, not fields. Basically, fields should never appear in public API (unless there's a complicated, compelling reason). Properties that have no body other than return (s)_backingField will get inlined by the JIT, so they're field-fast at runtime. But if they're declared as a field they can never be converted to lazy initialization or any other thing that may be desired in the future.

-        public static readonly System.Net.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterFormat Json = ...;
-        public static readonly System.Net.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterFormat Wire = ...;
+        public static System.Net.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterFormat Json { get; } = ...;
+        public static System.Net.ClientModel.ModelReaderWriterFormat Wire { get; } = ...;


Since JSON is a wire format, I don't know what the difference between Json and Wire is. Perhaps this should be "Binary" or "Intrinsic" or "Internal" or something?


Should be a property.

ModelReaderWriterOptions(ModelReaderWriterFormat format) and static ModelReaderWriterOptions GetOptions(ModelReaderWriterFormat format)

Only one of these two patterns should be used at a time, especially with the same signature. Since ModelReaderWriterOptions isn't sealed, it seems like the constructor is the right pattern to use.


This is a very general name and feels likely to conflict with other namespaces used by developers trying to use this one.


This is an extremely general name, and I strongly advise renaming it.


This is an absurdly (needed a word more extreme than "extreme") general name, and essentially must be changed.


Failed feels more in line with our normal exception names, though I don't have a guideline handy for that, just a gut feeling. Unless there are things that are not successful that you believe aren't the same as failed.

The name also feels a bit over-general, but at least the constructors tie it to this namespace and it won't be "abused" by random projects that simply find the name convenient.

namespace System.Net.ClientModel.Core

"Core" isn't a normal namespace name under System; again, it's mostly just used as the suffix for Template Method Pattern protected virtuals. It'd be good to come up with a better name.


I'm not sure if there's any precedent for a settable CancellationToken property... CancellationTokens are usually method/ctor parameters.


For every interface there's a question "should this be a base class instead?" A good interface describes capability. This seems to be "I can read and write myself as JSON", which meets that definition, but it's named like a type instead of a capability. Granted, "IJsonWritable" is less... concise-sounding, but the "-able" suffix is a good sniff test for interfaces.


Both the previously said Prefer a name ending in "-able" and Avoid one-word type names apply here, and there's also room for confusion with this because Entity Framework appears to have an IModel (though non-generic). Since EF and ClientModel being in the same project seems somewhat reasonable, this name should be avoided to avoid user confusion.


Assuming this is about HTTP headers, it's unclear to me if string header is the name of the header, or the value of the header. headerName or headerValue as the name here would provide clarity.


This is a pretty general name, and feels like it could reasonably conflict with other types in namespaces utilized by developers using this namespace.


This type is IDisposable, and has an implicit conversion to ReadOnlyMemory. Is the answer returned from the conversion invalidated by being disposed? If so, that's a very dangerous design and should be rethought.

MessageBody's public static implicit operator System.ReadOnlyMemory<byte>

Framework Design Guidelines 3rd edition, 2nd edition, and probably even 1st edition say DO provide methods with friendly names that correspond to each overloaded operator.. For this one it would be ToReadOnlyMemory.

FDG also says AVOID defining operator overloads, except in types that should feel like primitive (built-in) types. I, personally, don't think that the conversion operators here are justified.

public abstract System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteToAsync(System.IO.Stream stream, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken);

This is the first abstract method that I've noticed that had input parameters, so I'll mention it here and be done with it: We've generally found that abstract members should not be public, unless they take no parameters, and recommend the Template Method Pattern instead. For this method, it would look like

public Task WriteToAsync(Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    if (stream is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
    if (!stream.CanWrite)
        throw new ArgumentException("Stream must be writable", nameof(stream));

    return WriteToAsyncCore(stream, cancellationToken);

protected abstract Task WriteToAsyncCore(Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

This means that a) all derived types handle these failure cases consistently, and b) they don't have to do so with copy/paste. (and in this case there's also c) that argument validation for an async method was correctly done "outside" the task, instead of "inside" it)

The more complicated the argument validation is the more beneficial the pattern.

