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A RESTful and extendable Backend as a Service that provides instant backend to develop sites and apps faster, with dead-simple integration for JavaScript, iOS, Android and more.
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Reset password: use server-side template #131

Open endel opened 9 years ago

endel commented 9 years ago

Currently to reset passwords it's necessary to implement everything in front-end.

It should be necessary only to trigger auth.forgotPassword in the frontend. The auth.resetPassword should be deprecated.

So the process should be the following:

  1. front-end calls forgotPassword method. (email template customization)
  2. user receives an email with the link to hook server, to reset the password
  3. user fill the new password, and get redirected to the front-end
landall commented 5 years ago

It can be implemented by two apps. One is a server-side app to provide a link to check the link id and reset new password. One do not call forgotPassword but save a link id and send a email.

endel commented 5 years ago

Hi @landall, are you using hook in some project or just playing around with it?

I'm asking because this project hasn't been maintained for quite a while, as I've been investing my time on other projects.

landall commented 5 years ago

@endel .i’m seeking a easy-to-use BaaS framework and find hook in github. just read the docs but try nothing. I think it is just designed as i want but i cannot find the docs about some features. for example how to set a role to a user in order to implement admin and normal user.