douglasjunior / react-native-easybluetooth-classic

⚛ A Library for easy implementation of Serial Bluetooth Classic on React Native (Android Only).
MIT License
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Can't found any device when application at release time #31

Open yingpengsha opened 5 years ago

yingpengsha commented 5 years ago

It's all right when application at debug time.

It's my code

   componentDidMount() {
        const config = {
            uuid: '00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb',
            deviceName: 'SMRM',
            bufferSize: 1024,
            characterDelimiter: '\r\n',
            .then((config) => {
                console.log('config done!')
            .catch((ex) => {
        this.onDataReadEvent = EasyBluetooth.addOnDataReadListener(this.onDataRead.bind(this))

    scan=async () => {
        Toast.loading('搜索蓝牙中', 20)
        await this.setState({ scanning: true })
            .then((devices) => {
                console.warn('all devices found:')
                this.setState({ devices, scanning: false })
            .catch((ex) => {

It's logcat

debug version

2019-04-19 15:25:05.914 10739-11616/com.demo I/ReactNativeJS: config done!

release version

2019-04-19 15:26:41.634 14226-14272/? W/ReactNativeJS: { [Error: BluetoothService has not been configured. Call ReactNativeEasyBluetooth.init(config).] framesToPop: 1, code: 'EUNSPECIFIED' }
douglasjunior commented 5 years ago

Are you using proguard?

yingpengsha commented 5 years ago

Are you using proguard?

Yes I am,Is there anything I should pay attention to?

douglasjunior commented 5 years ago

I guess so, try to ignore everything inside com.github.douglasjunior package.

yingpengsha commented 5 years ago

I inserted -keep class io.github.douglasjunior.** or -keep class com.github.douglasjunior.** into the file,nothing happened. But I just close the proguard,The mistake is gone.