It also applies to public virtual, like MessageClassifier.IsError, unless it's intentional that some derived types would accept null and others would reject null.


I'm not sure I understand why anything on this type is virtual (abstract), and everything is. Since there's no example where someone derives from it I'm having trouble understanding this type.

It's also a very general name.


I'm similarly not understanding why this type has so much virtualization going on. And it has a very general name.


This isn't a JsonConverter for (I)Models, but is a converter for (I)JsonModels, so JsonModelConverter seems the more appropriate name. Or JsonModelJsonConverter.

PipelineEnumerator, and everything else with Pipeline in the name

There's an existing namespace, System.IO.Pipelines. These types don't have anything to do with an existing notion of pipelines, and so I wonder if a better (or disambiguated) word can be found.


This has a lot of static properties that have setters. That's generally an anti-pattern to be avoided at nearly all cost, as the universe gets wonky when different components in an application have opinions. If they have to exist, they should probably only allow being set once.

MihaZupan commented 12 months ago

it essentially locks us in to HTTP where I think we'd like to remain flexible to pivot into other protocols later if needed

How much of a design goal is this / which other protocols did you have in mind? From the API shape, this looks quite biased towards HTTP (I don't think they're all transferrable concepts):

  • string Method
  • Uri
  • Request/Response headers
  • Request/Response body/content
  • int Status
  • string ReasonPhrase
annelo-msft commented 12 months ago

In response to the comments and suggestions shared here, we've made some updates to these APIs, including:

  • Changing KeyCredential.TryGetKey method to a property KeyCredential.Key
  • Renaming KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy constructor parameter header -> headerName
  • Removing static properties on PipelineOptions
  • Removing cast operators, ToXx methods, and several Create overloads from MessageBody (now RequestBody, and only applicable to requests)
  • Changing MessageResponse.Body to type BinaryData
  • Changing fields on ModelReaderWriter types to properties
  • Adding GetWireFormat method to IModel to support removal of RequestBody.Create(IJsonModel) overload

Many thanks for all the helpful feedback posted in this issue! We look forward to further discussion of these APIs.

stephentoub commented 12 months ago

Thanks, @annelo-msft.

I'll go through the feedback / resulting changes in more detail, but immediate reaction is we're still going to need to do something about Result. We can't ship that in System.* with its current name (such a common word) / shape (deriving from NullableResult, which I do not understand).

terrajobst commented 12 months ago

Notes from our review:

