douglasduteil / isparta

:skull: A code coverage tool for ES6 (babel/6to5)
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
642 stars 47 forks source link false positive result ? #106

Open jaumard opened 8 years ago

jaumard commented 8 years ago

I use this command to run tests babel-node node_modules/.bin/isparta cover _mocha and here the output :

npm test

> babel-node node_modules/.bin/isparta cover _mocha

    Should create app from archetype
      1) "before all" hook

  0 passing 
  1 failing

  1) module:app Should create app from archetype "before all" hook:
     Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/private/var/folders/w8/79t7n_v96kx42lrn_7sm8k2c0000gn/T/df978e3a519fe5db4ca90e6080d6f0c62e0a8ed8/node_modules/mymodule'
      at Error (native)
      at Object.fs.accessSync (fs.js:203:11)
      at /src/app/steps/writing.js:9:2043
      at AppGenerator.install.runInstall (/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/actions/install.js:39:5)
      at AppGenerator.install [as npmInstall] (/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/actions/install.js:160:15)
      at AppGenerator.serverDependentApi (/src/app/steps/writing.js:9:1668)
      at /node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/base.js:430:16
      at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:374:17)

Writing coverage object [/coverage/coverage.json]
Writing coverage reports at [/coverage]

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 91.37% ( 773/846 ), 28 ignored
Branches     : 85.21% ( 242/284 ), 82 ignored
Functions    : 91.71% ( 166/181 )
Lines        : 77.61% ( 253/326 )

But on build is marked as passed even tests are not. Any way to don't run coverage if mocha tests are failing ? Or do I need to change something in order to to detect tests are failed.

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

I am having the same issue. Is this a regression from #58 ?

emmenko commented 8 years ago

I can confirm I have the same problem, but the last commit is dated Nov 14 2015. Could it be one of the dependencies that is causing this problem.

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@emmenko Not sure, I'm going to have to investigate myself as @douglasduteil doesn't seem to have been active lately.

emmenko commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks!! :+1:

nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@emmenko This fixes it for me:

The process.exit(0) was stopping exit codes from process.on('exit') handlers in the test harness from passing through properly.

pesama commented 8 years ago

@douglasduteil Any planned date for solve this on the main repo, so we could npm-install it fixed?


nathanmarks commented 8 years ago

@pritok I've moved on to the alpha version of istanbul which works better than this lib anyways. Check out my setup here:

pesama commented 8 years ago

Thanks @nathanmarks !! I was trying to fix a false test error with Travis when I run coverage (on local machine works like a charm). The error is still there though, so maybe I've messed it up somewhere else. Anyways thank you for your help!