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WPF is a .NET Core UI framework for building Windows desktop applications.
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Extremely slow clipboard operation when some clipboard monitor application running #9106

Open cuiliang opened 1 month ago

cuiliang commented 1 month ago


When running software that includes clipboard monitoring features, all WPF applications on the computer may become extremely slow when performing clipboard copy operations. Meanwhile, other programs such as Winform applications, browsers, and Windows Notepad operate normally. Symptoms: When selecting "Copy" (or "Cut") from the right-click menu in any text box, it takes 0.5 to 1 second for the menu to close.

Compared to winform application:

Reproduction Steps

  1. Download and unzip the above file, and unzip to a folder.
  2. Sample application was based on .Net8, you should have .Net8 installed on your computer.
  3. Start the applications in the following order. (Order is important) 1) WpfApp1.exe 2) ClipobardMonitor.exe 3) InsideClipboard.exe


  1. Select some text in WpfApp1.exe window, right click, then select COPY menu. it will close with big delay.

Expected behavior

Copy operation should complete immediately.

Actual behavior

Copy will complete with big delay and UI freeze.


This problem exists for a long time, both .NET framework and .Net8.

Known Workarounds

No workgorund.


Very bad user experience.


No response

Other information

Time was costed in System.Windows.Clipboard.CriticalSetDataObject, It fails to olesetclipboard and retry many times with Sleep().

rampaa commented 4 weeks ago

+1. This is really annoying.