Closed Safier516 closed 2 months ago
What version of Foundry and Simple Calendar and Simple Weather?
Version 12 - 330 Simple Weather 1.13.5 Simple Calendar 2.4.18
Hmmm. I can't reproduce this. I do see that the temperature box changes color (and all the UI gets a little screwy) when it's attached, but I can successfully enter a number and generate new weather.
Is it disabling the box for you? Is it preventing you from typing in the box or from generating new weather?
What happens if you try to put a temperature in the box? Will it let you click in? Let you type?
I can click on the box, but I can't type in any numbers.
Could you try disabling all modules except simple calendar and simple weather? I wonder if it's a conflict with something else.
All modules switched off and no, it doesn't work. If I replace “clear sky” with one of the other options and then try to put a number in the box, it goes back to “clear sky”.
Can you upgrade to 1.15.1 and see if that helps? If it doesn't...
Hit F12 to open the debugger and at the ">" prompt in the console window type:
Hit enter and copy/paste the output (which will be long) here.
simple-weather DEBUG OUTPUT
isGM: true displayOptions: { "dateBox": false, "weatherBox": true, "seasonBar": true, "biomeBar": true, "manualBar": true } dialogDisplay: true calendarPresent: true manualPause: false currentClimate: 0 currentHumidity: 0 currentBiome: currentSeason: 0 currentSeasonSync: true ModuleSettings.dialogDisplay: true ModuleSettings.outputWeatherToChat: true ModuleSettings.publicChat: true ModuleSettings.useFX: core ModuleSettings.FXByScene: false ModuleSettings.attachToCalendar: true ModuleSettings.storeInSCNotes: true ModuleSettings.fxActive: true getData: { "isGM": true, "displayDate": "September 07, 2024", "formattedDate": "6/8/2024", "formattedTime": "00:02:07", "weekday": "Saturday", "currentTemperature": "15°C", "currentDescription": "Blue white sky", "currentSeasonClass": "fa-sun summer", "biomeSelections": [ { "value": "", "text": "Use climate/humidity" }, { "value": "tundra", "text": "Tundra" }, { "value": "alpine", "text": "Alpine" }, { "value": "taiga", "text": "Taiga" }, { "value": "chapparel", "text": "Chapparel" }, { "value": "grassland", "text": "Grassland" }, { "value": "forest", "text": "Forest" }, { "value": "desert", "text": "Desert" }, { "value": "savannah", "text": "Savannah" }, { "value": "rainforest", "text": "Rainforest" } ], "seasonSelections": [ { "value": "sync", "text": "Sync with Simple Calendar" }, { "value": "0", "text": "Spring" }, { "value": "1", "text": "Summer" }, { "value": "2", "text": "Fall" }, { "value": "3", "text": "Winter" } ], "humiditySelections": [ { "value": "0", "text": "Barren" }, { "value": "1", "text": "Modest" }, { "value": "2", "text": "Verdant" } ], "climateSelections": [ { "value": "0", "text": "Cold" }, { "value": "1", "text": "Temperate" }, { "value": "2", "text": "Hot" } ], "manualSelections": [ { "value": "0", "text": "Clear sky" }, { "value": "1", "text": "Fleecy clouds" }, { "value": "2", "text": "Grey, windy" }, { "value": "3", "text": "Dark storm cloud" }, null, { "value": "5", "text": "Light rain" }, { "value": "6", "text": "Steady rain" }, { "value": "7", "text": "Heavy rain" }, { "value": "8", "text": "Light fog" }, { "value": "9", "text": "Fog banks" }, { "value": "10", "text": "Heavy fog" }, { "value": "11", "text": "Light snowfall" }, { "value": "12", "text": "Moderate snowfall, windy" }, { "value": "13", "text": "Heavy snow" }, { "value": "14", "text": "Hail storm" } ], "displayOptions": { "dateBox": false, "weatherBox": true, "seasonBar": true, "biomeBar": true, "manualBar": true }, "hideCalendar": true, "hideCalendarToggle": true, "hideWeather": false, "hideFXToggle": false, "manualPause": false, "fxActive": true, "useCelsius": true, "attachedMode": true, "showAttached": true, "SCContainerClasses": "fsc-of sc-right fsc-c", "windowPosition": { "bottom": 0, "left": 0 }, "containerPosition": "relative", "hideDialog": false }
Ah ha! Found it! It's because the calendar is in compact mode. I'll work on fixing it now.
Sorry I missed that detail from your original picture.
Fixed in v1.15.2. Thanks for your help in reporting and debugging!
When I connect Simple Weather to Simple Calendar, I can no longer write a number in the temperature box to manually set the weather. If Simple Weather is not connected to Simple Calendar, it works.