doudz / homeassistant-zigate

zigate component for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Support SonOff BASICZBR3 #91

Closed iron91770 closed 4 years ago

iron91770 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I just bought a BASICZBR3 sonoff switch. Hassio detects the switch well with its state but I cannot order it.

Would it be possible to take it over. Here is the content of my zigate.json

{ "addr": "f48b", "discovery": "auto-discovered", "endpoints": [ { "clusters": [ { "attributes": [ { "attribute": 4, "data": "SONOFF", "name": "manufacturer", "value": "SONOFF" }, { "attribute": 5, "data": "BASICZBR3", "name": "type", "type": "str", "value": "BASICZBR3" } ], "cluster": 0 }, { "attributes": [ { "attribute": 0, "data": false, "name": "onoff", "type": "bool", "value": false } ], "cluster": 6 } ], "device": 9, "endpoint": 1, "in_clusters": [ 0, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "out_clusters": [ 0 ], "profile": 260 } ], "generictype": "", "info": { "addr": "f48b", "bit_field": "0100000000000001", "descriptor_capability": "00000000", "id": 49, "ieee": "00124b001e721d02", "last_seen": "2020-01-01 13:04:00", "lqi": 75, "mac_capability": "10001110", "manufacturer_code": "0000", "max_buffer": 80, "max_rx": 160, "max_tx": 160, "power_type": 1, "server_mask": 0 } }

doudz commented 4 years ago

iron91770 commented 4 years ago

thank you very much that solved my problem well. Do you plan to incorporate this change with your next update?

MichaelBitard commented 4 years ago

EDIT: Should I open a new issue?

These are supported quite well, thanks!

However I have this in my logs: 2020-04-13 10:24:07 INFO (ZiGate-Decode data) [zigate] No template found for BASICZBR3.

The template:

    "endpoints": [
            "clusters": [
                    "attributes": [
                            "attribute": 4,
                            "data": "SONOFF"
                            "attribute": 5,
                            "data": "BASICZBR3"
                    "cluster": 0
                    "attributes": [
                            "attribute": 0
                    "cluster": 6
            "device": 9,
            "endpoint": 1,
            "in_clusters": [
            "out_clusters": [
            "profile": 260
    "generictype": "",
    "info": {
        "bit_field": "0100000000000001",
        "descriptor_capability": "00000000",
        "mac_capability": "10001110",
        "manufacturer_code": "0000",
        "server_mask": 0

The problem remaining is that for each of these devices, I have a switch and a binary_sensor associated, but the binary_sensor is never updated. It could be really handy if it worked because sometimes when I toggle on or off a component, it does not switch on or off and I have to relaunch the same command, which I could automate if I had the binary_sensor working.