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about Dynamic Index Tables #1

Open giannik opened 2 weeks ago

giannik commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Dawid, I just saw your demo on Dynamic Index Tables here : This is something i always wanted to do. Create index tables from the admin, not code. Is this available as a module or are there plans to make it available ? Thank you. Yiannis

douwinga commented 2 weeks ago

This is not currently available as a module. I do hope to make it available after we get everything converted to not using newtonsoft and make sure everything is working well. We currently have a memory issue when inserting the content item into the context so that it is available to the script that builds the mapping. I believe this is due to the newtonsoft serialization (at least that is where we see the leak in memory) and we are hoping this issue goes away once we are using system.text.json. We currently use a workaround to fix the memory issue that requires a dependency we would not want in a standalone module.

This will take a bit since we are moving all of our code off of newtonsoft at the same time and we have a large codebase. Then it is just a matter of making sure the module works standalone.

giannik commented 2 weeks ago

looking forward to it.Thanks