  • We should consider changing the top level namespace (discussion later)
  • It would be good to split the namespace into APIs that are user facing and the parts that are for the implementation only
    • Using .Core is a bit unfortunate because it implies that its critical, crucial, important etc
  • The current design combines the model and its serialization logic into a single type
    • Other serializers use a separation, e.g. S.T.Json does have the notion of converters which allows having model types that can be serialized without requiring the type to implement IModel or the generated code to special case the type
    • Should this be supported here?
  • The current implementation of the reader uses Activator.CreateInstance and GetCustomAttributes()
    • Can this be removed?
  • It seems a bit unfortunate to have both format and option overloads
    • Is it possible to express the public APIs over just options or just format?
  • Will be continued.
API ```C# namespace System.Net.ClientModel { public partial class KeyCredential { public KeyCredential(string key); public string Key { get; } public void Update(string key); } public static partial class ModelReaderWriter { public static object? Read(BinaryData data, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type returnType, ModelReaderWriterFormat format); public static object? Read(BinaryData data, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type returnType, ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null); public static T? Read(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterFormat format) where T : IModel; public static T? Read(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : IModel; public static BinaryData Write(object model, ModelReaderWriterFormat format); public static BinaryData Write(object model, ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null); public static BinaryData Write(T model, ModelReaderWriterFormat format) where T : IModel; public static BinaryData Write(T model, ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null) where T : IModel; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly partial struct ModelReaderWriterFormat : IEquatable { private readonly object _dummy; private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; public ModelReaderWriterFormat(string value); public static ModelReaderWriterFormat Json { get; } public static ModelReaderWriterFormat Wire { get; } public static ModelReaderWriterFormat Xml { get; } public bool Equals(ModelReaderWriterFormat other); [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override bool Equals(object? obj); [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override int GetHashCode(); public static bool operator ==(ModelReaderWriterFormat left, ModelReaderWriterFormat right); public static implicit operator ModelReaderWriterFormat (string value); public static bool operator !=(ModelReaderWriterFormat left, ModelReaderWriterFormat right); public override string ToString(); } public partial class ModelReaderWriterOptions { public ModelReaderWriterOptions(); public ModelReaderWriterOptions(ModelReaderWriterFormat format); public static ModelReaderWriterOptions DefaultWireOptions { get; } public ModelReaderWriterFormat Format { get; } } public partial class NullableResult : Result { internal NullableResult(); public virtual bool HasValue { get; } public virtual T? Value { get; } public override MessageResponse GetRawResponse(); } public partial class RequestOptions : PipelineOptions { public RequestOptions(); public virtual CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; } public static CancellationToken DefaultCancellationToken { get; set; } public virtual ErrorBehavior ErrorBehavior { get; set; } public virtual void Apply(ClientMessage message); } public abstract partial class Result { protected Result(); public static NullableResult FromNullableValue(T? value, MessageResponse response); public static Result FromResponse(MessageResponse response); public static Result FromValue(T value, MessageResponse response); public abstract MessageResponse GetRawResponse(); } public partial class Result : NullableResult { internal Result(); [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override bool HasValue { get; } public override T Value { get; } } public partial class UnsuccessfulRequestException : Exception { public UnsuccessfulRequestException(MessageResponse response); protected UnsuccessfulRequestException(MessageResponse response, string message, Exception? innerException); protected UnsuccessfulRequestException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context); public int Status { get; } } } ``` ```C# namespace Core { public partial class ClientMessage : IDisposable { protected internal ClientMessage(MessageRequest request); public virtual CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; } public bool HasResponse { get; } public virtual MessageClassifier MessageClassifier { get; set; } public virtual MessageRequest Request { get; } public virtual MessageResponse Response { get; protected internal set; } public virtual void Dispose(); protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing); public void SetProperty(Type type, object value); public bool TryGetProperty(Type type, out object? value); } [Flags] public enum ErrorBehavior { Default = 0, NoThrow = 1, } public partial interface IJsonModel : IModel { T Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, ModelReaderWriterOptions options); void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, ModelReaderWriterOptions options); } public partial interface IModel { ModelReaderWriterFormat GetWireFormat(ModelReaderWriterOptions options); T Read(BinaryData data, ModelReaderWriterOptions