dovy / Pedigree-Viewer

Real-Time Collaboration is open sourcing the effort they made to create a fully html5 pedigree viewer. This works on most modern browsers and features panning, zooming, and view modifications.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23 stars 11 forks source link

Have you revisited this in the last few years? #18

Open Unisyn99 opened 6 years ago

Unisyn99 commented 6 years ago

It's probably the best javascript I've found for running a family tree scenario.

Though i'm hoping to get my head into it and make it a bit more usable because what I'm finding is family trees are not that simple.

It's not uncommon for people to have children to multiple partners and for relatives (2 or 3 times removed) to have children together creating a circular reference which would also be useful to show

One of the things that would be really helpful to achieve this aim would be to split parents into their own nodes. Or be able to add multiple parents to the same node and have all the children that resulted from those unions list below.

Any tips on where i should start looking in the to achieve this?

stuporglue commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately being the best doesn't make it perfect :-)

I haven't touched the code in 5 years, but if I were to pick up the project today I would probably rewrite the tree using d3 ( ).

D3 would be able to handle any level of tree complexity ( )

Standard trees ( )

And many other ways to represent genealogical data.

D3 isn't hard per se, but it is its own environment. I've used it enough to know that it'd work well for this project, but not enough to just go bang it out in a weekend.

Unisyn99 commented 6 years ago

Cheers for the reply,

I've been checking out D3 and yeah it's pretty sexy. It will interesting to see how it handles many to many relationships.