doug-martin / nestjs-query

Easy CRUD for GraphQL.
MIT License
815 stars 142 forks source link

Dependency Dashboard #1309

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @apollo/federation Unavailable
npm @types/graphql Unavailable
npm @types/mongodb Unavailable
npm apollo-server-plugin-base Unavailable
npm apollo-server-types Unavailable
npm camel-case Unavailable
npm lower-case-first Unavailable
npm upper-case-first Unavailable


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Detected dependencies

examples/docker-compose.yml - `postgres 14` - `mysql 8` - `redis 6` - `mongo 5.0`
.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `github/codeql-action v1` - `github/codeql-action v1` - `github/codeql-action v1`
.github/workflows/test.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-node v2` - `actions/cache v2`
documentation/package.json - `@docusaurus/core 2.0.0-beta.6` - `@docusaurus/preset-classic 2.0.0-beta.6` - `classnames 2.3.1` - `react 17.0.2` - `react-dom 17.0.2`
examples/package.json - `@apollo/federation 0.33.0` - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `@nestjs-query/query-graphql 0.30.0` - `@nestjs-query/query-mongoose 0.30.0` - `@nestjs-query/query-sequelize 0.30.0` - `@nestjs-query/query-typegoose 0.30.0` - `@nestjs-query/query-typeorm 0.30.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/core 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/graphql 9.0.6` - `@nestjs/jwt 8.0.1` - `@nestjs/mongoose 9.0.0` - `@nestjs/passport 8.2.2` - `@nestjs/platform-express 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/sequelize 8.0.1` - `@nestjs/typeorm 8.0.2` - `@typegoose/typegoose 8.0.0-beta.7` - `apollo-server-core 3.3.0` - `apollo-server-express 3.3.0` - `apollo-server-plugin-base 3.4.0` - `apollo-server-types 3.4.0` - `class-validator 0.13.1` - `graphql 15.7.2` - `graphql-query-complexity 0.11.0` - `graphql-tools 8.2.0` - `mongoose 5.12.0` - `mysql2 2.3.3` - `nestjs-typegoose 7.1.38` - `passport 0.5.0` - `passport-jwt 4.0.0` - `passport-local 1.0.0` - `pg 8.7.1` - `rimraf 3.0.2` - `rxjs 7.4.0` - `sequelize 6.9.0` - `sequelize-typescript 2.1.1` - `typeorm 0.2.40` - `typeorm-seeding 1.6.1` - `@nestjs/cli 8.2.8` - `@nestjs/schematics 8.0.11` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@types/express 4.17.18` - `@types/node 14.18.63` - `@types/passport-jwt 3.0.10` - `@types/passport-local 1.0.36` - `@types/supertest 2.0.14` - `supertest 6.1.6` - `ts-loader 9.2.6` - `ts-node 10.4.0` - `tsconfig-paths 3.11.0` - `typescript 4.4.4`
package.json - `@commitlint/cli 15.0.0` - `@commitlint/config-angular 15.0.0` - `@types/jest 27.0.2` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.14.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 5.14.0` - `coveralls 3.1.1` - `eslint 8.11.0` - `eslint-config-airbnb 19.0.4` - `eslint-config-airbnb-typescript 16.1.1` - `eslint-config-prettier 8.5.0` - `eslint-import-resolver-typescript 2.5.0` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.25.4` - `eslint-plugin-jest 26.1.1` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 4.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-tsdoc 0.2.14` - `husky 7.0.4` - `jest 27.3.1` - `jest-snapshot-serializer-raw 1.2.0` - `jest-extended 0.11.5` - `lerna 4.0.0` - `prettier 2.4.1` - `ts-jest 27.0.7` - `tsconfig-extends 1.0.1` - `typescript 4.4.4`
packages/core/package.json - `lodash.merge ^4.6.2` - `reflect-metadata ^0.1.13` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@types/lodash.merge 4.6.7` - `class-transformer 0.4.0` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `class-transformer ^0.2.3 || 0.3.1 || 0.4`
