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Pattern matching not completed #58

Open DickBaker opened 4 years ago

DickBaker commented 4 years ago


Surprisingly nobody (at NDC or in YT comments) has challenged Bill who at offset 44:48 & 45:40 declared victory with this solution public decimal PeakTimePremium(DateTime timeOfToll, bool inbound) => (IsWeekDay(timeOfToll), GetTimeBand(timeOfToll), inbound) switch { (true, TimeBand.MorningRush, true) => 2.00m, (true, TimeBand.EveningRush, false) => 2.00m, (true, TimeBand.MorningRush, false) => 1.00m, (true, TimeBand.EveningRush, true) => 1.00m, (true, TimeBand.Daytime, ) => 1.50m, (true, TimeBand.Overnight, ) => 0.75m, (false, , ) => 1.00m, }; and the MS docs show very similar at

For goodness sake please refactor the explicit special conditions first and then drop through to the simple default 1.0m result public decimal PeakTimePremium(DateTime timeOfToll, bool inbound) => (IsWeekDay(timeOfToll), GetTimeBand(timeOfToll), inbound) switch { (true, TimeBand.MorningRush, true) => 2.00m, (true, TimeBand.EveningRush, false) => 2.00m, (true, TimeBand.Daytime, ) => 1.50m, (true, TimeBand.Overnight, ) => 0.75m, (, , _) => 1.00m }; which matches the special cases and dangling default (else) acts as catch-all for the rest. This distils the spaghetti 50 lines to an even simpler (and clearer) conclusion.

Fortunately the actual PeakTimePremium code at has now advanced

P.S. Don't declare victory too early (didn't we learn that from Gulf War-1?) PPS see attached graphic for those who think better visually WagnerVille.xlsx