doug-martin / nestjs-query

Easy CRUD for GraphQL.
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Filtering by IDFilterComparison: String value from type converted to NaN #1557

Open shirados90 opened 2 years ago

shirados90 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Searching by ID field fails if non-numeric string passed as value.

example query:

query GetComponents($projId: ID!) { components(filter: { projectId: { eq: $projId } }) { edges { node { id name } } } } input ComponentFilter { and: [ComponentFilter!] or: [ComponentFilter!] id: IDFilterComparison name: StringFieldComparison projectId: StringFieldComparison project: ComponentFilterProjectFilter }

In query-service a query argument looks like the following:

{ filter: { projectId: { eq: NaN } } }

@Entity({ name: 'Component' }) export class ComponentEntity { @PrimaryGeneratedColumn() id: number;

@Column() name: string;

@ManyToOne(() => ProjectEntity, { cascade: true, nullable: false }) project: ProjectEntity;

@Column('uuid') @RelationId((c: ComponentEntity) => c.project) projectId: string; }

@ObjectType('Component') @FilterableRelation('project', () => ProjectDTO, { disableRemove: true, disableUpdate: true, nullable: false }) export class ComponentDTO { @IDField(() => ID) id!: number;

@FilterableField() name!: string;

@IDField(() => ID) projectId!: string; }

To Reproduce

  1. Setup project with MySQL, TypeORM, Nestjs-query
  2. Use Autoresolvers, autoservices (follow get-started guide)
  3. Create entity with uuid id
  4. Create ManyToOne relation with explicit foreign key
  5. Create DTO relations
  6. Try to search by any of field attributed with ID

Expected behavior GQL ID type treated as string, not number.

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