dotnet / source-build

A repository to track efforts to produce a source tarball of the .NET Core SDK and all its components
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Rebootstrap the VMR #4362

Closed ellahathaway closed 1 month ago

ellahathaway commented 1 month ago

Once is merged and a build has been completed with the changes, the VMR needs to be rebootstrapped in order to resolve needs to be reverted after the rebootstrap as well.

Will close after we rebootstrap again and gets reverted (for sdk)

ellahathaway commented 1 month ago

The build that I was going to pull the artifacts from failed when building Roslyn in Stage 2:

##[error]/vmr/src/roslyn/src/Workspaces/SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions/Workspace/Core/CodeGeneration/CodeGenerationHelpers.cs(74,27): error CS0121: (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'string.Join(string?, ReadOnlySpan<object?>)' and 'string.Join(string?, ReadOnlySpan<string?>)'

If we rebootstrap, all the Stage 1 builds will fail with this same error.

cc @ViktorHofer @dotnet/source-build-internal

ViktorHofer commented 1 month ago

Let's try to get in and then make a re-bootstrap. That includes the roslyn fix.

Ideally we would then send re-boostrap PRs into both sdk and installer.

MichaelSimons commented 1 month ago

All required rebootstrapping work is complete. Closing.