Closed yshengwu closed 3 years ago
read my question - it has solution to fix the signature issue -
Also in order to satisfy amazon signature version 4 does not match error - I fixed it by creating a function for encoding marketplace id array square brackets using this function in client.php and replaced at line number 57 & 62 - public function custombuildquery($params, $encoding = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { if (!$params) { return ''; }
if ($encoding === false) { $encoder = function ($str) { return $str; }; } elseif ($encoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { $encoder = 'rawurlencode'; } elseif ($encoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC1738) { $encoder = 'urlencode'; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type'); }
$qs = ''; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $k = $encoder($k); if (!is_array($v)) { $qs .= $k; if ($v !== null) { $qs .= '=' . $encoder($v); } $qs .= '&'; } else { foreach ($v as $aindex=>$vv) { $qs .= $k.rawurlencode('['.$aindex.']'); if ($vv !== null) { $qs .= '=' . $encoder($vv); } $qs .= '&'; } } }
return $qs ? (string) substr($qs, 0, -1) : ''; }
On Windows 10, with the same code, I get the order normally with getOrder(), but I get an error with getOrders()
code: ..... //Create the request signer which will be automatically used to sign all of the //requests to the API $signer = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Signer();
//Create Credentials service and call getCredentials() to obtain //all the tokens needed under the hood
$credentials = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Credentials($tokenStorage, $signer, $config); $cred = $credentials->getCredentials();
$spapi = new DoubleBreak\Spapi\Api\Orders($cred, $config); / $order_id = '113-3351006-381xx02'; $response = $spapi->getOrder($order_id); print_r($response);exit; /
$params = [ 'MarketplaceIds' => ['ATVPDKIKX0DER'], / 'LastUpdatedAfter'=> '2021-06-02T09:46:28Z', / ]; $response = $spapi->getOrders($params); print_r($response);exit;
error info: Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error:
resulted in a403 Forbidden
response: { "errors": [ { "message": "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. C (truncated...)