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Reduce the need for backtracking while typing #154

Open AnthonyDGreen opened 7 years ago

AnthonyDGreen commented 7 years ago

There are situations in VB today where you're dotting through an API and you realize you run into a wall that requires backtracking. Examples include needing to perform a cast or needing to await a Task. It breaks the flow of typing/thinking. It can also create a situation where a lot of ceremony starts accruing on the left like multiple CType or Await keywords very far from what they relate to.

In English, sentences are most often structured in Subject-Verb-Object form. This usually fits in well with object-oriented syntax where the subject is the receiver, the verb is the method, and the arguments are the objects: subject.Verb(object). But, there are also times where this order is warped by the way an API is designed (sometimes necessarily).

' For performance reasons this isn't an instance methods.
Dim upper As Char = Char.ToUpper(ch)

In some cases this can be mitigated through the use of extension methods. Extension methods take the less natural Verb(subject, object) form and arrange it ... fluently.

' An extension method makes this read subject-verb.
Dim upper As Char = ch.ToUpper()

A number of proposals have showed up lately that all seem to share a theme of their proponents trying to reduce or eliminate backtracking, either as their primary benefit or a significant secondary one such as #138, #116, and #59.

bandleader commented 6 years ago

@AnthonyDGreen I see the common thread that you're pointing out in these proposals. I wonder if we could extend the -> pipe-forward operator of #165 (which I support enthusiastically) to handle all the cases you are speaking of, with a single, easily-understandable syntax?

This way, it would be a single operator to learn -- all the above constructs would then be obvious to readers of code, and programmers could uncover all the possibilities in a single article.

Caveat: -> Precedence (and symbol)

The only thing is that we need to clear up the "Precedence and Associativity" issues described there in #165.

Should I post about that in #165 @AnthonyDGreen?


I want to thank you again for your involvement in making VB the beautiful, expressive, readable and productive language it is.

Edit: Didn't realize Anthony had left -- now addressed to @KathleenDollard. Welcome!

bandleader commented 6 years ago

As to which symbol to use for this, see above where I descibed the issues that an arrow symbol causes for operator precendence.

Now I am thinking that .. looks great for this, as it's something like . member access, but with special behaviour. SomeMethodAsync()..Await or someInt..DirectCast(newType) looks beautifully intuitive, and could be used for pipeThis..MyFunction() and it reads very well.

The operator becomes a sort of "dot with superpowers" -- because if you think about it, . is already a pipe operator, in the sense that it pipes your expression into one of its member methods -- but with our .. (or similar) operator, we extend that to let you call any function (or await or typecast) -- in left-to-right execution order, which is the whole point of piping.

Small downside: Piping into a member of an arbitrary class would then need parens to be clear: someChar..(Char.IsLetter) Not a big deal.

Conflict with method cascading: In Dart, .. is used for method cascading (which I suggested for inclusion here: #245), and I don't think we should use it for both, as method cascading is very different in that it discards the result (it returns the left-hand result). Maybe we could use .> for piping instead? Shows that it's a pipe... Or perhaps method cascading should instead use something else? I think still some variation of the dot (as it's still member access) ... maybe simply obj.%SomeSub(), or maybe even obj.<SomeSub() to show that it's the left-hand result that is retained?

AnthonyDGreen commented 6 years ago

@bandleader I think the pipe-forward operator could solve a bunch of these. You should leave your feedback about it there.

bandleader commented 6 years ago

@AnthonyDGreen I'll be glad to, but I do have other occupations, so I have to wait for @KathleenDollard 's response (#248) as to the future of VB, and whether the feedback will actually be seen and used by the LDM to build the feature. Or maybe you know too :)