doublemoulinet / Morrowind-Modular-Mod-Guide

A modular, vanilla-friendly installation guide for Morrowind
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Some grass doesn't let me walk through it #1

Closed oleksandr-maliarenko closed 2 years ago

oleksandr-maliarenko commented 2 years ago


I followed your guide thoroughly but in the end some types of grass doesn't allow me to go through it, it has physics when I touch it, but it's hard as rock :( What did I do wrong? How can I fix this?

Thanks a lot!

doublemoulinet commented 2 years ago

This likely means that one or more grass plugins are enabled (ticked) in your load order (right pane).

Please check your load order (right pane) for any loose grass plugins and ensure they are unticked. They will have the prefix "REM_" if you are using Remiros' Groundcover. My guide recommends creating a separate folder for grass plugins to reduce the likelihood of this issue. This is described in the Distant Land step at the end of the guide:

If you installed OAAB Grazelands there are two replacement grass plugins that will need to be unticked. Alternately, create a grass plugins folder:

oleksandr-maliarenko commented 2 years ago

Oh, it worked <3 I tried to do this my own, but I probably disabled just the whole mod instead of REM- files. Thank you very much for this guide. You've done a gods work! I was really afraid to install mods my own and all my previous tries ended with failure :( Thanks again!