dotnet / tye

Tye is a tool that makes developing, testing, and deploying microservices and distributed applications easier. Project Tye includes a local orchestrator to make developing microservices easier and the ability to deploy microservices to Kubernetes with minimal configuration.
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Multiple questions about real-world usability #963

Open JJWTimmer opened 3 years ago

JJWTimmer commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

Tye is exactly what the devs in our organization are looking for. Local and remote run, abstraction from kubernetes, one place to define things like variables, debugging possibilities.

There are, however, a number of questions I (as R&D/DevOps support for the teams) cannot answer yet:

  1. How do you work with multiple environments: specify different values for variables for every environment? local, acceptance, production for example?
  2. If possible, how do you run a MySQL in local mode, and use a SaaS db in prod?
  3. How does running tests fit in this proces?
  4. What is a global flow for CI and CD based on Tye with multiple projects?
  5. How to specify 2+ connection strings with a different DB for a single DB service?
  6. How do you work with secret values?


razvangoga commented 3 years ago


my team and I have been using it for a few months for a microservices based platform with 2 WebApis and 5 worker services, working together with AzureBlobs, Postgres, Azure Service Bus, KeyVault, App Insights. The services are .NetCore 3.1 and one NodeJs. The platform was designed to run in production in Kubernetes (Azure's AKS in our scenario) with multiple instances for some worker services (competing consumers).

Some random points from our experince (not all may apply to you / your mileage may vary):

We've tweaked / geared the workflow specifically for local dev only, and it works quite well - one can iterate quite fast with it (much faster, in any case, than if the dev-builds should have been deployed somewhere).

Some things I wish it would have:

All in all, very usefull tool !!!

LE : the docs are not the best for local usage (eg: can't find where the tags are explained), they seem to be focused more on deploying rather that running, but at the time when i setup out workflow i found this guy's repo / sample very helpful :

JJWTimmer commented 3 years ago

Razvan, thanks! Very useful reaction. Helps to put things in perspective, and craft a workflow! Also the example you added at the end is helpful.

If I understand correctly you do not see a case for tye deploy? How are you handling deployments to k8s, with Helm, or patch manifests with new image versions or ... ? We were fantasizing about one place to define variables, and let them be generated into Helm or Manifest files automatically, so you don't need to maintain a local setup, a dev .env, a prod keyvault etc. Does that make any sense for you?

razvangoga commented 3 years ago

When i started investigating tye (knew about it from early 2020 but actually got to looking at it last Oct or Nov or so) all the resources i found were about how you can deploy from local via tye to K8s. Literally the definition of right click deployment. Even Jon Galand's video that led me to the repo linked above does this :

Looking at this now, because tye is a dotnet tool, i guess you could build an (Azure) Devops pipeline around it (eg: install tye in the pipline as a tool and use it to deploy to K8s). Maybe using some templated / environment specific .env files like he does in the video you could reach the one place to define variables.

razvangoga commented 3 years ago

Hi @JJWTimmer, if you ever end up using tye, would love to hear about the specifics 👍

lucasmaj commented 3 years ago

@razvangoga So can one debug "tyed" services (.net projects) from Visual Studio?

razvangoga commented 3 years ago

@lucasmaj I generally attach with the debugger from VS or Rider once the service is up.

There is also the --debug arg option but I have not used it that much. I'll take it for a spin this week and get back to you with an update if you're interested.

lucasmaj commented 3 years ago

Thank you for sharing @razvangoga. Manually finding and attaching to multiple processes every time I need to debug the multiproject system is just way too cumbersome. Maybe I don't have right toolset for that?

I have been using Visual Studio plugin SwitchStartupProject. It allows me to easily configure multiproject configurations where all select projects get started and attached to at once. The only downside being it will launch all the project consoles (10+ in my case). Tye was interesting alternative (although still too much for what I need and I doubt I will be deploying with Tye) but without automatic debugger attachment it is not solving any of my problems.

razvangoga commented 3 years ago

Well, tye is not really a replacement for the F5-debug-run experience from an IDE. It's more like a docker compose on steroids, in which you can use more than just containers