doublesecretagency / craft-googlemaps

Google Maps plugin for Craft CMS - Maps in minutes. Powered by the Google Maps API.
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Proximity Search Weirdness #89

Closed brettburwell closed 9 months ago

brettburwell commented 12 months ago

Hi there Lindsey. I hope all's well on that end. Reaching out hoping you can help me with a bit of a mystery issue that popped up.

We have a site that's been happily using the Google Maps plugin—and specifically the proximity search feature—for many years now. Just today the client reported that the proximity search wasn't working as expected, with the vast majority of searches returning no results (when we know there are definitely entries within the defined range and location).

After taking a good long look and reading and re-reading the docs, I'm drawing a blank about what might be happening.

Here's what I've done to trouble shoot:

None of that turned up anything helpful.

But, when I increased the range to 1000 miles I was able to get results to return (just not expected or logical ones). The odd thing is, I can see in the dev tools console that Google Maps is using a lat and longitude based somewhere in New York (which makes sense based on the map centering). But if I do a proximity search with New York as the target and range set to 1000, the same results are returned and the distance is the same as if I use Chicago.

It made me wonder if somehow the geolocation data associated with the entries got lost somewhere along the way. So I tried bulk resaving all of the entries in that section, but didn't have any luck with that either.

Something funky is happening, I'm just not sure what it is. I hate to even reach out, because I know these types of issues are the worst to track down, but I'm hoping you might be able to get me pointed in the right direction. Any info or assistance you can pass along would be much appreciated.

If there's any additional info that'd be helpful for me to share let me know. Thanks in advance.

lindseydiloreto commented 9 months ago

Hey @brettburwell, hope everything is well with you! Sorry for the insanely late reply, you caught me while I was travelling a lot this summer. 😅

If you're still running into this, ping me on Discord (@lindseydiloreto). We can troubleshoot it together in real-time, and try to get to the bottom of it.

Assuming we uncover something interesting, we can circle back and add it to this thread. 👍

brettburwell commented 9 months ago

Hey hey. Thanks for the reply @lindseydiloreto.

I'm a bugger. I should have circled back to close this issue, but it got lost in the mix.

Turns out the issue was with the Google API keys themselves. Cycling the keys and regenerating a fresh set resolved the issue. As best as I could tell, the settings of the new keys were exactly the same as the old keys, so I'm still not sure what happened. But I'll take the win and move on!

Hope you had a good summer and some fun travels.

lindseydiloreto commented 9 months ago

Ok awesome, glad you got everything sorted out. Thanks for reporting back! 👍