Closed douglasnaphas closed 2 years ago
I'd want to use /usr/local/bin
or whatever brew uses for x86 if arch
returns x86
. Or use /opt/homebrew
if arch
indicates ARM64.
As part of doing this (thinking broadly), I'm going to straighten out my lab VM situation. Currently I can't ssh into
(getting Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
in response to ssh -i ~/VMs/
). I want to (1) delegate that name to a lab account, and (2) set it up so that when I deploy a CDK stack, is created and ready. is created to accomplish the side quest in the previous comment.
My x86 Linux VM says this when I install brew:
Next steps:
- Run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:
echo 'eval "$(/home/ec2-user/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /home/ec2-user/.bash_profile
eval "$(/home/ec2-user/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
- Install Homebrew's dependencies if you have sudo access:
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
For more information, see:
- We recommend that you install GCC:
brew install gcc
- Run brew help to get started
- Further documentation:
A better approach might be to put brew
last on the PATH.
That way Homebrew-installed packages will get overridden by shims like pyenv and nvm, and I can override in favor of Homebrew packages by symlinking from /usr/local/bin
Pursuant to my last comment, I want a Bash function that will produce PATH -> (PATH, but with the path containing brew
in the lowest-priority position).
I actually need both a universal do the shellenv thing brew installation tells you to put in your .bashrc
and a thing at the end of my .bashrc
to put brew
last in the PATH. The shellenv
thing I think does stuff related to other directories brew has to know about.
My putlast function needs to be looking for the directory that holds brew
Now that I think about it, /usr/local/bin
should also be first in the path.
Ugh, on my M1 Mac there is a brew
executable in both /opt/homebrew/bin
and /usr/local/bin
| ~/repos/configs @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [01:43:13] master
| 489 => ls /usr/local/bin/
aws aws_completer bash brew opa opa-0.28.0 opa-0.33.1 opa-0.34.2
| ~/repos/configs @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [01:52:31] master Δ
| 490 => ls /opt/homebrew/bin/
2to3 ccmake gbase64 gdate gettextize glink gnumfmt gruncon gstty guname idle3.9 md5sum msguniq python3 stdbuf xzcmp
2to3-3.9 chcon gbasename gdbm_dump gexpand gln god gseq gsum gunexpand idn2 msgattrib ngettext python3-config tac xzdec
acountry chromium gbasenc gdbm_load gexpr glogname gpaste gsha1sum gsync guniq jq msgcat node python3.9 timeout xzdiff
adig cmake gcat gdbmtool gfactor gls gpathchk gsha224sum gtac gunlink lzcat msgcmp npm python3.9-config tmux xzegrep
ahost cpack gchcon gdd gfalse gmd5sum gpinky gsha256sum gtail guptime lzcmp msgcomm nproc realpath tomlq xzfgrep
autopoint ctest gchgrp gdf gfmt gmkdir gpr gsha384sum gtee gusers lzdiff msgconv npx recode-sr-latin truncate xzgrep
awk envsubst gchmod gdir gfold gmkfifo gprintenv gsha512sum gtest gvdir lzegrep msgen numfmt runcon unlzma xzless
b2sum gchown gdircolors ggroups gmknod gprintf gshred gtimeout gwc lzfgrep msgexec onig-config sha1sum unxz xzmore
base32 factor gchroot gdirname ghead gmktemp gptx gshuf gtouch gwho lzgrep msgfilter pinky sha224sum wget yq
basenc g[ gcksum gdu ghostid gmv gpwd gsleep gtr gwhoami lzless msgfmt pip3 sha256sum wheel3
bash gawk gcomm gecho gid gnice greadlink gsort gtrue gyes lzma msggrep pip3.9 sha384sum xgettext
bashbug gawk-5.1.0 gcp genv ginstall gnl grealpath gsplit gtruncate hostid lzmadec msginit ptx sha512sum xq
brew gb2sum gcsplit gettext gjoin gnohup grm gstat gtsort htop lzmainfo msgmerge pydoc3 shred xz
brotli gbase32 gcut gkill gnproc grmdir gstdbuf gtty idle3 lzmore msgunfmt pydoc3.9 shuf xzcat
| ~/repos/configs @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [01:52:46] master Δ
| 491 => ls -l /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
-rwxr-xr-x 1 douglasnaphas admin 4263 Oct 6 16:18 /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
| ~/repos/configs @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [01:53:03] master Δ
| 492 => ls -l /usr/local/bin/brew
lrwxr-xr-x 1 douglasnaphas admin 20 Nov 1 08:25 /usr/local/bin/brew -> ../Homebrew/bin/brew
Whatever I'm doing, /opt/homebrew/sbin
is now in the path twice 😢 .
| ~/repos/configs @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [10:19:05] master Δ
| 562 => say_path
Current changes on my gh-9
branch seem to work well enough.
| ~ @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [19:20:01]
| 703 => say_path
| ~ @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [19:20:06]
| 704 => nvm ls
-> v16.13.0
default -> 16.13.0 (-> v16.13.0)
iojs -> N/A (default)
unstable -> N/A (default)
node -> stable (-> v16.13.0) (default)
stable -> 16.13 (-> v16.13.0) (default)
lts/* -> lts/gallium (-> v16.13.0)
lts/argon -> v4.9.1 (-> N/A)
lts/boron -> v6.17.1 (-> N/A)
lts/carbon -> v8.17.0 (-> N/A)
lts/dubnium -> v10.24.1 (-> N/A)
lts/erbium -> v12.22.7
lts/fermium -> v14.18.1
lts/gallium -> v16.13.0
| ~ @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [19:20:13]
| 705 => nvm use v12.22.7
Now using node v12.22.7 (npm v8.1.2)
| ~ @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [19:20:19]
| 706 => node --version
| ~ @ Douglass-Air (douglasnaphas) [19:20:23]
| 707 =>
Actually I do need to put the brew directory last in the path. The brew dir is coming out first in the PATH on Linux with no nvm installed, which is not desired.
| ~/repos/configs @ ip-10-0-118-103 (ec2-user) [00:29:48] gh-9
| 35 => say_path
Seems to be working on Linux now, and still working on Mac M1.
| ~/repos/configs @ ip-10-0-118-103 (ec2-user) [02:03:09] gh-9
| 51 => say_path
This should vary based on the arch: