dougmoscrop / serverless-plugin-split-stacks

A plugin to generate nested stacks to get around CloudFormation resource/parameter/output limits
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sls package requiring AWS credentials #69

Open davecarlson opened 5 years ago

davecarlson commented 5 years ago

In our workflow, sls package is run separately to the deploy step.

When adding in this plugin, I am receiving the following error when doing sls package:

  AWS provider credentials not found. Learn how to set up AWS provider credentials in our docs here: <>.

I cannot see anything that calls that that AWS cli access is required in the README, and wouldn't normally expect it to be needed for packaging. Is this by design, or is it doing something that requires AWS access?


  - serverless-webpack
  - serverless-plugin-split-stacks  
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  - serverless-offline

    perFunction: false
    perType: true
dougmoscrop commented 5 years ago

Yeah we have to fetch the current state of the world, because migrations are sticky

I wonder if we could just do the split on deploy*

harmanjassalrf commented 5 years ago

I believe this should be done as part of deploy since we are running into same issue and we don't use deploy feature, rather rely on AWS to create change set by comparing stack in different aws accounts. Seems like the plugin assumes that stack is deployed in the same environment which is not the case.

dougmoscrop commented 5 years ago

I'm fine with moving it to deploy, but it's very unlikely it will work with changesets. Nested stacks and change sets are basically unsupported by AWS

harmanjassalrf commented 5 years ago

I am not sure how this will handle a scenario where CI builds are executed in a different environment where no other stack exists. Build Setup CI Environment Code Pipeline Run build and create cloud formation template Dev Transition Codepipeline create changeset by comparing cloudformation template and then execute the same Sandbox Transition Upon approval changeset is created by comparing the cloudfomration generated during build against sandbox environment and a similar process is followed for other environments.

This used to work in the old version and stopped working with the latest release.

dougmoscrop commented 5 years ago

The ChangeSet will generate, it will just show 'MODIFIED' for all the nested stacks, and won't show you any details of them. This is CloudFormation behaviour, not Serverless/this plugin.

If you can work around that, with deploy hook, then we're OK?