dougvk / ens-registrar3

A CLI for ENS using Truffle 3.0. See tutorial for more!
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Undocumented breakages in readme (without docker) #2

Open richbodo opened 7 years ago

richbodo commented 7 years ago

To get this running I had to:

1) Change truffle.js to reflect the correct hostname: localhost, not testrpc - I have no DNS alias to testrpc.

2) Grab submodule during install. git submodule update --init --recursive

3) Run the CLI with npm run ens, as I have no babel-node.

I'm sure all of those are fixed with a docker virt, but I didn't use docker.

richbodo commented 7 years ago

testrpc is also hardcoded as RPC_HOST in ensa.js line 5, FWIW

chetmurthy commented 6 years ago

The migration doesn't appear to work, either. I'm new to truffle, so hacking-around on the migration (trying to follow the docs on truffle-deployer) doesn't appear to improve the situation.

So this appears to be broken? I'm running with ganache-cli and

Truffle v4.1.3 (core: 4.1.3) Solidity v0.4.19 (solc-js)