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'Copy' does not work as expected #243

Open dmcilwr opened 4 years ago

dmcilwr commented 4 years ago


Using the "copy" feature only copies the attributes not the point or poly. User needs to manually create the new shape. Points - attributes are copied to a new record, add point flashes green with a check mark icon in the button, then reverts back to add point - user unable to submit/save the changes and edit is lost Polygons - attributes are copied to a new record but the polygon is not copied. User has to manually sketch out a new polygon. Sometimes this works, but on one occasion (offline) saving the edit caused Collector to crash. After returning to the office in order to connect to wi-fi in order to sign back into the app the edit had actually saved.

Expected Behavior

In Collector Classic users have been able to select an existing record, click copy, which results in a matching polygon with all attributes carried forward. User is able to edit the vertices of the polygon AND/OR update attributes

Steps to Reproduce

Open a map Select the polygon or point you want to copy Scroll to the bottom of the attribute list and click Copy Polygon - the copied attributes are displayed on the left but there is no copied polygon to go with the attributes, user must completely re-draw Point - the copied attributes are displayed on the left but no new point was created Click the add point button in the attribute list to create a new point location - note the button flashes green with a check mark, but the check mark in the upper right corner to save/submit the edit remains greyed out. Sometimes the add point returns to it's original state, other times it changes to say "Update Point" - in both cases a new point shows on the map, just unable to save

Device Information

colinlawr commented 4 years ago

Possibly related to Android-1698

colinlawr commented 4 years ago

@dmcilwr Part of what you were describing with the initial point not dropping was a known issue that we have addressed and should be fixed in the next Beta release.

However, the general copy behavior you described is expected at this point. In Classic we had a sub menu that allowed you to specify different methods of copying; this is not the case in the current version. You would see this same behavior if you tested in the released version of iOS. Currently, the only way to copy a polygon feature and its attributes would be to copy a polygon that is read-only (or set to only update attributes). This allows you to copy the selected polygon to another editable layer.

That being said are open for feedback regarding your use case. Can you please describe why this functionality is important in your workflows? Are you frequently copying polygons and wanting to utilize the same shape? This can help us have a discussion internally about this functionality.

dmcilwr commented 4 years ago

Copying a read-only polygon and its attributes to an editable polygon layer is our current workflow - during the testing it just happened that the geographic areas we used for testing did not have any records in the read-only layer so we created a polygon in the editable layer and tried to copy it.

Primary use is tracking the spread of invasive plants. Map has an editable layer for the current field season + a read-only layer with all previous records. If a previously recorded site has changed in size, the crews copy the existing polygon to the editable layer and adjust the polygon limits to reflect the new dimensions of the patch (may have spread or may have responded to treatments). Attributes are generally the same from year to year but do occasionally get updated. Users have indicated they prefer to copy the existing record and adjust it's vertices than to create a new record from scratch.