dotnet / sign

Code Signing CLI tool supporting Authenticode, NuGet, VSIX, and ClickOnce
MIT License
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What value should be provided for the Description and Description-Url parameters? #699

Open floyd-chan opened 3 weeks ago

floyd-chan commented 3 weeks ago

I am developing a Business Central app that requires code signing with Azure Key Vault as described here in Microsoft Learn:

I am going to be signing with a service principal, so this is the sample code provided on that page:

sign code azure-key-vault --azure-key-vault-url "" --azure-key-vault-certificate "NameOfMyCertificate" --azure-key-vault-client-id "ClientIdOfServicePrincipal" --azure-key-vault-client-secret "ClientSecretOfServicePrincipal" --azure-key-vault-tenant-id "MicrosoftEntraId" --description "Some Description" --description-url "" --verbosity Information "C:/Path/To/File(s)"

It is unclear to me what should be provided to the Description and Description-Url parameters; there is no clear documentation for this.

How should I proceed?

floyd-chan commented 3 weeks ago

I just read in this post that these two parameters can be set to $null:

I've tried this, and I get this error:

Option '-u' is required.

I am still stuck and I cannot determine what to do. Help?

dtivel commented 2 weeks ago

@floyd-chan, the values for --description and --description-url apply to Authenticode signatures. Here is signtool.exe's description for those values:

Command Description
/d Desc Specifies a description of the signed content.
/du URL Specifies a URL for the expanded description of the signed content.

BTW, I recommend that you look at using a federated identity instead of a client secret when connecting with either GitHub Actions or Azure DevOps pipelines. In these cases, you'd use the --azure-key-vault-managed-identity parameter instead. Then, you wouldn't need to have a secret in your pipeline. @clairernovotny, can you link to samples for this?

clairernovotny commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @floyd-chan,

Sign CLI supports secret-less authentication using Workload Identity Federation for GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines.

Here are a couple samples:

Docs on setting up the Workload Identity Federation are here:

dlemstra commented 2 days ago

The --description and --description-url options were made optional in this pull request: #718.