dougdellolio / coinbasepro-csharp

The unofficial .NET/C# client library for the Coinbase Pro/GDAX API
MIT License
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Add try/catch for TaskCanceledException #303

Open edgaralenpwn opened 2 years ago

edgaralenpwn commented 2 years ago

When sending a cancellation token, wrap the request in a try-catch. From the link below: "System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler handles the inner exception (as it is supposed to), and lets cancellation and cleanup continue for the task. This ultimately calls into the app’s task, where the second (outer) exception occurs because the app’s task is not catching the System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException exception. The outer exception fails in mscorlib_ni!System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEndwhen checking to see if the task is wait-notification enabled, or if it has not been run to completion. If the app implements a handler for System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException, execution would actually never reach this code."