When we create console project to using Freesql package with the latest .NET 9 build, it stops working after launching. The exception from Visual Studio output window is: Ambiguous match found for 'System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan FromSeconds(Int64)'. After investigating we found the bug in the FreeSql library. This line is expecting there to only be one overload of TimeSpan.FromSeconds, but there are now multiple overloads, which leads to GetMethod throwing an ambiguity exception because it doesn't know which method to bind to:
The machine has dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-preview.3.24160.1 installed.
1.Create a new net8.0 Console project.
2.Copy the following code to Program.cs.
using FreeSql;
string ConnetionString = "Data Source=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Demo;";
var freeBuilder = new FreeSqlBuilder().UseConnectionString(DataType.SqlServer, ConnetionString).Build();
3.Install FreeSql.Provider.SqlServer nuget package.
4.Build the app.
5.Change the runtime.config file to let the app run against with dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-preview.3.24160.1.
System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for 'FreeSql.Internal.Utils' threw an exception.'
AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous match found for 'System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan FromSeconds(Int64)'.
When we create console project to using Freesql package with the latest .NET 9 build, it stops working after launching. The exception from Visual Studio output window is: Ambiguous match found for 'System.TimeSpan System.TimeSpan FromSeconds(Int64)'. After investigating we found the bug in the FreeSql library. This line is expecting there to only be one overload of TimeSpan.FromSeconds, but there are now multiple overloads, which leads to GetMethod throwing an ambiguity exception because it doesn't know which method to bind to: https://github.com/dotnetcore/FreeSql/blob/e1f91ef361ca4a6eac7f217bd4a474047597e4e3/FreeSql/Internal/UtilsExpressionTree.cs#L2172
The machine has dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-preview.3.24160.1 installed. 1.Create a new net8.0 Console project. 2.Copy the following code to Program.cs.
3.Install FreeSql.Provider.SqlServer nuget package. 4.Build the app. 5.Change the runtime.config file to let the app run against with dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-preview.3.24160.1.
6.Launch the app.
Expected behavior Launch successfully.
Actual behavior
For more detailed bug info you can veiw : https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/99588
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 LocalDB
FreeSql.Provider.SqlServer 3.2.815
.net framework/. net core? 及具体版本