Closed ErtanTaner closed 1 week ago
Having the same, but it appears that you just have to wait a really, really long time (like 5 minutes). VS Code will get there eventually
@PieterjanDeClippel I waited for a looong time. It's not about that.
A lot has changed with O# packaging and acquisition of dependencies since this issue was opened. If you are still having problems, please open a new issue at
Issue Description
When ı try to install or update C# from vscode extension tab or cli, installation progress is freezeing ang nothing happens after that. Idk is about vscode or extension but report an issue lead me here. If ı need to open issue in a different repository, please give me the correct information.
Steps to Reproduce
I tried to update my C# extension to 1.25.4, new version but couldn't. I removed and tried to install again but same, couldn't. I tried to install previous version but same, nothing happened. Only VSIX version installation worked for me and can use C# with that.
Vscode Extensions Step
Vscode => Extensions => Search for 'C#' => Press install / Press Update button.
CLI Step
Terminal => type "code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp"
Expected Behavior
Should install or update C# extension.
Actual Behavior
It's not update or install C#. Only VSIX worked.
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/ertan/.config/Code/User (excludes:, includes: ),/home/ertan/.config/Code/User/settings.json (excludes: , includes: )
INFO CLI main {
_: [],
diff: false,
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add: false,
goto: false,
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wait: false,
help: false,
'list-extensions': false,
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version: false,
verbose: true,
status: false,
'prof-startup': false,
'no-cached-data': false,
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debugRenderer: false,
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logExtensionHostCommunication: false,
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'skip-welcome': false,
'disable-telemetry': false,
'disable-updates': false,
'disable-keytar': false,
'disable-workspace-trust': false,
'disable-crash-reporter': false,
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'file-write': false,
'file-chmod': false,
force: false,
'do-not-sync': false,
trace: false,
'force-user-env': false,
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'open-devtools': false,
'__enable-file-policy': false,
'enable-coi': false,
'no-proxy-server': false,
'no-sandbox': false,
nolazy: false,
'force-renderer-accessibility': false,
'ignore-certificate-errors': false,
'allow-insecure-localhost': false,
'disable-dev-shm-usage': false,
'profile-temp': false,
logsPath: '/home/ertan/.config/Code/logs/20230128T063115'
Installing extensions...
TRACE Started scanning user extensions r {
scheme: 'file',
authority: '',
path: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json',
query: '',
fragment: '',
_formatted: null,
_fsPath: null
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/ertan/.vscode/extensions (excludes: , includes: ),/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json (excludes: , includes: )
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/ertan/.config/Code/User'
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/ertan/.config/Code/User/settings.json'
DEBUG ComputeTargetPlatform: linux-x64
TRACE Started scanning user extensions r {
scheme: 'file',
authority: '',
path: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions',
query: '',
fragment: '',
_formatted: 'file:///home/ertan/.vscode/extensions',
_fsPath: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions'
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions'
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json'
TRACE Scanned user extensions: 39
DEBUG ComputeTargetPlatform: linux-x64
TRACE Scanned user extensions: 39
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - begin
TRACE resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set)
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - success
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - begin
TRACE resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set)
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - success
Installing extension 'ms-dotnettools.csharp'...
