doujinshi-info / frontend-nuxt is an information database containing data on self-published works known as doujinshi. The goal of the site is to catalog, tag, and categorize as many doujinshi as possible.
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Cover & Sample Image Won't Upload #12

Open CrimsonSkadi opened 2 years ago

CrimsonSkadi commented 2 years ago

Submitting a cover image or sample image will not always upload. Will sometimes provide no error and not uploaded the cover but the samples. Or in some cases where the sample was uploaded but not the cover re attempting to upload has a chance of not providing an error.

Some error message that some times show up for cover "error:rate_limit" or "errors.cover.image" Some error of sample "The samples.1 must be an image" or "The samples. 0 must be an image"

Note that this is uploading the image via the website.


I was able to get the sample images to upload after having first entered the doujinshi without images. Once entered I need to wait for the limit cool down to edit again and apply the samples. The cover will not take, there will also be no changelog record of an attempt when the cover itself is being applied.

CrimsonSkadi commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this would qualify as being part of the same issue but covers & samples images also can't be removed. There are some doujinshi that have been entered that the image and the samples are not loading correct (show broken page icon). When attempting to remove/delete this images they don't get removed after saving.


I attempted to remove the sample and the cover image and apply the 3 sample images back (as I am aware that at this time submitting cover images won't stick) The 2 original images stayed and only picked up the 3rd new image file.