dotpay / OpenCart

dotpay payment module for OpenCart
6 stars 4 forks source link

problem with instalation #5

Open sydzisko opened 4 years ago

sydzisko commented 4 years ago

after finish instalation i dont have module with dotpay payment in my shop

sydzisko commented 4 years ago

so i drop files into my catalog and now i see dotpay but when i want to finish transaction i see this:

Fatal error: Uncaught Twig_Error_Loader: Unable to find template "payment/dotpay_channels/dotpay.twig" (looked into: /home/socjopatka/domains/, /home/socjopatka/domains/ in /home/socjopatka/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/socjopatka/domains/ Twig_LoaderFilesystem->findTemplate('payment/dotpay...') #1 /home/socjopatka/domains/ Twig_LoaderFilesystem->getCacheKey('payment/dotpay...') #2 /home/socjopatka/domains/ TwigEnvironment->getTemplateClass('payment/dotpay...', NULL) #3 /home/socjopatka/domains/ in /home/socjopatka/domains/ on line 215

mrfx commented 4 years ago

OpenCart Dotpay payment module for Opencart 3.0.5 with latest OpenCart stable version ( needs these steps:

  1. Download
  2. Create new folder, and inside create folder: upload
  3. Move only these folders from system, catalog, admin to previously created upload folder
  4. Create empty file install.xml in the same folder as upload
  5. Create zip file with the same name ( Inside the zip file should be previously created install.xml and upload folder.
  6. Install it from OpenCart Admin panel. (Extensions -> Installer)
  7. Other folders from original you can copy manually via FTP etc.

Additional notes:

  1. Dotpay testing enviroment do not accept ? char for URlc, so you need to create SEO LINK for that. See SEO Link documentation at OpenCart.

  2. Information for module devs: See allowed dirs for OC >=3.0.2:

Attached fixed module file: