dotnet / try-samples

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Results are not shown and results container is all red #82

Open Mohsin060208 opened 2 years ago

Mohsin060208 commented 2 years ago

I followed all the instructions and run the app. I went to Linq Samples section and the first lesson in there called Restriction Operators at this place I found this issue https://localhost:56527/101-linq-samples/docs/


r0818405 commented 2 years ago

Hi team, same issue here.

gill1986 commented 2 years ago

Hi Team,

same issue on my machine.

OmarVoxel commented 2 years ago

Same! :(

TangGuoHua commented 2 years ago

I hit the same issue when i run it on Mac image

d1g1talpump commented 2 years ago

Same issue for me

Hultner commented 2 years ago

I also get this issue, both in Chrome and Safari on MacOS 12.2 (Monterey). On my laptop running MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) it doesn't start at all.

cygnaw commented 2 years ago


VedatAydinKaya commented 2 years ago

same issue

santifaster commented 2 years ago

Hi, I had the same issue

On firefox it displayed "Internal Server Error" in a red box imagen

On Edge just the red box imagen

yimaiyan commented 2 years ago

same here!

ivo-tisljar commented 2 years ago

Same here!

nvaghari commented 2 years ago

I was curious about this project but I got same error and I can see this error in Console: Uncaught (in promise) Error at new t (tsMode.js:1:1) at e.<anonymous> (tsMode.js:1:1) at w (tsMode.js:1:1) at Generator._invoke (tsMode.js:1:1) at E.forEach.e.<computed> [as next] (tsMode.js:1:1) at s (tsMode.js:1:1)

epiera commented 2 years ago

Hi, same here :(

darrencole commented 2 years ago

I got the same error. It would be great if this resource was working properly.

rj-dev commented 2 years ago

Same here :(

edmondtchoua commented 2 years ago

Same error

The-TallGuy commented 2 years ago

Same here :(

devjam1 commented 2 years ago


when I run dotnet try verify I get the below error

Unhandled exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unsupported log file format. Latest supported version is 9, the log file has version 14.)
 ---> System.NotSupportedException: Unsupported log file format. Latest supported version is 9, the log file has version 14.
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BinLogReader.Replay(Stream stream) in C:\MSBuildStructuredLog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BinLogReader.cs:line 53
   at Microsoft.Build.Logging.StructuredLogger.BinLogReader.Replay(String sourceFilePath) in C:\MSBuildStructuredLog\src\StructuredLogger\BinaryLogger\BinLogReader.cs:line 37
   at Buildalyzer.AnalyzerManager.Analyze(String binLogPath, IEnumerable`1 buildLoggers)
   at WorkspaceServer.Packaging.Package.LoadDesignTimeBuildFromBuildLogFile(Package package, FileSystemInfo binLog) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Packaging\Package.cs:line 138
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
   at WorkspaceServer.Packaging.Package.TryLoadDesignTimeBuildFromBuildLog() in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Packaging\Package.cs:line 127
   at WorkspaceServer.Packaging.Package..ctor(String name, IPackageInitializer initializer, DirectoryInfo directory, IScheduler buildThrottleScheduler) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Packaging\Package.cs:line 112
   at WorkspaceServer.Packaging.RebuildablePackage..ctor(String name, IPackageInitializer initializer, DirectoryInfo directory, IScheduler buildThrottleScheduler) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Packaging\RebuildablePackage.cs:line 22
   at WorkspaceServer.Packaging.PackageBuilder.GetPackage(Budget budget) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Packaging\PackageBuilder.cs:line 163
   at WorkspaceServer.PackageRegistry.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<<GetPackageFromPackageBuilder>b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\PackageRegistry.cs:line 139
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at WorkspaceServer.PackageRegistry.Get[T](String packageName, Budget budget) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\PackageRegistry.cs:line 92
   at WorkspaceServer.Servers.Roslyn.RoslynWorkspaceServer.CompileWorker(Workspace workspace, BufferId activeBufferId, Budget budget) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Servers\Roslyn\RoslynWorkspaceServer.cs:line 412
   at WorkspaceServer.Servers.Roslyn.RoslynWorkspaceServer.Compile(WorkspaceRequest request, Budget budget) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Servers\Roslyn\RoslynWorkspaceServer.cs:line 193
   at WorkspaceServer.Servers.WorkspaceServerMultiplexer.Compile(WorkspaceRequest request, Budget budget) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\WorkspaceServer\Servers\WorkspaceServerMultiplexer.cs:line 26
   at MLS.Agent.CommandLine.VerifyCommand.Compile(Session session, MarkdownProcessingContext context) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\MLS.Agent\CommandLine\VerifyCommand.cs:line 193
   at MLS.Agent.CommandLine.VerifyCommand.Do(VerifyOptions verifyOptions, IConsole console, StartupOptions startupOptions, MarkdownProcessingContext context) in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\MLS.Agent\CommandLine\VerifyCommand.cs:line 84
   at System.CommandLine.Invocation.CommandHandler.GetResultCodeAsync(Object value, InvocationContext context)
   at System.CommandLine.Invocation.ModelBindingCommandHandler.InvokeAsync(InvocationContext context)
   at System.CommandLine.Invocation.InvocationPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<<BuildInvocationChain>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<UseParseErrorReporting>b__20_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at MLS.Agent.CommandLine.CommandLineParser.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<<Create>b__2>d.MoveNext() in D:\workspace\_work\1\s\MLS.Agent\CommandLine\CommandLineParser.cs:line 165
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<<UseHelp>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<<UseVersionOption>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.<<UseTypoCorrections>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<UseSuggestDirective>b__21_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<UseParseDirective>b__19_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<UseDebugDirective>b__11_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<RegisterWithDotnetSuggest>b__10_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<<UseExceptionHandler>b__0>d.MoveNext()

