Closed JeremyBradshaw7 closed 5 years ago
Take a loot at the Sample Project.
Try to add this code to the multi-line inputs:
onLayout={() => {
// When the input size changes, it updates the keyboard position.
Awesome, thanks. Would be nice to see this happen automatically though, via a config option perhaps.
How did you link to the library (manual, rn link, cocoapods)? rn link
What version of React Native? 0.59.10
What version of the library? 4.0.13-12
iOS version? 10.14.6 Mojave
Did the problem happen after updating React Native? No
Are you using the library for the first time? Yes
Awesome library, but I'm finding that when the input is in a scrollview and the library scrolls down to a multi-line input, if returns are input to force a new line, the library doesn't scroll the view down further to allow the user to automatically see what he is typing, he has to scroll manually. Inputs are in a modal but not sure this is a modal issue.