doujinshi-info / frontend-nuxt is an information database containing data on self-published works known as doujinshi. The goal of the site is to catalog, tag, and categorize as many doujinshi as possible.
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Feature parity with #19

Open donmaikin opened 1 year ago

donmaikin commented 1 year ago

As you probably know, is defunct. In order for to become its effective replacement, some improvements should be done in order to get feature parity:

Name (English) Name (Japanese)
Commercial other 商業その他
Commercial Novel 商業ノベル
Commercial Artbook 商業アートブック
Commercial other book 商業本その他
Telephone Card テレホンカード
Shitajiki 下敷き
Poster ポスター
Postcard ポストカード
Calendar カレンダー
Bootleg 海賊版
Doujinshi 同人誌
Unknown 不詳
Doujin Novel 同人ノベル
Doujin Music 同人音楽作品
Doujin Movie 同人映像作品
Doujin Goods 同人グッズ
Commercial Mook ムック
Doujin CG 同人CG
Doujin Soft 同人ソフト
Doujin Other 同人その他
Manga 漫画
Manga (Part) 漫画 (抜粋)
Commercial Magazine 雑誌
Commercial CG 商業CG
Commercial Soft 商業ソフト
frozenpandaman commented 1 month ago

Was any backup of ever made?