options); BinaryData Write(ModelReaderWriterOptions options); } public partial class KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy : PipelinePolicy { public KeyCredentialAuthenticationPolicy(KeyCredential credential, string headerName, string? keyPrefix = null); public override void Process(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public override ValueTask ProcessAsync(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); } public partial class MessageClassifier { protected internal MessageClassifier(); public virtual bool IsError(ClientMessage message); } public abstract partial class MessageHeaders { protected MessageHeaders(); public abstract int Count { get; } public abstract void Add(string name, string value); public abstract bool Remove(string name); public abstract void Set(string name, string value); public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out IEnumerable>> headers); public abstract bool TryGetHeaders(out IEnumerable> headers); public abstract bool TryGetValue(string name, out string? value); public abstract bool TryGetValues(string name, out IEnumerable? values); } public partial class MessagePipeline { public MessagePipeline(PipelineTransport transport, ReadOnlyMemory policies); public static MessagePipeline Create(PipelineOptions options); public ClientMessage CreateMessage(); public void Send(ClientMessage message); public ValueTask SendAsync(ClientMessage message); } public abstract partial class MessageRequest : IDisposable { protected MessageRequest(); public abstract RequestBody? Body { get; set; } public abstract MessageHeaders Headers { get; } public abstract string Method { get; set; } public abstract Uri Uri { get; set; } public abstract void Dispose(); } public abstract partial class MessageResponse : IDisposable { protected MessageResponse(); public BinaryData Body { get; } public abstract Stream? ContentStream { get; set; } public abstract MessageHeaders Headers { get; } public bool IsError { get; } public abstract string ReasonPhrase { get; } public abstract int Status { get; } public abstract void Dispose(); } [RequiresUnreferencedCode("The constructors of the type being deserialized are dynamically accessed and may be trimmed.")] public partial class ModelJsonConverter : JsonConverter> { public ModelJsonConverter(); public ModelJsonConverter(ModelReaderWriterFormat format); public ModelJsonConverter(ModelReaderWriterOptions options); public ModelReaderWriterOptions ModelReaderWriterOptions { get; } public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert); public override IJsonModel Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options); public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, IJsonModel value, JsonSerializerOptions options); } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public sealed partial class ModelReaderProxyAttribute : Attribute { public ModelReaderProxyAttribute([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type proxyType); [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] public Type ProxyType { get; } } public abstract partial class PipelineEnumerator { protected PipelineEnumerator(); public abstract int Length { get; } public abstract bool ProcessNext(); public abstract ValueTask ProcessNextAsync(); } public partial class PipelineOptions { public PipelineOptions(); public PipelinePolicy? LoggingPolicy { get; set; } public virtual MessageClassifier? MessageClassifier { get; set; } public TimeSpan? NetworkTimeout { get; set; } public PipelinePolicy[]? PerCallPolicies { get; set; } public PipelinePolicy[]? PerTryPolicies { get; set; } public PipelinePolicy? RetryPolicy { get; set; } public PipelineTransport? Transport { get; set; } } public abstract partial class PipelinePolicy { protected PipelinePolicy(); public abstract void Process(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public abstract ValueTask ProcessAsync(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); } public abstract partial class PipelineTransport : PipelinePolicy { protected PipelineTransport(); public abstract ClientMessage CreateMessage(); public abstract void Process(ClientMessage message); public override void Process(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public abstract ValueTask ProcessAsync(ClientMessage message); public override ValueTask ProcessAsync(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); } public abstract partial class RequestBody : IDisposable { protected RequestBody(); public static RequestBody Create(BinaryData value); public static RequestBody Create(IModel model, ModelReaderWriterOptions? options = null); public abstract void Dispose(); public abstract bool TryComputeLength(out long length); public abstract void WriteTo(Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken); public abstract Task WriteToAsync(Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken); } public partial class ResponseBufferingPolicy : PipelinePolicy { public ResponseBufferingPolicy(TimeSpan networkTimeout); public override void Process(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public override ValueTask ProcessAsync(ClientMessage message, PipelineEnumerator pipeline); public static void SetBufferResponse(ClientMessage message, bool bufferResponse); public static void SetNetworkTimeout(ClientMessage message, TimeSpan networkTimeout); public static bool TryGetBufferResponse(ClientMessage message, out bool bufferResponse); public static bool TryGetNetworkTimeout(ClientMessage message, out TimeSpan networkTimeout); } public partial class ResponseStatusClassifier : MessageClassifier { public ResponseStatusClassifier(ReadOnlySpan successStatusCodes); public override bool IsError(ClientMessage message); } } ```
annelo-msft commented 11 months ago

