douglasduteil / isparta

:skull: A code coverage tool for ES6 (babel/6to5)
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point to official es6 solution: babel-plugin-istanbul #121

Open graingert opened 8 years ago

graingert commented 8 years ago

@douglasduteil: point to official es6 solution:

northerncodemky commented 8 years ago

Any chance you could include some more guidance on that? The rabbit hole of combining their docs with nyc's is making me want to smash my head against the desk :tired_face:

graingert commented 8 years ago

@northerncodemky ignore the nyc docs, just follow those in

or follow the instructions here:

then replace: s/babel-plugin-coverage/babel-plugin-istanbul/g and s/coverage/istanbul/g

graingert commented 8 years ago

@douglasduteil ping

msmfsd commented 8 years ago

thanks @graingert I had so many issues with getting ES6 imports to work with istanbul.. I just installed babel-plugin-istanbul + nyc + cross-env and then ran: "test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text mocha --compilers js:babel-register test/*.js"