I tried the global.json fix suggested in similar raised issues but it didn't work

c-dev256 commented 1 year ago

I was able to get this working with the SDK 3.1.424 installed alongside of 6.0.402. Had to add a global.json at the root of try-samples like this { "sdk": { "version": "3.1.424" } }

Removed references to the package 'System.CommandLine.Experimental' from all of the .csproj files. Removed the same references in .\try-samples\101-linq-samples\src\obj\project.assets.json Be sure to update any references to the latest SDK to refer to the 3.1.424, ie: in the project.assets.json... "runtimeIdentifierGraphPath": "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\3.1.424\\RuntimeIdentifierGraph.json"

The first run will give an error but subsequent runs ran without issue.

XiangqianChe commented 1 year ago

I was able to get this working with the SDK 3.1.424 installed alongside of 6.0.402. Had to add a global.json at the root of try-samples like this { "sdk": { "version": "3.1.424" } }

Removed references to the package 'System.CommandLine.Experimental' from all of the .csproj files. Removed the same references in .\try-samples\101-linq-samples\src\obj\project.assets.json Be sure to update any references to the latest SDK to refer to the 3.1.424, ie: in the project.assets.json... "runtimeIdentifierGraphPath": "C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\sdk\\3.1.424\\RuntimeIdentifierGraph.json"

The first run will give an error but subsequent runs ran without issue.

Thank you, This Works !!!

JasonColeyNZ commented 1 year ago

This worked for me as well thank you

thirusanguraja commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much!

quangphantally commented 10 months ago

this should work:

  1. check your sdk versions dotnet --list-sdks
3.0.103 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
3.1.426 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk] # <- try this one or any 3.x version
6.0.202 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
6.0.203 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
7.0.112 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
8.0.100-preview.5.23303.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
8.0.100-rc.2.23502.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  1. set sdk version in your repo
dotnet new global.json

then use the version above. It then should be like this:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "3.1.426"
  1. install dotnet try tool
dotnet tool install --global "Microsoft.dotnet-try"
  1. verify if any issues
dotnet try verify

If any, google it

  1. enjoy it
dotnet try


ghost commented 9 months ago

this should work:

  1. check your sdk versions dotnet --list-sdks
3.0.103 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
3.1.426 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk] # <- try this one or any 3.x version
6.0.202 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
6.0.203 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
7.0.112 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
8.0.100-preview.5.23303.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
8.0.100-rc.2.23502.2 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  1. set sdk version in your repo
dotnet new global.json

then use the version above. It then should be like this:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "3.1.426"
  1. install dotnet try tool
dotnet tool install --global "Microsoft.dotnet-try"
  1. verify if any issues
dotnet try verify

If any, google it

  1. enjoy it
dotnet try


This works. Thanks!!!

yanglr commented 3 months ago

I met the similar thing in my Computer too, the issue is solved with below steps:

The enviornment:

OS: Win 11

.NET SDKs: .NET Core 3.0 SDK, .NET Core 3.1 SDK, .NET 6.0 SDK, .NET 8.0 SDK installed.

1.Make sure you installed lastest version of "dotnet try" tool.

If you install it with the command "dotnet tool install -g dotnet-try", you need unistall it first with:

dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-try

If you install it with the command "dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-try", you need unistall it first with:

dotnet tool uninstall -g Microsoft.dotnet-try

Then install the latest verion of "dotnet try" with below command:

dotnet tool install -g --add-source "" Microsoft.dotnet-try

In Windows, recommand to run above commands in "cmd" with admin permission.

2.Make sure you installed .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.1 SDKs

You can run below command to check:

dotnet --list-sdks

If you did not install them, download from below links and install them.

Note: .NET core 3.1 SDK's version is "3.1.416" so far.

3.Clone code with below command using git shell

git clone

4.Create global.json at the root of the folder "try-samples":

The content is below:

  "sdk": {
    "version": "3.1.416"

Note: the version "3.1.416" here should be the same as in step 2.

5.Try to compile it with "dotnet try verify" command

cd try-samples/
dotnet try verify

If no exceptions happened, jump to next step below. Else try to remove references to the package 'System.CommandLine.Experimental' from all of the .csproj files.

6.Run "dotnet try" command to open the web in browser:

dotnet try ".\101-linq-samples"

7.Try the examples from Web.

May it be helpful for you.


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