TRACE ExtensionManagementService.refreshReportedCache
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - begin
TRACE resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set)
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - success
TRACE ExtensionManagementService.refreshControlCache {
malicious: [
{ id: 'visualstuiocode.emmet' },
{ id: 'joaomoreno.banana' },
{ id: 'JacobeanResearchandDevelopmentLLC.vscode-scxml-preview' },
{ id: 'joaquin6.package-watch' },
{ id: 'KazuoCode.gthubsum' },
{ id: 'MaxGotovkin.tslens' },
{ id: 'stephen-riley.regexworkbench' },
{ id: 'guozebin.api-generator-plugin' },
{ id: 'code-tester.code-tester' }
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'jcbuisson.vue': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'silvenon.mdx': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'liximomo.sftp': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-2': { settings: [Array] },
'coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer': { settings: [Array] },
'2gua.rainbow-brackets': { settings: [Array] },
'tyriar.terminal-tabs': { settings: [Array] },
'austin.code-gnu-global': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'mkaufman.htmlhint': { disallowInstall: false, extension: [Object] },
'aleohq.aleo-instructions-syntax': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'aleohq.leo-language-features-extension': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
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'nextfaze.comment-wrap': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'magneet.talkgrammar': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'philhindle.errorlens': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'alexeaton.openscad-format': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'efbenson.scad': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'meowcolm024.has-go': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'haneefdm.memview': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'avli.clojure': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
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'prql.prql': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'jodyh.circleci-vscode': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
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'modyqyw.vscode-uni-cloud-snippets': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'modyqyw.vscode-uni-helper': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
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'kellielutze.language-epsilon': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'lvjiaxuan.eslint-disable': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'sa2taka.js-go-to-test': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'nobuhito.printcode': { disallowInstall: false, extension: [Object] },
'webososesdk.webosose': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'wwm.better-align': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'sandipchitale.vscode-kubernetes-commander': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'shan.code-settings-sync': {
disallowInstall: true,
additionalInfo: 'Please use the built-in Settings Sync functionality instead.'
'dbaeumer.jshint': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'ms-kubernetes-tools.porter-vscode': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'simonsiefke.prettier-vscode': { disallowInstall: true, extension: [Object] },
'redwoodjs.redwood': {},
'': {},
'microsoft.merge-conflict-detection': {},
'formulahendry.terminal': {},
'': {},
'': {},
'bitlang.bitlangcoboldepreciated': {},
'redhat.vscode-datavirt': {},
'redhat.datavirt-extension-pack': {},
'redhat.vscode-wsdl2rest': {},
'nikitakunevich.snippet-creator': {},
'ms-vscode.node-debug2': {},
'ms-vscode.node-debug': {},
'entomy.ada': {},
'glen-84.sass-lint': {},
'hackwaly.ocaml': {},
'jchannon.csharpextensions': {},
'unity.unity-debug': {},
'hookyqr.beautify': {},
'tht13.python': {},
'lonefy.vscode-js-css-html-formatter': {},
'tht13.html-preview-vscode': {},
'ikappas.phpcs': {},
'qinjia.view-in-browser': {},
'': {},
'dongli.python-preview': {},
'sophisticode.php-formatter': {},
'peakchen90.vue-beautify': {},
'utsavm9.c-cpp-flag-debugging': {},
'uvbrain.angular2': {},
'': {},
'remimarsal.prettier-now': {},
'himanoa.python-autopep8': {},
'tht13.gerrit-vscode': {},
'felipecrs.vscode-gerrit': {},
'heptio.jsonnet': {},
'eg2.vscode-npm-script': {},
'ethan-reesor.vscode-go-test-adapter': {},
'aaronpowell.vscode-profile-switcher': {},
'nachocab.highlight-dodgy-characters': {},
'pthorsson.vscode-jsp': {},
'ctf0.htmlhint': {},
'cellery.cellery-vscode-extension': {},
'vsciot-vscode.vscode-iot-device-cube': {},
'ms-azuretools.vscode-azureeventgrid': {},
'': {},
'ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-audio': {}