packages/query-graphql/package.json - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `graphql-fields ^2.0.3` - `lodash.omit ^4.5.0` - `lower-case-first ^2.0.1` - `pluralize ^8.0.0` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `upper-case-first ^2.0.1` - `@apollo/gateway 0.42.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/core 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/graphql 9.0.6` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@types/graphql 14.5.0` - `@types/graphql-fields 1.3.6` - `@types/lodash.omit 4.5.7` - `@types/pluralize 0.0.31` - `@types/ws 8.2.0` - `class-transformer 0.4.0` - `class-validator 0.13.1` - `dataloader 2.0.0` - `graphql 15.7.2` - `graphql-subscriptions 1.2.1` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `ts-morph 12.2.0` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@apollo/gateway ^0.41.0 || ^0.42.0` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `@nestjs/core ^8.0.4` - `@nestjs/graphql ^9.0.0` - `class-transformer ^0.2.3 || 0.3.1 || 0.4` - `class-validator ^0.13.0` - `dataloader ^2.0.0` - `graphql ^15.0.0` - `graphql-subscriptions ^1.1.0` - `ts-morph ^11.0.0 || ^12.0.0`
packages/query-mongoose/package.json - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `camel-case ^4.1.2` - `lodash.escaperegexp ^4.1.2` - `lodash.merge ^4.6.2` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/mongoose 9.0.0` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@types/lodash.escaperegexp 4.1.7` - `@types/lodash.merge 4.6.7` - `@types/mongodb 4.0.6` - `class-transformer 0.4.0` - `mongodb-memory-server 6.9.6` - `mongoose 5.12.0` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `@nestjs/mongoose ^8.0.0 || ^9.0.0` - `mongoose ^5.10.0`
packages/query-sequelize/package.json - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `camel-case ^4.1.2` - `lodash.pick 4.4.0` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/sequelize 8.0.1` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@types/lodash.pick 4.4.7` - `sequelize 6.9.0` - `sequelize-typescript 2.1.1` - `sqlite3 5.0.2` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `@nestjs/sequelize ^8.0.0` - `sequelize ^6.5.0` - `sequelize-typescript ^1.1.0 || ^2.0.0`
packages/query-typegoose/package.json - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `camel-case ^4.1.2` - `is-class 0.0.9` - `lodash.escaperegexp ^4.1.2` - `lodash.merge ^4.6.2` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@typegoose/typegoose 8.0.0-beta.7` - `@types/lodash.escaperegexp 4.1.7` - `@types/lodash.merge 4.6.7` - `class-transformer 0.4.0` - `mongodb-memory-server 6.9.6` - `nestjs-typegoose 7.1.38` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `@typegoose/typegoose ^8.0.0-beta.2` - `nestjs-typegoose ^7.1.38`
packages/query-typeorm/package.json - `@nestjs-query/core 0.30.0` - `camel-case ^4.1.2` - `lodash.filter ^4.6.0` - `lodash.merge ^4.6.2` - `lodash.omit ^4.5.0` - `tslib ^2.1.0` - `uuid ^8.3.2` - `@nestjs/common 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/testing 8.4.7` - `@nestjs/typeorm 8.0.2` - `@types/lodash.filter 4.6.7` - `@types/lodash.omit 4.5.7` - `@types/uuid 8.3.4` - `class-transformer 0.4.0` - `sqlite3 5.0.2` - `ts-mockito 2.6.1` - `typeorm 0.2.40` - `typescript 4.4.4` - `@nestjs/common ^8.0.4` - `@nestjs/typeorm ^8.0.0` - `class-transformer ^0.2.3 || 0.3.1 || 0.4` - `typeorm ^0.2.25`
.nvmrc - `node v14`

sswebcoder commented 2 years ago

Have some troubles on install @nestjs-query/query-graphql with @nestjs/graphql": "^9.1.2". Is it possible to update ts-morph to v13?

npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm ERR!
npm ERR! While resolving: polkastats-backend-uniquenetwork@2.0.0
npm ERR! Found: ts-morph@13.0.3
npm ERR! node_modules/ts-morph
npm ERR!   peerOptional ts-morph@"^13.0.2" from @nestjs/graphql@9.2.7
npm ERR!   node_modules/@nestjs/graphql
npm ERR!     @nestjs/graphql@"^9.0.0" from the root project
npm ERR!     peer @nestjs/graphql@"^9.0.0" from @nestjs-query/query-graphql@0.30.0
npm ERR!     node_modules/@nestjs-query/query-graphql
npm ERR!       @nestjs-query/query-graphql@"*" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer ts-morph@"^11.0.0 || ^12.0.0" from @nestjs-query/query-graphql@0.30.0
npm ERR! node_modules/@nestjs-query/query-graphql
npm ERR!   @nestjs-query/query-graphql@"*" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! See /Users/sswebcoder/.npm/eresolve-report.txt for a full report.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/sswebcoder/.npm/_logs/2022-02-10T14_07_10_732Z-debug.log