dougmoscrop / angularjs-templates-brunch

Compile templates in to an AngularJS module as a Brunch plugin
MIT License
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String escaping fails in certain exotic scenarios #3

Closed wiltzius closed 9 years ago

wiltzius commented 9 years ago

The regex that escapes the HTML angular template doesn't account for all scenarios -- in particular, when there's already a backslash-escaped single quote (\') in the HTML template (in my case, present in an ng-click handler).

Since this is one of those fiddly things that's difficult to get right, I find it easier to use a library. I have a fork where I swapped the escape code for js-string-escape which addresses the issue. It's here:

I've also merged the changes from which add a base configuration option.

Are you interested in a pull request?

dougmoscrop commented 9 years ago

For sure!

wiltzius commented 9 years ago

Here you go:

Let me know your thoughts.

dougmoscrop commented 9 years ago

Fixed in v1.0.0 via #4