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Improve/replace the documentation search engine #15

Open engram-design opened 3 years ago

engram-design commented 3 years ago

I managed to figure it out, but the docs search didn't bring anything up for directions.


{# Old #}
{% set directionsUrl = entry.addressField.directionsUrl(entry.title) %}

{# New #}
{% set directionsUrl = entry.addressField.linkToDirections({ title: entry.title }) %}
lindseydiloreto commented 3 years ago

Good catch. Looks like Vuepress doesn't index code snippets. I'll add the word "directions" to the description.

Thanks for the heads up! 👍

lindseydiloreto commented 3 years ago

So not only does Vuepress not index code snippets, apparently it doesn't index anything that isn't an <h*> level header.


Which makes more sense, because I was already able to find the word "directions" in an existing paragraph...


I'm going to do a little more research to figure out if there's a better search mechanism for the Vuepress docs.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!