@stephentoub, in response to your comment:

immediate reaction is we're still going to need to do something about Result. We can't ship that in System.* with its current name (such a common word) / shape (deriving from NullableResult, which I do not understand).

I understand the concern about this. We will follow up about the shape, but we have put together some possible names that we can discuss further to get your feedback on.

Changing the name of Result<T> and related "result" types will likely have implications for the names of other types in the ClientModel namespaces. Because of this, I've put together a set of options we can compare on our way to finding a good solution.

The lines in the table below signify:

  • Possible one-word names
  • Possible two-word names
  • Keeping what we have today, for completeness if we can't find something better

The column headers show the corresponding Azure.Core types we're looking to create analogs of. Empty squares indicate no change from above.

Response<T> NullableResponse<T> n/a Response HttpMessage HttpPipeline Notes
One word candidates Model<T>
Nullable... ResponseMessage
PipelineResponse MessageResponse PipelineMessage ClientMessage ClientPipeline MessagePipeline Using "Output" name could let us rename ResponseBodyContent to InputContent
Two word candidates ClientResponse<T>
Nullable... ResponseMessage
Current candidate Result<T> NullableResult<T> Result
annelo-msft commented 11 months ago

@terrajobst, in response to the comments you captured here, we've made a number of updates including type renames and removing the ModelReaderWriterFormat type and overloads that took it as a parameter. The API proposal in this issue's description has been updated with these changes.

terrajobst commented 11 months ago

Notes from today:

  • Can we give IModel<T> a more specialized name?
    • The concern is that single term names are very generic and have a high chance of conflicting with user types
    • How about IPersistableModel<T>, ISerializableModel<T>, IModelReaderWriter<T>?
  • The term Wire feels odd as it's presented as an alternative to JSON and XML, which are both considered wire formats too
    • It sounds like the mechanism by which models are informed how their wire format is supposed to be is "smuggled" in the instance of options using non-public ways. Can we just not have the Wire property?
  • ModelReaderProxyAttribute
    • We should choose a name that allows to make writing possible as well, e.g. ModelReaderWriterAttribute or ModelProxyAttribute
  • System.Net.ClientModel
    • After a length discussion we concluded that System is the best home for these APIs
    • But we concluded System.ClientModel is a better name as it's unrelated to NCL
  • System.Net.ClientModel.Core
    • We don't like .Core but we think .Primitives would be a better fit as it as generally non-customer facing building blocks
annelo-msft commented 11 months ago

@terrajobst, in response to comments captured here, we've made a number of updates, including:

  • Changed namespace: System.Net.ClientModel -> System.ClientModel
  • Changed namespace: System.Net.ClientModel.Core -> System.ClientModel.Primitives
  • Renamed IModel<T> -> IPersistableModel<T>
  • Renamed ModelReaderProxyAttribute -> PersistableModelProxyAttribute
  • Removed ModelReaderWriterOptions.Wire property
  • Renamed IModel<T>.GetWireFormat -> IPersistableModel<T>.GetFormatFromOptions

In response to @stephentoub's comment, we've tentatively renamed the Result<T> types to OutputMessage<T> and similar, although as mentioned in this comment we would very much prefer if we could find an acceptable one-word name for these types, given their prevalence in ClientModel client APIs, as well as their tendency to hold generic types for T that are three+ words long. We risk the return type wrapping in some editors.

In response to comments from @GrabYourPitchforks, we've made some updates to ClientRequestException APIs, but expect to iterate on these further as we continue our investigations on this one.

We have also made other updates based on feedback from @KrzysztofCwalina.

The API proposal in this issue's description has been updated with these changes.

terrajobst commented 11 months ago

Notes from last review:

  • KeyCredential
    • The reason there is an Update method rather than a setter is to match the pattern of other credential types who have Update methods taking multiple parameters in order to allow atomic updates.
    • It looks like this type should be sealed as inheritors have no ability to update the added state atomically
    • Should make sure ToString() doesn't expose the key (already the case)
    • Should the properties on the credentials be properties or methods? The concern is that people inadvertently leak their secrets because they pass the instance to a logging framework that uses, say, JSON serialization which tends to read all public properties. Another pattern is a single method returning all via an out parameter, the inverse of Update.
  • OutputMessage/NullableOutputMessage
    • We talked a lot about these types. We'd like to make these have a longer name than just Result<T>, which these are.
  • ClientRequestException
    • Why is GetRawResponse() virtual? It's being passed in.
    • The ISerializable related stuff is fine, because it's an existing type

Let me know if I missed antyhing.

terrajobst commented 9 months ago

I'm under the impression that this is largely done.

@KrzysztofCwalina @annelo-msft please let me know if you believe otherwise.