doughtmw / display-calibration-hololens

Point correspondence-based display calibration and ArUco marker tracking for the HoloLens 2.
44 stars 9 forks source link

To run with OpenXR #4

Open linas-apprenticefs opened 2 years ago

linas-apprenticefs commented 2 years ago using Microsoft.MixedReality.OpenXR; ... ~~_unityCoordinateSystem = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(WorldManager.GetNativeISpatialCoordinateSystemPtr()) as SpatialCoordinateSystem;~~

_unityCoordinateSystem = PerceptionInterop.GetSceneCoordinateSystem(UnityEngine.Pose.identity) as SpatialCoordinateSystem;

nothingbut1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, It really helped!