dougmet / mango-pagedown

Testing out css for a Mango Pagedown theme
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Add exercise icon using FontAwesome #1

Open grahamrp opened 5 years ago

grahamrp commented 5 years ago

Just added the icons and style for Excercise Boxes for now.

Used FontAwesome icon so a new CSS reference is added to main .Rmd.

What do you think, worth continuing down this track?

dougmet commented 5 years ago

Yes I love it. This is what I see when I run your branch:


Is there anything I should have installed locally? Ideally this would work for everyone.

dougmet commented 5 years ago

Hi @grahamrp I've found the icons that were made for us (checking format). Does it massively change the approach if we have something like an svg rather than a font-awesome (which is probably svg underneath). Maybe we can make our own "font"?

dougmet commented 5 years ago

...Does it massively change the approach if we have something like an svg rather than a font-awesome...

Worry about this later I think.