douglascamata / setup-docker-macos-action

A Github Action to setup Docker on macOS runners.
MIT License
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Colima github action breaking #10

Closed commjoen closed 1 year ago

commjoen commented 1 year ago

Dear awesome @douglascamata , thank you so much for this great github action! We have been actively using it in OWASP WrongSecrets as we wanted to validate whether our container would work in Colima. Now we have hit a bit of a problem: Our Github action has started to fail: With the error found at cat: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/colima.rb: No such file or directory . Can you help us good sir? What can we do to fix this?

douglascamata commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report, @commjoen. I'm on a bit of a short, half-vacations week, but I will have a look as soon as I can.

In the meantime, can you try to upgrade to the v1-alpha.5 tag to see whether it fixes your issue or not?

commjoen commented 1 year ago

Enjoy your vacation sir! No rush ;-), we know OSS takes time and are grateful for your work! Upgrading to it did not work, see

douglascamata commented 1 year ago

Apparently it was a quick one, @commjoen. Can you please try the tag v1-alpha.6? If that works well I will update the v1-alpha tag too.

yrashk commented 1 year ago

I ran into this as well, had the same error (cat: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/colima.rb: No such file or directory), upgraded and now I am getting cat: docker: Is a directory

yrashk commented 1 year ago

It looks like my error is happening because my project has docker directory in the root.

yrashk commented 1 year ago

I've sent a workaround in #11

commjoen commented 1 year ago

V1-alpha.6 seems to work!

commjoen commented 1 year ago

Merging the usage of v1-alpha.6 to master \o/ thank you! I am fine with closing the issue now :) . Have a great vacation sir!

commjoen commented 1 year ago

Hmm the issue seems to be back: our Colima builds keep on failing as visible at

douglascamata commented 1 year ago

That's yet a new issue. I've been tracking it on #16 as the root cause is different. Let's move this over there, please.