INFO Getting Manifest... ms-dotnettools.csharp
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - begin
TRACE resolveShellEnv(): skipped (VSCODE_CLI is set)
TRACE RequestService#request (node) - success
INFO Installing extension: ms-dotnettools.csharp
TRACE Started scanning system extensions
TRACE Started scanning user extensions r {
scheme: 'file',
authority: '',
path: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json',
query: '',
fragment: '',
_formatted: 'file:///home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json',
_fsPath: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json'
TRACE Scanned system extensions: 88
TRACE Scanned user extensions: 39
TRACE Started scanning system extensions
TRACE Started scanning user extensions r {
scheme: 'file',
authority: '',
path: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json',
query: '',
fragment: '',
_formatted: 'file:///home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json',
_fsPath: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json'
TRACE Scanned system extensions: 88
TRACE Scanned user extensions: 39
TRACE Started scanning system extensions
TRACE Started scanning user extensions r {
scheme: 'file',
authority: '',
path: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions',
query: '',
fragment: '',
_formatted: 'file:///home/ertan/.vscode/extensions',
_fsPath: '/home/ertan/.vscode/extensions'
TRACE Scanned system extensions: 88
TRACE Scanned user extensions: 39
TRACE Started extracting the extension from /home/ertan/.config/Code/CachedExtensionVSIXs/ms-dotnettools.csharp-1.25.4-linux-x64 to /home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/.cbe06145-5aa2-4664-9ef7-1ab89aa6ed05
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["rename"] .cbe06145-5aa2-4664-9ef7-1ab89aa6ed05
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] [ADDED] /home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/.cbe06145-5aa2-4664-9ef7-1ab89aa6ed05
TRACE [File Watcher (node.js)] >> normalized [ADDED] /home/ertan/.vscode/extensions/.cbe06145-5aa2-4664-9ef7-1ab89aa6ed05
OmniSharp log
C# log
Environment information
VSCode version: 1.74.3 C# Extension: 1.25.4
Mono Information
There is a problem with running OmniSharp on mono: Error: Unable to find Mono. Ensure that Mono's '/bin' folder is added to your environment's PATH variable.Dotnet Information
.NET SDK: Version: 7.0.102 Commit: 4bbdd14480 Runtime Environment: OS Name: ubuntu OS Version: 22.04 OS Platform: Linux RID: ubuntu.22.04-x64 Base Path: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/7.0.102/ Host: Version: 7.0.2 Architecture: x64 Commit: d037e070eb .NET SDKs installed: 6.0.405 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk] 7.0.102 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk] .NET runtimes installed: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 6.0.13 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App] Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 7.0.2 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App] Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.13 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App] Microsoft.NETCore.App 7.0.2 [/usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App] Other architectures found: None Environment variables: Not set global.json file: Not found Learn more: Download .NET: Studio Code Extensions
|Extension|Author|Version| |---|---|---| |bracket-pair-color-dlw|BracketPairColorDLW|0.0.6| |cmake|twxs|0.0.17| |cmake-tools|ms-vscode|1.13.43| |cpptools|ms-vscode|1.13.9| |cpptools-extension-pack|ms-vscode|1.3.0| |cpptools-themes|ms-vscode|2.0.0| |csharp|ms-dotnettools|1.25.4| |csharpextensions|kreativ-software|1.7.3| |github-markdown-preview|bierner|0.3.0| |github-vscode-theme|GitHub|6.3.3| |gitlens|eamodio|13.2.0| |gitpod-desktop|gitpod|0.0.71| |intellicode-api-usage-examples|VisualStudioExptTeam|0.2.7| |JavaScriptSnippets|xabikos|1.8.0| |jquerysnippets|donjayamanne|0.0.1| |LiveServer|ritwickdey|5.7.9| |markdown-checkbox|bierner|0.4.0| |markdown-emoji|bierner|0.3.0| |markdown-footnotes|bierner|0.1.1| |markdown-mermaid|bierner|1.17.4| |markdown-preview-enhanced|shd101wyy|0.6.7| |markdown-preview-github-styles|bierner|1.0.1| |markdown-yaml-preamble|bierner|0.1.0| |npm-intellisense|christian-kohler|1.4.4| |prettier-vscode|esbenp|9.10.4| |remote-explorer|ms-vscode|0.0.3| |remote-ssh|ms-vscode-remote|0.94.0| |remote-ssh-edit|ms-vscode-remote|0.84.0| |rest-client|humao|0.25.1| |theme-dracula|dracula-theme|2.24.2| |vscode-csharp-snippets|jorgeserrano|1.1.0| |vscode-eslint|dbaeumer|2.2.6| |vscode-gutter-preview|kisstkondoros|0.30.0| |vscode-icons|vscode-icons-team|12.2.0| |vscode-language-babel|mgmcdermott|0.0.36| |vscode-mdx|unifiedjs|1.2.1| |vscode-mdx-preview|xyc|0.3.3| |vscode-yaml|redhat|1.11.0| |vscodeintellicode|VisualStudioExptTeam|1.2.30|;